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McGee Return TD

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Everything posted by McGee Return TD

  1. Nice - hopefully he's asked about this and not his anal opening by the Gohmert clan Republicans
  2. There's a lot of history buffs on this forum - I wasn't aware of any airports being occupied during the Revolutionary War until Trump told me about it last night. Can one of you educate us on this topic? Thanks!
  3. Founding fathers in the afterlife are making it pour on D.C.- happy 4th!
  4. You're almost as dumb here as you are on tweeter https://www.swp-berlin.org/10.18449/2019C02/ DR - Dumbass Rhino
  5. There is no such thing as the "European Commission Security Counsel" You're an idiot. Don't blow your hand off Thursday. Happy 4th.
  6. So you can't name the members of the European Commission Security Counsel? It doesn't take links - just a quick paste of who the members are.
  7. Who are the members of the European Commision Security Counsel?
  8. There is no such thing as the European Commision Security Counsel. You're a moron, sir tweets a ot.
  9. Crazy how he saw that even though he's got you muted. He's got some sort of Canadian superpower.
  10. Nah I'll be baked on Keuka Lake but you do you
  11. not an emergency situation #deepstatethough
  12. Not an emergency according to Randy Gentry Probably a hiccup in the parade route
  13. Who cares? The Trump worshipers will watch and everyone else will be having fun outside
  14. Bumping this so you can have your smear title wish. Hurry up, though - DR is going to retweet something soon.
  15. Fianlly! Even though you were quoting me a couple of weeks ago.
  16. Berkeley ain't a state Kamala is killing it. She's the favorite to win the nomination IMO
  17. Yep - he'll be in jail by fall.. with Comey and Brennan
  18. Yang blows - some agreement finally!
  19. You want to have an adult conversation then give me an I dare you. Nah
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