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Everything posted by daz28

  1. To the people(via media), but unfortunately the government would have just called it fake news. Also, a good portion of the country was behind the stupidity.
  2. "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab them by the *****. You can do anything."
  3. I'm in the camp that unless you have some corroboration, you should be at some risk of penalty of defamation. If she has 5 or 6 people coming forward saying, yes that's exactly what she said to me at the time, or some other evidence, then she's not credible. Trump admitted to sexual assault, then said it was locker room talk. Totally different
  4. Let it go Felicia. The point is that I'm mocking the people who compare someone reporting anything is a freedom hating Nazi.
  5. Who your enemy wants to win your election should tell you all you need to know.
  6. Sometimes I wonder what point people are trying to make. If you think that it's silly to think all allegations are true, then don't play the double standard card. Be consistent.
  7. We had better pray it doesn't take the same path as Spanish flu did in the fall.
  8. Risking their own well-being for the good of others. Call them a hero.
  9. Things a Nazi might say for $100, Chuck If you report a drunk driver who has a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an accident you're a responsible citizen. You report a group who's breaking social distancing that could literally harm thousands, and you're a liberty hating snitch. At least try to make sense.
  10. I stopped reading when she said Biden said to her, "C'mon man, I thought you liked me". Does she really expect anyone to believe that he really said something that stupid?
  11. Did you forget about all of the rest of them(and their loved ones) that suffered, or only worry about the ones who died?
  12. This is fake news. You can't refuse to return to work, and still collect unemployment. Also, the owners are given loans that will actually pay their employees for them, which will be forgiven. You'd think the government paying their payrolls would be looked at as a really good thing.
  13. It is similar to letting the invisible enemy infect millions of people with a deadly virus. The fact that it's not deliberate makes it all the more stupid.
  14. I haven't reported anyone, and I probably won't unless it's people being really dumb. As for the test, I meant nationwide. On my hockey forum a lot of people with symptoms didn't get a test. I have no idea locally how many tests we have, but that's good news if we do have enough. The bad news is that some areas will not have enough, while others have too many. I have heard Texas has way more tests than they need. This is also a problem: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/04/10/laredo-texas-coronavirus-tests-did-not-work/
  15. I don't think temp testing is a good measure, but it is another tool. The more tools the better.
  16. I'm just trying to protect myself, my friends and family and fellow humans. One of the biggest mistakes made was saying the quarantine was to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. I can't imagine what would have happened without the quarantine, or how much worse the toll would have been. I don't consider reporting someone who's being reckless as "turning on them". If I reported the Gestapo rounding up Jews, and it stopped it, I'd consider myself a hero, not a snitch. As for DeBlasio and the Democrat's socialist conspiracy, well I don't care about any of that nonsense. There is criterion as to whom gets tested. There currently isn't enough testing to test all with symptoms, but to return to normal we will need to have an abundance of testing.
  17. Actually, I'd like YOU to provide ME with some data that would make me want to believe you over a panel of NIH infectious disease experts who have advised against using the cocktail. I'm not saying you are wrong, but I'm saying you're pulling your ideas out of your ass pretty much like Trump did, while the experts say different. Stop watching Hannity.
  18. No, it's about you defending his irresponsible remarks after the evidence to the contrary has been supplied to you. He's not a doctor, and he's not real smart, but you ARE a doctor. You should be smarter, and you should have known better.
  19. Reporting someone stealing a car: ok Reporting someone selling heroin: ok Reporting someone playing loud music at midnight: ok Reporting someone fudging their taxes: ok Reporting someone driving drunk who hit a child: ok Reporting someone spreading a deadly virus: SNITCH!
  20. Pneumonia is hard to treat, and with rona it can go from bad to worse real fast. I'm hoping for testing that will at least take those infected out of the equation as much and as fast as possible. No one knows much right now, so we can only hope to mitigate it as much as possible. Like shoshin said, cold weather could elevate this to another level, so all possible measures had better be in place by then.
  21. Heaven forbid they report the results from the largest study conducted to date. If you so choose, Fox news and many other outlets reported the same results. If they misrepresented the results, and you could show how they did, I'd agree with you that it's a poor article.
  22. It's less time consuming than doing a point by point dissertation on why he sucks. Ain't nobody got time for dat!
  23. I'm positive he said it couldn't hurt you. Now some people are smart enough to listen to their doctor, but the Trump counter-culture believes him above all others, even when it contradicts fact.
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