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Everything posted by streetkings01

  1. Rivalry? 4-1…..152-78…..we own those bums!
  2. Watch the Pats fans tell everyone how proud they are of Mac Jones that he never gave up on even tho that last TD was against our 2nd string. Mac Jones is a bum……period!
  3. Let them bring up some other stupid stat to try and minimize our QB!
  4. Bum team still running the football ……..lucky we ain’t put 50 on them!
  5. One thing that sucks about being being a Bills fan especially against the Patriots is all that scar tissue is the past 20 years won’t allow us to rest easy in the 2nd half up 27-3…….I hate this feeling 😩
  6. All we have to do in the 2nd half is match them point for point.
  7. I’m predicting it’s a close game going into the half then we blow this game game open in the 2nd half!
  8. Big boys……my sons are 9 and 12……haven’t hit puberty yet lol
  9. I got 2 sons…….gotta teach your kids, both sexes to keep their hands to themselves. I tell me kids not to put their hands on a women, but also not to let a women put their hands on them……their mother approves!
  10. I don’t condone punching a women, but I also don’t condone a women putting her hands on a man either. A good shaking and tossing to the side is all that is needed, but cold clocking a women is a sucker move! I had an an ex girlfriend spit in my face once, tossed her ass in some bushes, but never thought of actually hitting her.
  11. I think I found a show worse than GMF……Gameday View. The female host thinks Patriots beat the Bills because Belichick owns the Bills and is in McDermotts head! Never mind the fact that McDermott is 3-1 the last 4 games ……where do they get these host?
  12. I think Josh Allen eventually forces him into retirement much like Jim Kelly did Don Shula.
  13. It was a 13-10 going into the 4th because the play caller was calling the game as if we were in sunny Miami on a Saturday afternoon instead of cold windy Buffalo in the evening. We’re officially in one and done games…..can’t afford to make stupid mistakes like deep throws into the wind!
  14. Wind was definitely a factor ……I just post Josh’s numbers with and against the wind…..nite and day. I believe Hyde explained in his presser that the wind was similar to the Patriots Monday Nite game. Those 2 drives that were killed because of penalties……weren’t they both run plays for big gains? You don’t need a stud RB to run the ball heavily for 2 quarters. Into the wind our offense should’ve been run 1st mixed in with a ton of play action……instead we chose to constantly throw the ball deep.
  15. It was obvious the wind was an issue. If we ran more in the 2nd & 3rd quarter against the wind this game wouldn’t have been close. Josh Allen w/ the wind: 12/15 122 yds 2 TD Josh Allen against wind: 12/30 117 yds I’d say the wind did more to neutralize our offense in quarters 2 & 3 than the Jets defense did. Daboll has to do a better job when it comes to bad weather games.
  16. Wind was definitely the issue. It affected special teams and it affected the passing game. You think it was pure coincidence we didn’t punt once when having the wind and scored 24 points? C’mon bro smh 🤦🏽‍♂️
  17. The Buffalo winds haven’t been kind to our offense lately. We scored 24 points with wind and 3 against it. At least all these crazy weather games are preparing us for the playoffs!
  18. Bad punt going into the wind
  19. Buffalo offense with wind has been able to move the ball and score points without much of an issue…….going against the wind like we have in quarters 2 & 3 seems to be more of the neutralize than the Jets defense.
  20. What do you know……a touchdown going with the wind!
  21. They’re the 32nd ranked defense……we get it already Sheesh
  22. Jets punter seemed to have no trouble kicking in that direction……interesting.
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