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Everything posted by daz28

  1. Little sad the TE and DE go right after him. Maybe be happier if we took one of them, and traded up later for Singletary if needed.
  2. Prostitution is sex trafficking. Grabbing the Johns(no pun intended) is part of enforcing the sex trafficking laws. You're making it sound like just getting the pimp is the sole objective. You're trying to say the net we toss out to catch criminals has to be small(narrow), and only allowed to keep the targeted species. Actually, the smarter enforcement throws out a large net, and doesn't throw back the bycatch. No DA or judge is gonna throw out the case, because they happened to catch more crimes. If you're caught on video committing a crime, during an investigation, they don't shut down the other investigation to make that arrest right away. Lastly, if they suspected 'human' trafficking, it doesn't mean they felt all those girls in there were being sex slaves, so they better raid the whole place right now. It could just mean there was a suspicion of it. Stop listening to Wuuudy Juuuwiani. ...and furthermore, the NFL should come down VERY hard for the face of the league to exhibit this type of "behavior".
  3. ^^^ Try to imagine a situation where at the end of every punt return the refs throw a flag, and give us an extra 7.4 yards.
  4. Cole wringing his hands the whole interview told me he wanted to tell them if Josh was there, we can go out in the parking lot, and show you what we're talking about on the phone.
  5. Opportunity cost. The more time they spend worrying about him, the less they have to worry about what else we're doing. I'm not going to dream he's gonna be a great 5th WR, but this changes strategy a bit. Do they draft guys who are better at ST now? Does it telegraph no way to Metcalf? It scream we draft a WR later, to go with RB, and QB. We always draft a LB and CB later. I think I just nailed our last 5 picks. Now if only I knew the first 5. I think 2 picks are spent on maneuvering at least(up or down).
  6. Thurman did so much more on the field than Emmit, but Emmit will always be considered the better runner. We're gonna see the same thing with Mathhews/Eichel. To think 1 SB could have even put Kelly/Marino to bed for good. Sorry Emmitt spelling. Been a while. lol
  7. Is he more graceful than Scott Chandler or Tage Thompson? That will tell me a lot. IOW, is he a fat Tage, a skinny Chandler, or someone else altogether?
  8. To help him become the next 'Eric Wood' in the locker room. People need to understand we're building a culture. Guys like Zo, Anderson, and Gore are priceless right now. We will draft a QB and RB later, but way these guys learn to be pro's comes from a series of pro's. OMG, I'm watching Shady and Frank Gore laying praises to Thurman Thomas. Kinda like, "hey kid, you wanna be the next car on this train, I can show ya how we did it. Up to you to try your best" mentality.
  9. Try to imagine that being Tom Donahoe?? I know it's a different world, but it's opaque/translucent difference.
  10. You're kind of making a good underlying point here. As part of the culture, it's good to bring these young guys(and soon to be rookies) into what our community is all about. Them seeing how the veterans handle and enjoy themselves in this environment may be important in how they view/handle a situation that may be foreign to them esp for the rookies. The most understated point about Morse right now is can he be Eric Wood? I think he'll be better on the field, but what he's worth off the field can't be under stated.
  11. i may or may not have mistaken the quote. Due to him dealing a K-4-10-k-10 or similar hand too many times, we will never know. IOW, he prob did say that. Him or Bass Reeves or some other gunslinger. Good advice. You should have wrote some lines for Doc Holliday for 'Tombstome'. The line you just made fits him pretty well. Val Kilmer
  12. Phil's odds to be gone have went way up. They may not do it this year, because it's so late(unfair to new coach), but I think they start their search now if they hadn't already. As for Morse, why I came here in the first place, I didn't see any of his concussions, but he seems to play pretty upright. Hard to believe he got three playing that way. If I find them, and figure out how to post them for you, I will.
  13. Yes, but it's up to me if I want to dip my toes in the sand, or search out those who hold deep in muddy water. I've scanned around enough to know what this is about. I don't believe most people debate in good faith, so if there are some of the chosen few, that may change my depth. For now, I'm just chatting and getting to know people. It's possible I learn something along the way.
