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Everything posted by daz28

  1. The trump train may as well have, 'The Military Industrial Complex' written right on the side of it. He's not a war hawk and I appreciate that, but he's not great at making peace either. Absolutely no one on either side has ANY intention of ever defunding it. The idea that other countries fear trump, and mind their P's and Q's because of it, is a myth.
  2. What happened to the people seeing through the democrats BS? I thought it only helped them get elected. You may as well stop, because I'll never allow hypocritical nonsense to slide. Don't be shocked to see MG back in politics soon, and it's because the GQP is NOT the party of values anymore. That's quite apparent.
  3. I don't believe he's a "pedophile", but from the information I've seen, it appears he did have sex with a person underage. I also believe what HE literally called "funds" were a payment. I'm asking YOU why you can in one instance claim he must be innocent if they didn't prosecute, yet still claim they'll indict anyone on flimsy charges if they're a member of the GQP. That's YOUR conundrum, not mine. fund [fənd] noun funds (plural noun) a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose:
  4. I think we can agree to agree Merry Christmas to all.
  5. You've provided you own conundrum. Why didn't the corrupt Biden DOJ, that has no issue whatsoever bringing false charges against enemies of the democrats, bring charges against a pedophile? Seems to me you believe lack of evidence hasn't been a problem before, right?
  6. Right. Why even create a report, that they can read for themselves. Just pay someone $5 to write whatever MAGA wants to hear, and save us a ton of money. Why waste all this money gathering those silly facts.
  7. Maybe we shouldn't vote for someone 78 years old, and that will greatly reduce the possibility. Please don't use Mitch as the bastion against perversion of democratic processes.
  8. I mean they could have made the pages bigger and the print smaller, too. All that matters is how much is spent. They screwed the people over to literally make the bill look 'smaller'. Miniscule spending cuts or offsets. That's why the "rinos" still hated it, and the dems loved it.
  9. The people got screwed, because they spent a ton of money, that we have no clue if it will be used wisely. Over 1/10th of a trillion dollars on "disaster relief". Sure we had some disasters in the not too distant past, but that number is ABSURDLY high. Over $20B for struggling farmers. How can the farmers be struggling if no one can afford groceries? That's basically an admission that agriculture is now a 100% government subsidized entity, aka socialism. The tax and spend democrats won by getting everything they wanted, AND splattered egg on the GQP's face. The GQP's only win was once again convincing their cult followers, who believe anything they say, that they stopped the democrats from 'porking' up the bill. This was a lie, and the bill had the same spending it always had. Everyone with a brain should know that red states love pork just as much as blue ones. What should anger us ALL is that this spending benefits their donors more than it does the people.
  10. President-elect Donald Trump has said the quiet part out loud, admitting he wants Congress to eliminate the debt ceiling under President Joe Biden’s administration. Trump’s calls for getting rid of the debt ceiling is a break from decades of Republican party opposition to raising debt limits. "Number one, the debt ceiling should be thrown out entirely," Trump told CBS News in a Thursday phone interview. "Number two, a lot of the different things they thought they'd receive [in a proposed spending deal] are now going to be thrown out, 100%. And we'll see what happens.” “We'll see whether or not we have a closure during the Biden administration,” he added. “But if it's going to take place, it's going to take place during Biden, not during Trump." On the brink of a government shutdown, Trump has put Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson in a bind after his criticisms pushed Johnson to scrap a government spending bill that would have allocated three months of federal funding to keep the government open. Republican leaders then introduced a slimmed-down bill that, at the behest of Trump, would suspend the debt ceiling for two years until Jan. 30, 2027. With 38 Republicans voting ‘no’ on the bill, it, too, failed.
  11. Mike Johson held the pen that struck the cancer funding from the CR that passed. Was it a shrewd political move by Chuck to put it on the floor now? Yes. Was it a bad move for MJ to scratch it from the CR? Also, yes. Nancy Mace has been on Fox news now TWICE stating that the "trimmed down" bill had the same spending as the original, minus the procedural pages. I'm just giving you facts, even though I know you have no intention of consuming them. I did a little research on the research funding myself, and the bill that Johnson sent back in spring funded it for 7 more years. Apparently, this is a continuation, and from my experience with bureaucracy and funding, it's much wiser to reconsider it every single year. I'm not aware if the text in the CR version was also 7 years, but if it were only 1 year, then Chuck did a masterful job of ensuring that if the research wasn't going well, then the funds would be guaranteed wasted money.
