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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. c'mon, Henry Jones was not an unknown, sheesh!
  2. I dunno if you guys are blind or just willfully ignorant. Anyways, hope Maddy feels welcome by now if she's reading this thread
  3. c'mon, I grew up in the 80's, look at kids today vs. even just then. There is a huge difference...
  4. There is really no other option unless you want open borders, medicare for all (including all the illegal mexicans, africans, muslims, yadda) no more cows and planes, slave reparations, etc, which all sound like incredibly terrible/insane and economically detrimental policies.
  5. They must have some slimy lawyers in the contracts dept.
  6. But in reality, especially for reporters, looks, voice, body language, play an important role. Also plays a role in almost every service industry. It's part of the marketing.
  7. Wow that sounds sticky and disgusting.
  8. That right there shows you the difference between QB's and everyone else on the roster.
  9. You don't seem to get the point, never said fat people didn't exist in the 60's, 70 & 80's. My parents grew up in the 40's & 50's, they recall how rare it was to see a fat person, especially a fat kid. They also cooked with lard, bacon grease, drank whole milk with cream on top, yadda.
  10. Yeah, but, what was the percentage back then as compared to today?
  11. Is he talking any better these days?
  12. He releases what, a fart?
  13. James bond character is now a black woman... We've gone waaaay past too sensitive. Oh, that is entirely possible, but that's not really the "argument" here.
  14. Should it be equal? If so, how do you make it equal without the current social media manufactured outrage climate we find ourselves in? I simply don't buy that. You've never looked at someone and thought, they'd look pretty hot of they lost 20 lbs? That seems impossible.
  15. They were added before Beane arrived, Whaley and his staff supposedly did the legwork. I would not give up a 1st for Clowney, he has not lived up to the hype.
  16. The part about unequal outrage over the same thing or genetic engineering which applies to both genders?
  17. Oliver didn't look all that coach-able there, not a good look. Could've sworn I saw a 99 on his uniform...
  18. Oh boy, I want to say Donahoe hired him. I also know that human memory is mostly faked in by the brain.
  19. I watched that too. And, I'm sorry, but again, gullible. Do you really think they "love" and miss Buffalo? Really? Or are they just playing to the fan base when on camera?
  20. Yes ofc they do, but the outrage isn't there as it is when women are told the same thing. Genetic engineering and designer babies can't come fast enough tbh.
  21. That's the issue, it's not sexist. When a person, male or female goes to the Dr and the doc says you need to lose weight, it's not because the doctor is fat shaming, no matter how much society wants to label it as such.
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