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Everything posted by IndyJay1234

  1. The Bills' first big splash in free agency, Posey signed a four-year, $6.4 million free agent contract with the team Friday. Wow that killed our cap!!
  2. Ecactly how much did TD pay Posey? Was it 40 million?? Ahh no. I seem to remember Posey coming at a very reasonable rate. So he is a below average LB... It is not like we invested a ton of money into Posey....
  3. Post a third one coach... Ohhhh noooo people on the internet are picking on me...
  4. I can handle it. I find it amusing that I get busted for not reading and then get flamed twice when people cant read either of my two apologies themselves.
  5. Amazing how forgiving this board is. I apologize twice and still get flamed...
  6. As I stated in the post above. Sorry.. my bad..
  7. sorry.. my bad.
  8. I have been thinking about ESPN and how they love Teddy Brushi so much that I thought of the South Par song about Brian Boitano and decided to change a few lyrics... What would Teddy Brushi do If he was here right now, He'd make a plan And he'd follow through, That's what Teddy Brushi'd do. When Teddy Brushi was in the NFL, Playing for the gold, He made tackles all over the field, While wearing a blind fold. When Teddy Brushi was in the alps, Fighting grizzly bears, He used his magical fire breath, And saved the maidens fair. So what would Teddy Bruchi do If he were here today, I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two, That's what Teddy Brushi'd do. When Teddy Brushi travelled through time To the year 3010, He fought the evil robot kings and saved the human race again And when Teddy Brushi built the pyramids, He beat up Kubela Kong. Cos Teddy Brushi doesn't take sh-- from an-e-y-body So lets all get together, And unite to stop our mom's And we'll save Terrance and Phillip too, Cos that's what Teddy Brushi do. And we'll save Terrance and Phillip too, Cos that's what Teddy Brushi dooooo, That's what Teddy Brushi do.
  9. I live in Indy and Freeney was widely considered a reach at 11... Yes he has worked out great but if I get a copy of tomorrows paper I can make a killing on Wall Street today..
  10. I am not going to argue many of these. But Not keeping Peerless. Yeah because a WR that has 3 catches this year in Dallas is a huge loss over Willis McGahee...
  11. Is it possible that the move to the left side is to get him comfortable before possibly switching him to LT. The Left Guard position could be the first step...
  12. Dear God, NFL Games last 60 minutes and not 52.... I will still not smoke but you owe me the next three games!!!
  13. If they beat them twice I promise to resign as the President of the Lauvale Sape fan club...
  14. I hope so. It is a win win... I actually quit 10 days ago but need to quit longer than 10 days and this could be proper motivation... PLUS THE BILLS BEAT NE!!!!
  15. Funny... God Loves football and he loves the Bills... It is just YOU that he does not like... I am kidding.. :-)
  16. If the Bills beat the Patriots I will quit smoking.... I need to anyways so could you please let the Bills win and I will hold up on my end of the bargain... This could be fun. Say a prayer with me and make a deal with the almighty....
  17. Lets fire the fans, the city and Earl. That guy earl... Man he pisses me off!!
  18. I am pretty sick of the fire the Offensive Coordinator talk. Two years ago it was Kevin Gillbride. Before that it was fire Mike Shepard. Before that years ago it was fire Joe Pendry. Two years from now it will be fire Offensive Coordinator TBA. How about this. FIX the OFFENSIVE LINE!! Then Fix the Defensive LINE!!! I live in Indy and trust me the playmakers we have are very good but they are very good because of Tarrik Glenn, Jeff Saturday, Rian Diem.... The three men no one has ever heard about. You know why... Because they dont give up sacks or take too many penalties.... Back in the Hayday we had a great Offensive Line... NO WONDER we had a good QB, a good RB, a good set of WR's... Sorry for the rant... I feel better now...
  19. I bet Drew Hensen would never start a chant like this. THANK GOD WE PASSED ON DREW.... You sound surprised with the Sapesters leadership skills. The man is destined to make the Hall of fame..
  20. "It's tough. I talked to a lot of veteran players, and we want to win now," I want to win now. And it cant be my fault we are losing. "For a veteran player, the window's closing for us and we want to try to win now." You think they are going to pay me my 6 million next season if we miss the playoffs again and we have to rebuild???
  21. Fun game. Come up with Bills quotes and use your decoder rings to come up with the real meaning. All in the spirit of doom and gloom in the Bills nation! :-) We believe that JP gives a better chance to make the playoffs next season- “We suck and it really gives us yet another excuse to miss the playoffs.” Pat Williams was only in on 53% of the plays last year and the drop off will be limited- “We now have an excuse to have the 31st defense against the run” I think with any young player you have to be patient- “We are going to yank the kid, kill his confidence and kill our future to beat Miami” We are going to be a very good running team and pound the ball- “Does anyone have Air Coryells phone number?” Roscoe Parrish will be out 4-8 weeks- “He is done for the season” We don’t comment on our starters- “We are going to pick straws with our QB’s. Short straw starts and he has to run for his life with our offensive line” Everyone in this organization is on thin ice- “Everyone but me is on thin ice. I have some baloney to come up with that I have to sell to the idiot fans to buy a 6th year of non playoff appearances” We believe we have an elite defense- “Elite compared to Canadian Football teams. Of course they only need to hold their opponents for 2 downs before punting
  22. Damn Right!!
  23. Get that tree a uniform and start him in place of Posey!!
  24. How strong it is... That is so true..
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