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Everything posted by hjnick

  1. It really depends on what Mahomes wants. IF he feels he is bulletproof, a 2 year deal makes sense. BUT if he wants more security, maybe you leave a little money on the table and sign a 4-5 year deal, 80% guaranteed, 160-200MIL deal. This way, if you get a catastrophic injury, you have secured your future and your families. Who knows what he is thinking... maybe he wants multiple Super Bowls and become the GOAT+, take less money so KC can build a strong all around team. Right now, at this moment, NO, Josh is not worth Mahomes money... BUT if Buffalo goes out and wins a Super Bowl and Josh puts up good numbers (he FINALLY has a #1 WR on the roster), winner the Super Bowl raises his worth significantly. IMO, this is what Dak does not understand. If he takes Dallas to a Super Bowl win, he can demand any money he wants... BTW, look at the other side of Dallas' team. Their defense if held together with bailing wire and duct tape.
  2. If Jerry was smart, he would have traded Dak to Miami for as many #1 picks they could get and take Tua in the draft... That would have been smart.
  3. There isn't going to be a deal. Why would Jerry want to sign Dak right now? Uncertainty in the upcoming team cap because of COVID, only paying Dak 31MIL this year. Why get a deal now unless it is something Dallas REALLY wants. Good luck Dak.
  4. Has anyone heard any Clowney news??? Thx
  5. I kinda understand what Stephen A is trying to say, but I don't agree with him. I totally agree that I have no idea why Arizona hired Kingbury (dude is a tool), but at the same time I know why Carolina hired Rhule. Rhule turned around Temple, then Baylor into good programs. The dude can build good teams. If this had always been the rule, Dallas never could have hired Jimmy Johnson or Barry Switzer... which both won Super Bowls.
  6. Why do you get the bonus draft movement only when you hire him??? EVERY YEAR that the minority HC stays there you should move up 10 picks... Can we have multiple HC's? Why not? Wouldn't we do better with 2 or 3 HC's to divvy up the workload? Like others have said, what about women or LBGTQ+ people? Those should be extra 1st round picks right? _______________________ Ok, this has been a great conversation. I think most people are in the same boat. This resolution is dumb and should not be used. I personally like the Rooney rule. If anything, it will give minority candidates practice for when they do get the job. So, one of the questions is 'why so many coaching retreads?' I think there are a number of reasons: 1) Going with people you know. - If you know someone that you have known for a while and you think they would be a good head coach, that's an easy choice. You know the person and their philosophy, their demeanor and if you can 'get along' with them. 2) Known commodity. - Look at Tom Coughlin. Personally, never liked him as a coach, BUT he won a super bowl. That dude got to the top of the mountain. He will get the benefit of the doubt multiple times. You don't think Jerry Jones took McCarthy's Superbowl win into account? His offensive philosophy? Now, ask long as you don't totally blow your first Head Coaching gig, you will probably get a second chance. 3) Schanahan, Schottenheimer, Shula (please forgive spelling)... head coaching royalty. Would a GM or owner want to take a change on a non-HC (black or white) vs. a person that has lived in coaching their whole life? Also, elevating a first time non-HC (black or white) is a HUGE HUGE gamble. They have never been an NFL head coach before. It's close to a crap shoot. As for GM's, these are front office people... NOT necessarily prior players, so I have zero information on the reason for less minority GM's.
  7. I think all the CB2 talk was because Norman only has a 1 year deal and alot of ppl here soured on Levi Wallace last year.
  8. I liked Tess. At least he was trying to bring some interesting takes. Honestly, Booger is such a black hole of an announcer, I don't care who you put with him, they are going down...
  9. OK then... So, why wouldn't almost every player in college football then apply for the draft? As long as I get drafted, I'm good to go right? So now the NFL instead of looking at ~300 players (guessing) now has to look at 5,6,700 players if not more. This is shortsidedness for a *potential* handful of kids that could play at a younger age (this doesn't mean their body would hold up though). The NFL has trouble figuring out which kids will be good right now after 3 years of tape... Can you imagine an 18 year old that *seems* physically able to do it, but you have almost ZERO tape on them and they have only been at a university for 1 semester? This is sheer idiocy IMO. Do you really want to see the end of an NFL roster with a bunch of *potentials*, but can't really help out your team?
  10. Can't wait to see how Andy Dalton does leading the Cowgirls.
  11. NYJ - W @Mia - W LAR - W @LV - W @ Titans - L KC - W @NYJ - W NE - W @Sea - L @Arizona - W LAC -W @SF - L PIT - W @DEN - L @NE- W MIA - W 12-4 SWEEP THE EAST!
  12. No comment. Just wanted to get in before it gets locked. ?
  13. Clowney has overestimated his value, which is sad. He should talk with Houston's GM for a contract... He just gave a 3yr/66mil contract to an OT... Oops... I guess he probably can't go back there... Never burn bridges bro...?
  14. 50% salary cap reduction! The NFL cannot let that happen. I'm sure at least half the teams couldn't even get that low with all the dead money from cancelling all their high priced contracts. The cap might go down by 5-10%, but I cannot see 50%. It would devastated most of the teams.
  15. I think the first 4-5 weeks is going to dictate what New England does for the rest of their season. They are going to give Stidham every chance to show his still skill and win over the first 4 games. If Stidham has led them to a 3-2 or 4-1 record, they are going to keep trying to win. If Stidham has led them to a 0-4(or 5) or 1-4 record, I think Bill will try and tank the season to get the #1 pick for Trevor Lawrence. I'm sure New England has scouted him for the 2021 draft and realize how good he is.
  16. There is no great solution to this problem of social spacing. Cause you have to worry about all of the seats around you, not just the ones beside you.
  17. Isn't every other seat empty and then staggering the empty seat for every other row, be enough for social distancing with wearing a mask??? EX: O Occupied E Empty Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 O E O E O E E O E O E O O E O E O E E O E O E O That way nobody is breathing down other persons back. This would create 50% capacity. So you would only have to give up 1/2 the home games.
  18. OT IMO. I don't think we are going to be able to come to compatible terms with Dawkins... So, I would assume an OT at this spot.
  19. I agree they are alot cheaper, but Fournette wasn't that bad of a RB, but he did produce. Other than his attitude and non-teammatedness. I guess ultimately they thought keeping him for 1 more year was worth more than any trade offer they received.
  20. If we have 2 rings, I would be happy to give him 40MIL. BUT I hope he wants more SuperBowl trophies and doesn't try to break the bank. Definitely pay the man, tho.
  21. The 32nd pick of the 2021 draft will be the highest rated OT.
  22. Damn, Beane is playing 5D chess against these other GM's.
  23. The real question is did Miami execute the 5th year option for Harris?
  24. Jags being Jags... ??? They try and trade Forunette, won't take whatever they can get for him... and still decline his 5th year option... What a bunch of Jags... ?
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