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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. Talent Trumps lunch pail work ethic every time.
  2. Oh, I forgot the big hands for throwing the ball in the cold part. Throwing the ball accurately, consistently, is what we need from the QB, that's it. I did not hear Palmer mention that. People in the media keep saying the "blue collar" garbage because there isn't much else nice to say about the Buffalo fans base. Rust belt fans with sports organizations that never win.
  3. Oh boy, more "blue collar, lunch pail, farm boy" talk. Sure hope that means hes a 60% passer this season.
  4. It's fine, the banter is part of the fun. If the team was actually good there would be better things to talk about...
  5. Not sure why it's assumed I'm not having fun. Sure, it would be more fun if the team was good, but they're not.
  6. Sad that I didn't see a Billy Joe Hobert pic yet. EDIT, OMG what timing.
  7. I've likely been a Bills fan longer than you.
  8. Most people would have probably given up by now.
  9. Ah, here we go, the "sorry life" BS, lmao. So predictable. I assume you will tell me to go root for another team soon. Bills have not proven they are good yet, that's all the reality that matters.
  10. Doing what, pointing out that Bills fans keep falling for the same off season stories year after year? It's a public service more than anything.
  11. Well, that settles that, 40% to close to 80% basically since I was born. But yeah, it's just TV and social media
  12. He played between Devlin and Ostroski iirc. Leonard Smith?
  13. I heard stories of this dudes legendary locker room farts
  14. Yeah, he was one of the first to wear those nose strip things iirc. Welp, I'm failing hard at this game.
  15. Bingo, knew it was an Arabic type name.
  16. Damn, know the face, know the number, just not the name! arrrghhh
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