  14. This is it exactly. We got versatile guys for a reason. New asst. line coach to evaluate. The only thing is the first time you're going to see them standing next to each other, one's going to look like a LG, and the other is going to look like a LT. Let's hope they play next to each other well. If they do, the whole left side is strong as you could hope. Right side will once again become the problem.
  15. Now re-programming my talking Rick Jeanneret can opener to say, "GOOOOOOOORRRREEEE jUSSSSSSSSSSSSS" when Frank scores his first TD, as I'm searching for my Bills Coolzie.
  16. You can argue if he's good/bad, injury prone/not, but he's worth a roster spot for what is basically a no risk contract. There's really no way to spin this as a bad idea, including saying you can't trust he'll be healthy enough for the season. If Ansah signs here for decent money, and ends up hurt in week 7 many will say it was worth a try after he's cut the next year. This guy is worth a shot for peanuts for sure.
  17. Seeing you quoting "Wild Bill" made me wonder how many more poker games he'd have won if he had a KSG
  18. I was not referring to you. I don't really debate politics anymore, so I'll avoid arguments. I was just making an observation I had of misinformation in general.
  19. I'm gonna go off my normal path, and side with GW Bush on this one. Frivolous lawsuit. My solution is D. 'big D' Hogg vs 'the sandmann' in a chair/cage death-match on PPV. Cost is $1.99. They get 10% of the till, and the other 90% goes to 'you'll be ok, no one shot up your friends/Indians not drumming would have avoided this whole thing' foundation.
  20. What's even more distressing is that people then create memes, which end up being the talking points they use as evidence for those headlines they never read. The stupid picture associated with the meme is the hook. I hope no one seriously believes that belittling others intelligence is the way to educate them, re-educate(re-program), or change their voting.
  21. I looked at that KSG, and it looks like the ultimate home defense weapon. Under 7 lbs, lol. I imagine like only 2% of intruders are armed, and meaning to harm me, so I prob wouldn't shoot him anyways. If he just a scumbag thief I prob let him run, or whoop dat ass. Thing is if you get out the gun, and then decide to ***** him up, he can end up with the gun. Maybe it's best to just let the wife follow you with a gun.
  22. As a kid I fell in love with the carbine watching WW2 movies. Then I drooled over it in the Sears catalog. I'd still like to have one even though I won't have to defend my howitzer, guard my AAA gun, or take out a panzershrek. I've had an old Marlin .22 carbine since I was like 15, and it's fun to shoot 8 rounds in under 2 seconds. I imagine that's all the M1A would be useful for, Maybe it's better to have that under your bed rather than a pistol in the nightstand, except you'd have to fix some spots in the drywall behind the intruder.
  23. You are completely missing the point of what people are trying to tell you. If we don't like what we see from any of these players, or we see a FA next year that we like better, we can cut them at little cap hit. Well we have to keep Cole for 2 years or it's 4.5 hit. We finally got an Edelmen/Amendola of our own. After being eaten up by these guys for God knows how long it just feels great to have one. Sure, Josh isn't going to get the ball to him like Brady would, but if it turns out that he doesn't fit our scheme/team, then we simply flush him. Players understand this is a business, and they understood that it can happen when they signed these deals. The absolute best part of these contracts Beaner put together is they KNOW they are on prove it deals, and they are up for the challenge. They know if they play poorly it is gonna really hurt them in the pocket next year if they get cut.
  24. A few people have already floated the idea of him starting at LT, and that's where I'm at right now. The Skins fans at SBN mostly seemed to think he struggled at RT for whatever reason, but played admirably when filling in at LT(almost not missing a beat). Money is starting to get a little tight, so I'm thinking Williams may not be coming over, so that leaves a hole at RT, which some posters don't want DD to move to. This creates the problem of no RT now, and no LT in the very near future. I just think it's really important that these guys are all in the right places(maybe I'm OCD). Perhaps we can draft someone to play RT this year, and then focus on LT next year? Nsekhe-DD-MM-camp battle-draft pick??
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