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Everything posted by daz28

  1. Speaking of giving up on Shaud. lol His interview starts at :50
  2. If he has a year that he's worth $10M, then we can pay him that, so this seems to be a smart move.
  3. Did anyone notice the very, very clear smirk come over Bill Barr's face when Lindsay Graham said, "we might do that" after Dick Durbin made a comment about looking into Hillary Clinton's e-mails?? It was at 11:32 am if you didn't happen to see it.
  4. That's my issue right now. If this kid is killin it, do we hold the $9M back for kicks? Again not wanting to be rumor guy, but opening up $9M could be Ziggy money??
  5. Even if the good lord gives you the best line ever, you still have to use it. The other top 50 running backs with good lines couldn't touch ES
  6. I don't wanna be the drama guy but it's hard to see this RB sit.
  7. I said he was a gore/shady hybrid. He loves going to the tackler.
  8. No that's fine with me, but it doesn't make for good average. This kid gets caught behind the line if they suck. It really is mini shady w/o the game breakers
  9. I'm not negative on it. Just stating facts. At best it's an interesting pick.
  10. Yet if you watch Singletary's highlights he gets caught from behind every time. He does not pull away.
  11. Get Ready for pre-season Robb Riddick. If his forte is find a that tiny crease, then do it. Then he can watch Shady get the reg season ones.
  12. It's called holes. He isn't going to power his way in. Last years line would have killed this kid. Maybe it says something about McBeanes faith in this line/scheme
  13. I don't think he's shady who goes 99 yds after he hits the hole. He gets pulled down after 20-30 yds. He's not going to have a top gear in the nfl.
  14. Is that the way a judge says watch him, he's not fast
  15. Does it matter, you can see he doesn't have top end speed.
  16. I agree, but I'm hoping they see his vision as what this team needs to excel. If they don't block for him, he's a negative player/bust almost guaranteed.
  17. He seems to want to lean into hits, yet still has that great cut. He's mini shady and Gore. Seems to aggressively meet the tackler.
  18. Pretty much. This pick will be questioned, because of who took who right after. No avoiding that. He's gonna have to blow the doors off fans.
  19. It does not look good for Yeldon right now. All these moves screams Daboll has some sinister offense coming up.
  20. Knows where the holes are, can cut back, and stays on his feet. Watch his highlights. Just lacks that top gear
  21. If this kid had that extra gear, and/or was a threat in the passing game, I'd be fine. Love the jump cut, and acceleration. Trust the process?
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