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Everything posted by daz28

  1. I wouldn't be the first patient you harmed.
  2. Who needs charts when you have Trump: It peaked around Easter : https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-coronavirus-to-peak-around-easter-slams-pelosi-criticism-in-fox-friends-interview We passed the peak on April 15th: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6149725289001#sp=show-clips
  3. Step 1: Defend whatever Trump says, until studies/evidence come out to disprove it Step 2: Call the study/evidence/reporting fake news Step 3: Move onto the next stupid thing.
  4. I'm glad you're not my doctor. It is estimated that only 12% of Americans are zinc deficient. There's also stuff like this, but keep grasping at straws: Large doses of zinc prevent your digestive tract from absorbing copper from your diet, so regularly taking too much zinc depletes your body's copper levels. Copper deficiency can lower your white blood cell count, putting you at increased risk of an infection, since white blood cells make up a part of your immune system. Low copper levels also negatively affect your red blood cells, preventing proper oxygen transport and causing anemia. Zinc has been shown to interact with various prescription medicines. For example, take it with tetracycline or quinolone antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro and generic) and you’ll reduce the amount of both the zinc and the antibiotic that your body absorbs. It can also interfere with the absorption of penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen), a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and Wilson’s disease (a rare genetic disorder).
  5. Fox's new shtick is find one person to interview who agrees with their ridiculous narrative.
  6. People are killing themselves, because they're laid off, or people are not returning to work, because they make more on unemployment. Peddle whichever narrative fits your unfounded arguments. Classic have it both ways tactic.
  7. You call me a dumbass, because you think that illegal immigration, the wall, and overstaying a visa are as connected as potholes and hot fudge sundaes?? You might want to look up the definition of dumbass again, and how it may relate to yourself. To quote the great Ed Bassmasters, "would ya just look at that": NIH recommends against combining hydroxychloroquine with Z-Pak to treat COVID-19 https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/494012-nih-recommends-against-combining-hydroxychloroquine-with-z-pak-to-treat COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine showed no benefit, more deaths in VA virus study https://www.foxnews.com/science/covid-19-hydroxychloroquine-showed-no-benefit-more-deaths-va-virus-study
  8. Owning a gun to protect your family is not irrational, BUT from a statistical standpoint one should fear diabetes, heart disease, etc FAR more. It would be far more rational to protect you and your family from those things, but I guess that proves people just aren't rational at all. To think people are loading up on guns, yet protesting social distancing is kinda proof of that dichotomy.
  9. How does a wall address a visa overstay, and using a baited word like "free" is no way to begin any legitimate discussion. Just so you know I'm not "on the left" either. You'd do well to try to debate from neutral ground at the start. A really important question I'd like asked at the next press conference is, "who told you the 15 cases would got to 0". He's not out leader, he's our president, so he has a duty to answer these questions. You can hate the media, but surely everyone wants important questions answered. The government reports to us. We ARE the absolute authority. They report to us, especially during a pandemic.
  10. If they want to dump his salary for a 6th rounder that's great, and we should do it(or sign a veteran back). We need a #1b or #2 back. Singletary has 180 career touches. TJ Yeldon had 20 touches last year, and I would certainly not rely on him to be an effective runner, especially with an injury to Singletary. I like them drafting a rookie, but he's just that, a rookie. You don't go out and trade for a #1WR, and leave a huge question mark like that at RB.
  11. Ok, so the evidence is cuz you said so. Very well then. Good luck bringing everyone together, I'm sure you'll do a really, really tremendous job of it.
  12. If I really did do that, then I would have expected you to provide the evidence. Go on keep digging you'll find it. Is that your MO: accuse then find something you can vaguely twist to suit it? Btw, you sure seem to be an expert at bringing people together.
  13. Do you have any evidence to back that up, other than the fact I don't blindly agree with everything Fox news says, and am therefore a traitor? Pretty sure all the patients who have graciously thanked me didn't think I was vile.
  14. That's extremely vile. I wonder who the first person who said this was?????
  15. You don't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed. HOW can a doctor give consent when there's no testing?? In this case 'consent' would be "have you ever played darts, well it's kind of like that". The doctor may as well be giving consent on Let's Make a Deal about why you should pick door number two by saying, "well most times I watch the show door number two has been pretty good". I think most people(including the president) who have no clue about medicine or how it works probably ought to just leave giving advice about this virus well alone. I'm sorry I left out the most important part. It's INFORMED consent. I took it as a given anyone discussing this would already know that.
  16. I'm glad she's alive too, but it would appear you're pedaling this as empirical evidence that the drug is what saved her. I'm not here to discuss if we should be optimist or pessimist. I'm here to discuss fact/fiction.
  17. As we’ve observed, the new narrative in the mainstream media and among Democrats is to argue that hydroxychloroquine is an untested drug It is untested for use with this virus, and that's an absolute fact, unless you consider one doctor giving it to 30 people 'testing'. If this 'journalist' sent this article back to his college professor, I'd hope he'd expect an F. Maybe next time instead of calling out others for what they're saying, he'll just skip right to the part where he proves that their arguments are not factual.
  18. There is no evidence it works, so why on God's green Earth would any doctor recommend it???? Doctors do not operate on "what do you have to lose, here take this" methodology. They have to actually explain to you the possible benefit and harm of taking a medicine. It's called informed consent, and it's the law.
  19. I would hope that's the next step if needed. Jake Tapper begged him to give us these answers. I don't think anyone is wanting anymore than some basic answers for our path forward.
  20. I agree with this to a point. If I think I'm on my last gasp(and many people will), I'd say fire away. That's your right, imo. I was going to go all out an try to explain, but truth is the doctors don't understand it yet. If they don't understand it, they cannot make a treatment plan. There is no precedence in medical history where a rumor started a treatment plan, besides rub some dirt on it.
  21. Doc, I pray you're right, but I hope you understand my point as well. I'm sorry if I may have gotten a bit excited, but his press conferences stress me out. As much as I don't want to watch, I have to know what's going on.
  22. Hey a couple people drank Drano and they didn't die, so hey try Drano why not.
  23. ...and now like Mr President you are also wrong: https://time.com/5808894/hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus/ The excitement over the combination’s potential began with a small French study of people with the novel coronavirus. In those patients, the load of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, in their blood dropped after they received the medications, although their clinical symptoms didn’t change much. In another study of about 100 patients in China, doctors also reported some success in using the drug duo to reduce the viral load in patients. -Oh NOW we trust China Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said the data so far “was not done in a controlled clinical trial. So you really can’t make any definitive statement about it.” “In general if hydroxychloroquine really, really worked, and it was a magic drug for COVID-19, we would know it by now,” says Dr. David Sullivan, professor of microbiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and an infectious disease physician at the university’s malaria research institute. “Right now we have no clinical evidence that it works.”
  24. My neighbors actually set up the whole camping rig in the yard the other night. Definitely a great way to get away from all this. I'm pretty stressed out from it all, as I'm sure everyone is. Have fun M8
  25. That's exactly what happened tonight. He was cutting off all the questions until he finally got mad and stormed off. He wanted his opinion to be right so badly that he wouldn't let them ask the doctors about it
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