  12. You think it's a coincidence that trump insisted on it immediately after Elon went ballistic on X, and they threatened every member who voted for it? Yeah sure. How many things did Musk outright lie about? Wait until you see the final numbers of how much pork was actually cut from the bill, and we'll see if this was really about the pork. Want to guess the % of difference(i'd say 5% would be very generous)? The republicans who voted against it said it's pretty much the exact same bill. Nancy Mace was on Fox saying all they did was remove the procedural/implementation pages to make it look literally, physically smaller. That's how the republicans got their "win" today. Why was trump insisting the debt ceiling be included if they're cutting spending? Does that make an ounce of sense to you?
  13. That was then this is now. So you're saying they blackmailed it back into this bill, or that they blackmailed it back out of the bill? As I recall the democrats were all set to pass it in the bill earlier this week, but somehow it got cut out in todays. You're telling me the tax and spend democrats are the ones who insisted this be cut from this one today?? That's a low intelligence poster if you think that's what happened, and it makes zero sense at all.
  14. Right now in the House, there are 38 republicans and zero democrats who are concerned with spending. Iow, it doesn't stand a chance. Elon is already a sham. He stopped the bill to have the debt ceiling removal added to it. Why on God's green Earth would you need to remove the debt ceiling if you planned on making spending cuts. Completely illogical. It's like saying I'm sending out for new credit cards, so I can quit wasting money I don't have.
  15. It didn't get passed. It was part of the pork the GQP removed. You guys live in an extremely strange alter reality. You're going to find out that the 'pork' cut from the bill was almost nonexistent. Johnson removed all the procedural pages from the bill to make it "look smaller". LOL Source: all the republicans who voted against it, including Nancy Mace.
  16. Every single democrat voted for it. Must have really removed a ton of that democrat pork. 🤣
  17. Willfull ignorance was a choice a large segment chose a while back.
  18. Right and left are interchangeable depending on which TV channel you're watching. If you turn off the TV for a while, you'll soon realize that the answer was always ALL billionaires intertwined with your government was the problem.
  19. I remember when people were smart enough to judge a crime by motive, and not by citizenship.
  20. I'm not a democrat, but I can tell you if you cherry-pick your sides parts of the bill out of the main bill, you won't garner any votes from the opposition. Politics 101. I'm for the the continuing CR, but $100 BILLION for disaster relief? Seems like a ridiculously high number, and $10 billion for farmers, when people can't even afford groceries??? I'd say figure out the conundrum of why the farmers are broke, yet the people can't afford food before you throw 1 cent to anyone. You are COMPLETELY delusional.
  21. I'm having trouble even laughing at stuff like this anymore. This country is at stop dysfunction junction. I'd be very surprised if that passes.
  22. It's pretty much the same bill, but now it contains a provision to remove the debt ceiling for trumps first 2 years. Rand Paul said like 20-30 reps are against no debt ceiling(unlimited spending), and I can't see one single democrat handing them a 'yay' vote for no concessions at all, especially considering they had already agreed before. Could be DOA, and a big bungle. Not really Johnsons fault. trump and Elon basically threw the red challenge flag right before the snap. Just watched Nancy Mace on Fox. She said this CR cost exactly the same as yesterdays, and they pulled 1000 procedural pages out to make it look 'smaller'. You can't make this stuff up.
  23. Musk is trump's stooge. trump has Elon tweet out the CR was too expensive, so they pulled it, yesterday. Today, the bill is back with no serious cuts, EXCEPT it gets rid of the debt ceiling until 2027. Why exactly would Musk recall the bill only to hand the GQP a blank check for 2 years if he's looking to cut costs? Makes ZERO sense. Luckily, a few, what many here would call rinos, caught on, and are going to vote no. If you run on cutting spending/deficit/debt, you don't need or get an unlimited credit card.
  24. This defense is sponsored by Chip Diamond. Pshhht!!! ✋ Unreal!
  25. Bills would have slowed up at midfield.
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