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McGee Return TD

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Everything posted by McGee Return TD

  1. You continue to be full of feces. Alpha News is not her hometown paper nor is it a paper at all.
  2. That was my first and only Bills game I've seen live in another stadium. 2004 I believe. All I remember about the game is McGahee got 3 or 4 TDs and the Bills kicked their ass
  3. Trump cultists = the party of hate The comments to this dude's thread are more abhorrent than the bull#### that went on during #orangemanbad's rally.
  4. (Not) interesting you call me out but not your kek buddy who made the original comment about "lefties"
  5. Sure if you want to ignore everyone on the right who has also spoke out.
  6. You use hate so often you don't even realize it
  7. Party of Trump = party of hate Keep on hating - you're good at it
  8. Not surprising coming from a member of the party of hate I'm jrober too?
  9. I know you want my attention all the time, but I obviously wasn't referring to you. That's why I quoted the person I was referring to.
  10. lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DeRaNgEdRhInOcErOuS RED PILLIN US ALL
  11. So great to see how unified the Republican Party was on today’s vote concerning statements I made about four Democrat Congresswomen - Trump Everyone knew who he meant because everyone knows he's a racist
  12. He called them "Progressive" Democrat congresswomen You're lying. They want you to lie. You do it for them. You're an enabler.
  13. I know you're dumb but your boy literally told everyone what they already knew
  14. There are literally hundreds of house members that share similar views that are not attacked by the president
  15. BillsChan racist enablers out in full force
  16. This news organization is cited here quite often. Glad they're so unbiased. Back to your Republican meltdown - #orangemanbad's next tweets are going to be extra whiny
  17. Nothing wrong if you've got the right pair of flips. I've got a pair of Rainbow flip flops in which I can comfortably walk a few miles.
  18. Classic BillsChan Classic moron lollllllllll
  19. You must be a Trumpanzee - you suck at math
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