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Everything posted by daz28

  1. NGL, we gettin calls(and no calls) today.
  2. Huh? The right will call these facts fake news, and still firmly believe that drill baby drill is going to solve inflation. Shock would be maga admitting they were duped on ANYTHING.
  3. We can't simply go without produce, though. Obviously some tariffs were a good idea and that why they remain in place, but surely tariffs to bring back specific, targeted industries is better than blanket tariffs. It would also be nice to have an idea how the effects of the migration and drug tariffs are going to be monitored for success. If this is just an extension of the abject failure 'war on drugs', then I don't like it one bit.
  4. First, would there be a way to tangibly monitor and track migration, with set guidelines on when the tariffs would/wouldn't be in effect? Second, that tariff is paid by US importers. The only way to avoid passing that cost on to US customers would be to get the goods through another similarly priced market. If the tariffs are on all Central American countries/markets, then where would we get these goods from at an affordable price for Americans? Certainly not American farmers, as they will already be hurting from losses of their migrant worker force, and they won't be able to compete price wise. A lot of the tariffs on China worked out, but the agricultural ones not so much, and that's the main export from Central America. The Canadian tariffs I really don't understand at all. The Chinese tariffs, with regard to fentanyl, also has the same issue with migration, in how would you monitor its success? I suppose we'll find out more details eventually, but for now those are some big questions.
  5. How will this work? Will Mexico just detain citizens they believe may be looking to migrate over the border? Is that even legal?
  6. Forcing the picks was, and I believe still is being discussed. I had heard that there were at least 8 hard no's from senators on Gaetz, and he personally named 4 that would certainly doom him, so that made forcing his appointment that much harder in the public eye. Confirmation hearings would have almost certainly forced the release of what appears to be a damning report, and he knows they'll be voting on that shortly. If he removed himself now, I think that makes the vote on releasing it passing much less likely. That report could harm him politically and in the private sector. This was probably his best move. Like you said, he's looking for loyalty, so one nominee is really no different than the other.
  7. Pickens with a massive push off and looking for a flag. On himself?
  8. It's up there with the old Seahawk luck.
  9. The Browns are browning it up real good for us right now.
  10. We get a FG and everyone goes Apenuts
  11. Keep Cookin, No ty or ray
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