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McGee Return TD

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Everything posted by McGee Return TD

  1. The fact that everything about Trump is winning or losing to the #MAGA cult demonstrates how far up his rear end their collective heads are.
  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but Canada is the only country to ever sign a safe third country deal with the US. This will go to the courts.
  3. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1158 In case anyone cares about the law anymore
  4. Dodgeball superstars and Monet-like basket weavers in this thread The trumpanzees will defend him until the day they die
  5. You are a brainwashed moron lol Read what you are writing. You might need to actually be committed
  6. Not reading the last few pages but I bet the typical BillsChaners are defending the #RacistInChief
  7. In America, we are innocent until proven otherwise. But the head of the "United States of America" questioned when 11 people would begin trial for treason BEFORE they were even indicted (which they still never have been)! It's almost fall... when's the Comey bombshell report coming out?
  8. Except for all the trumpettes on page 1 of this thread pivoting to Obama - sure!
  9. Gracious way to admit you were wrong!
  10. Is it pretty racist or raycis? One of those is serious and the other I see a joke. Not sure why you would juxtapose the 2 if you felt that strongly it was racist... Also not sure what comments your alluding to. Finally, Biden is a clown.
  11. LOL Check the Obama post presidency thread moron
  12. Calm down nanky- must have missed your nap
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