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Everything posted by daz28

  1. Drill baby drill is a GQP sound byte that makes the GQP voter crank the Frank Lutz dummy controller all the way up. Oil prices are right in the sweet spot, where the companies that control them like it.
  2. It wasn't all price gouging, but it should really open people's eyes that during tough times the people suffered, and many corps made record profits. Instead of being angry about that fact, people just played partisan politics, just like they wanted them to.
  3. Tens of millions of Americans are going to lose access to health care under trump. Book it!
  4. I know a sure-fire way to never get caught lying, but I'm sure the "common sense" people have already considered this idea. Keep in mind, that usually people who feel compelled to speak to the investigators(waiving their right not to) do so because they do have something to fear/hide. Also, remember, these are the same common-sense people who get mad when a person insists on exercising their rights when being questioned by a cop. Does this mean I support the justice system? Hell no, but exercising your rights and telling the truth will usually get you the best outcome. Answering the questions, and then sniveling about it is weak sauce.
  5. 100%. A functioning equivalent to these silly arguments is that South Dakota does a far better job handling hurricanes than any other state. Just look at their record.
  6. I would have loved to hear a specific plan from either party HOW they were going to fix it, and that would have made informed voting much easier. We honestly didn't hear of many plans at all, and more specifically, we didn't hear detailed explanations of why those plans would be effective. Heck, they have yet to explain why these things happened in the first place.
  7. Jack Smith may go away, but the facts won't. Whether he was legally appointed or not will not effect that a coup attempt against a free and fair election took place. It will be laid out in black and white shortly, and the attempts on the court system to whitewash the facts is despicable.
  8. trump started this whole pardon himself thing, and they asked Biden today if he'd pardon himself. The concept itself is ABSURD. I think most of us would agree that the pardon thing has gone WAY off the tracks. If used in its good intentioned ways, people(Ideally ones the president doesn't know personally) who are caught up in injustice can be freed, then I think everyone's happy. Pardoning your family, friends and business buddies is a corrupt misuse of power, but no one seems to be taking any kind of stand against it. The idea that you can pardon yourself pre-emptively(a ridiculous idea on its face), and go full GTA5, with no prosecution, might be the dumbest idea the country has ever had.
  9. Broken promises win elections? No, promises made to be broken win elections.
  10. I honestly don't even remember anyone going after DeSanctimonious. I don't watch much TV/cable news, and I don't recall seeing pushback on him elsewhere. All I remember is people running out of gasoline on the highways, but don't remember his name attached to it. Just like unplugging 20 hydrants lowers water pressure, traffic jams happen, especially when people are all dumb at the same time. If you think the whole thing isn't about shredding Newsome, because they think he's a threat, then think again. Look at the thread title ffs. If you think Fox news is feeling so terrible that all those liberal celebrities' homes are burning, that they must follow it 24/7, then you don't know Fox news. You don't think this is a copycat league?
  11. I think there's going to be a lot of irony involved in the "holding his feet to the fire" thread made by "crispy". I mean his toes have to be already melted after 'lock her up' and 'build that wall'. Pretty much the 2 things that got him elected first time.
  12. I did a little looking into the call from trump to Alito. They want people to believe that some former law clerk of Alito's managed to get a hold of the president-elect, and then asked that president-elect to call a SCOTUS justice for a job reference. On it's face seems absurd(because that's not how references work and many other reasons), but if you told me that this "clerk" had already served in the last trump administration for 2 years, and held the position of chief of staff for Bill Barr, then I'd say you're so full of **** your eyes are brown.
  13. Just want to say how proud I am of the political propaganda machine, that disasters can now be politicized as the people are literally still dying, and the disaster is active. They've divided the country, and now we literally fight each other as mother nature herself is still giving it to us. Bravo!!! What's worth more than a bucket full of mis/disinformation during a wildfire? Maybe a bucket of water? tHe dUmBoCrAtS RaN OuT oF waTEr!!! I wonder if the powers that be sit back and read this crap they filled your heads with, and laugh their asses off at how dumb and misled you've become. Their little puppets.
  14. So "brutal" that no one bothered to record any of it. I can download and have a recoding app on my phone in less than one minute. If someone was calling and threatening, by call #3 most people would be recording. This is 99% BS created for the ears that long to hear it.
  15. Find someone with a junior high education to help you. I'm done with you.
  16. She doesn't have any jurisdiction on the election case. That was Chutkan's case. I'm flabbergasted that the news is not all over her ridiculous overstepping. Anyhow, more good news for trump, the appeals court has allowed the DOJ to release the report, but we still somehow have to wait for Cannon's 3 day wait period. Of course the maggats will claim everything in it is a lie, but Monday will be fun for sure. Which poor SCOTUS justice will be getting a call this weekend from Don??? My money is on Thomas.
  17. I'd prefer that my taxes weren't used for those socialistic approaches, and the insurance companies charge whatever rate is necessary to cover the damages. If you can't afford those rates, then you can't live there. If someone wants to build a castle up there, and take that risk, that's fine with me as long as I'm not subsidizing their risky means of enjoying the benefits of having prime real estate. I realize this fire isn't just the hills, but most are. Same goes for hurricanes and earthquakes too. How much you want to toy with mother nature shouldn't be anyone else's problem.
  18. The flood insurance scam is federal.
  19. Uh no. It isn't that I didn't want to discuss it, it's that you were responding to me like I was discussing it. I wasn't. I was mainly just praising Coney-Barrett, which I wouldn't have done if I was living in the partisan hack world, that you believe I do. Hunters charge was just as far-fetched as promoting trumps to a felony was. It seems you're having trouble swallowing that fact.
  20. But Daddy I want to enjoy all the benefits, and accept none of the risks associated-Veruca Salt.
  21. By my understanding, they could get an approval if they wanted an increase over 7%, with considerations on insolvency. I just looked this up, so I don't understand it well, but my main point was I don't trust a press release from an insurance company any more than I would one from the government, especially in the day and age of mis/disinformation memes and X post. The government did set up a poorly planned program to insure these people, much like the flood insurance program I discussed before. The one that subsidizes expensive waterfront properties at the taxpayers cost.
  22. Did you forget about everyone running out of gas on the highways??? Not trusting that "science". Release Date: September 25, 2024 WASHINGTON -- In advance of Hurricane Helene’s landfall in Florida, the Biden-Harris Administration approved a pre-landfall emergency declaration for Florida. This declaration enables FEMA to provide federal resources to the state for emergency protective measures and aid initial response and recovery efforts.
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