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Everything posted by Simstim

  1. We finally see a good pass. Then that. Sigh.
  2. I rather doubt anyone else has noticed this yet. Our defense looks a bit good this year. Like really a bit good indeed.
  3. Was that Zay's fault or Josh's? I can't tell. Either it was thrown too soon, or Zay didn't turn in time.
  4. I do hope we sign a decent punter soon. It's going to become increasingly tiresome giving away such terrible field position.
  5. He was just so, so bad yesterday. He did exactly what he shouldn't have for a player with his traits. Considering he has had all of camp to at least get some training, he looked like he had learned nothing. And though I know next to nothing of his time in college - watched a highlights vid and that is it - I can't imagine he looked as bad as he did in the game. The badly timed, ill thought out wobbly duck interception was dire enough, but his attempt at a touch pass was so off target it left little room for us to have hope on his part - and that's ignoring that dobbler to Wade that would have giving him a second TD in two games. Physical talents are pointless if you can't use them. I don't know enough about him to really accuse him of not being that smart, but he just didn't look any use at all and what had he learned? And yes, I worry for the backup wideouts. I was looking forward to see if Sills V could play, but the evidence is far to scarce at the moment. Maybe he'll come good against Detroit. I doubt it, but I could be wrong.
  6. That would be most irritating. Could do with seeing our D against a proper QB.
  7. Well, that was fun. Until Tyree. And I'd love him to do well. Still though. Good start to the preseason, and the most of the main players looking sharp.
  8. Because he just doesn't understand the game. It's such a different thing to be inculcated into football from childhood - some might say birth - and a totally different thing to learn it - as an adult - in a year or two. I'd love him to make the 53, but I just think the deck is too stacked against him. Though he is doing his best to give himself a shot. He really is incredibly talented.
  9. Oof. Another horrible excuse for a pass. Feel for Sills. To some extent.
  10. Wade. Gotta love it.
  11. That was, well, woeful.
  12. I think the D-line might be lacking in depth ?
  13. In case? I like that.
  14. I pretty much agree, but obviously not about Zay. Don't get me wrong, he is incredibly frustrating. Too many drops. Needs to improve many aspects of his game, and was really hoping to see him come in this year as a top player, and yet still... But I also think that he plays hard, blocks well, gets open a pretty decent amount of the time, has a good understanding with Josh and has the talent to be a really good wideout. But still...
  15. Why did you have to say that? Spoiled a perfectly lovely post. ?
  16. I know that what you have there fills our needs well, but I just think Zay is too talented. I'd be surprised if we dropped Zay for either of McKenzie or Duke, who, to me, are clearly less talented players. Could happen though if we got a decent trade out of it. As I say the group you put together is well rounded.
  17. It's a start, and he's doing what he needs to. Tonight. Has to do it in the next two - and whatever time he gets for the rest of this game, to have a chance of making the cut. It's a good competition this year. What a change.
  18. A few random thoughts this halftime. Bills look sharp, deep. The team looks to be humming nicely. Revving up at the right time and the right speed so they hit the season start with purpose. Allen getting ever closer to looking like the real deal. How nice is it to have 2 QBs that we are confident in? Liking the wideout competition this year. Could really do with one of the big boys - Sills V or Williams - stepping up and claiming that last slot though. Good TD catch by Williams. Exactly what he needed. RB room looks healthy, although I am still concerned about shady. And fumblitis from our lower downs. I think this might well be a good year for Lawson. Seems to be putting it together nicely. And in such good shape. Contract year, who'd have thunk it? Ed Oliver. Be still my beating heart. I think we have a superstar on our hands. Probably. It's really fun to see us looking good in preseason. Enjoying this, albeit with the obvious caveats in place. Must say that the thing that has impressed me most in the 1 and a 1/2 games (and camp reports to some extent) thus far is the depth in our D. Whatever happens with the offense this year, our defense should be outstanding. On the other hand both teams we have played have been utter poop and have been missing key starters. And of course, it's just silly/preseaon. Not allowing me to get carried away. Which is irksome. Oh, and hi, nice to meet you all. Bills fan since '91. Bring back the red lids* *only joking to all you white lid fans, I know you are right - it's just when I started supporting the Bills... well you know the rest.
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