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Everything posted by streetkings01

  1. This is a very good team. People need to realize this isn’t college and we’re not gonna blowout teams every week. I don’t care how we get the wins just keep getting them…….that’s the reason why I’ve enjoyed this season a lot …….we’re winning! Facts!
  2. Nobody asked if you served our country ……we talking about Bills football and you trolling! Being in the military ain’t relevant at all in this conversation!
  3. Hence the reason you get a ton of we still suck threads after a Bills win because your expectations are blowouts every Bills game! Adjust your expectations and you can actually enjoy a Bills win instead of bitching and moaning how we only won by 1 score. Not saying you B word and moan after a Bills win, but the majority of this board does.
  4. And you suck at trolling
  5. Another one struggling with reading comprehension! I swear this younger generation skims thru a thread and looks for a debate without fully reading the post and fully understanding it. 2019 - expectations were to win games anyway possible regardless of the score and get into the playoffs. 2022 - expectations were/are to blow out every team with Josh passing for 300+ yards and 3 touchdowns The expectations needs to be adjusted to 2019 Buffalo Bills……meaning: just win games regardless if they are ugly nail biters or blowouts…..just win baby!
  6. Comprehension isn’t your strong point huh? The point of the thread was for fans to adjust their expectations and not to expect blowouts like we’ve done in 2020, 2021 and the 1st half of 2022. Our wins are going to be similar to the 2019 wins……a lot of nail biters coming down to the last possession which you’ve seen over the past 3/4 games around when this thread was started.
  7. Tried to tell you guys 🤷🏽‍♂️
  8. Just curious if anyone coaches travel 5v5 flag football? I’ve coached travel flag for the past 3 years…..1 season of 10u and 2 seasons of 12u. This season I’ll be coaching 14u…….love to pick the brains of some experienced flag coaches.
  9. That elbow definitely ain’t a factor huh? Bad weather game today huh? Just be quit!
  10. Typical Buffalo Bills……gets yourselves ready for OT guys.
  11. What QB over the past month and half hasn’t looked good against us?
  12. Going at Dane Jackson……smart move.
  13. He’s need to teach Epanesa as well.
  14. Especially consistently drafting on the top 10 for like the last 5-6 seasons.
  15. Out coached and outplayed leading 20-9?
  16. Some bad tackling on this drive.
  17. Dane Jackson is bad……very bad.
  18. Epenesa is a bad tackler
  19. That looked like the defense we’ve been accustomed to the month of November.
  20. I was thinking the same thing.
  21. Offense isn’t off……Jets are killing our oline!
  22. This game gives me flashbacks of the Gailey era Bills offenses against Rex Ryan’s Jets defenses…….feels like they have an answer for everything we’re doing!
  23. Refs? We’re doing a fine job killing ourselves.
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