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Everything posted by daz28

  1. Ok he avoided a nuclear conflict. Got it. What tweet(s) did you develop that deflection from? I know a lot of you have your heels dug in too deep to even attempt to pull them out now, but I'm not going to ignore the facts no matter what semantics or unrealistic rationales are used. For what it's worth, I agree that his reasoning is surely debatable, but that's a different topic altogether. There's a link to the entire transcript here: https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/29/declassified-flynn-transcripts-contradict-key-mueller-claims-against-flynn/
  2. He is specifically discussing undermining the current president's policy towards Russia. Go ahead, laugh again, because once again I'm stating what is absolutely the truth no matter what you think of it.
  3. “I really don’t want us to get into a situation where we’re going, you know, where we do this and then you do something bigger, and then you know, everybody’s got to go back and forth". That is literally what “refrain from escalating” means. Keep the echo chamber going though.
  4. Bro I love ya, and I love your positivity, but 85k Americans said no. There's no way we learned anything about a novel virus in 6 months. You might be right about some things, but ya might be dead wrong, too.
  5. Explain to me why a one sided echo chamber puppet like yourself deserves one, but someone who thinks for themselves doesn't? Having you all do the rat parade down main street is EXACTLY what they want you to do.
  6. Isolating and keeping the sick in quarantine is the key. If you don't you're spinning the wheel of Covid. No one knows what this thing is capable of.
  7. It might literally infect almost everyone as you said, but lets say it infects only half of us for arguments sake. Then let's say 50% of those are asymptomatic, and hopefully develop antibodies, and we go with 1% mortality. Fair enough numbers, right. That's 875, 000 deaths. That smashes almost 4 years of World War 2 deaths by 5 times in months, not years. Will we reach that total? Likely not, but social distancing may have been what kept those numbers from becoming real. Are we in a position to say 200k deaths isn't realistic? I'm not so sure. If we can handle 4 or 5 years of world war, we can handle a few more weeks of lockdown. At 85k deaths in 2 months, the "it's only a flu" clueless crew need to stfu, an put their mask on. I wish people would stop waving the flag, because it won't make this go away, nor will it make anything better.
  8. Are you literally the walking unconscious? If he says he's taking the role, then he's the boss. He did but didn't mean it??? That's derangement syndrome in a nutshell.
  9. He gets 5 likes for not answering the question. That's perfect for any community that thinks Obama is Satan. Real talk, right? We don't hate Obama, we just despise him. Trump??? well he's kinda the savior. He's like if Rand Paul had a pair. He's gonna save us. I just know it
  10. You actually never said which right you were afraid of losing, or why you think it would be permanent. That was my initial question before you spun like literally 10 times. Please answer the question: which rights are you afraid that' Covid is going to permanently take from you???
  11. For Christs sake man, they give you the answer. A Fourth Amendment "seizure" occurs when a vehicle is stopped at a checkpoint That comes from the Supreme Court not me, Those are their words, not mine, They clearly admit that a stop is an illegal seizure.... BUTTTTTTT HILLARYYYYY(well actually DWI) In real life they established that the illegal seizure WAS REASONABLE. BUTTTTT MYYYY RIGGGHTTSSSSS. NEVER EVER GIVE UP A RIGHT CUZ SOME DAYZ A COVIDZ Obama MIGHT GET YOU. Sorry but the theatrics are for Mr DR who you all hold in high esteem for being disingenuous. He wouldn't know a TRUE RIGHT if both of them slapped him in the nose in the heat of passion.
  12. I told you what he did. He took responsibility. He shouldn't have, but when he screws up that's your guys out. Musta been someone else's fault. He fired the oversight on the spot with no reason. That was idiotic Speaking of idiotic, do you think interns in Washington can write a bill in a few days that will cover what the 10k top corporate lawyers in the world can't dissect in a few days? Are you sure the guidelines were specific enough? Are you sure about how long it takes to cook those grits...My cousin Vinny
  13. What was the correct decision to make? Or are you just gonna play both sides, plus the conspiracy side. Straight up tell me what you feel he should have done that wouldn't have screwed himself?
  14. At some point maybe you'll understand there's less reason to think they can pull an illegal seizure on every car on the highway, because one of them might be drunk, than there is to test one person who may be carrying a virus that might kill 2 in 100 people. Keep in mind that one person who had this on Nov 17th in China has turned into 4.3 million people worldwide. If the Supreme Court feels DWI is that big of a public threat, then I have no idea why you think the courts might shoot down the Coronavirus as too much of an intrusion on privacy. I'd love to meet the lawyer who thinks he can argue that precedent. Good luck
  15. It seems from what you're saying the infection rate is likely ridiculously high, is that correct? How would you compare it to most flu's from the data you've seen? 6 times? People tend to focus on mortality rate, but a high infection rate makes that number far worse than it really is. That's the thing I think most people don't understand. say you're playing cards, and if you get the Jack of hearts you die. No big deal, except no one told you had to draw 5 cards.
  16. Just curious which other nations you thought might have had WMD at the time? Even so, Syria was using chemical, but Obama would have been screwed if he did or didn't go in. He chose not to have another Iraq, and Republicans pounded him for it. FWIW I applaud Trump for not being a war monger
  17. When asked how we could be sure it wouldn't be a clown show, he said, and I quote, "I'll oversee it".
  18. Anyways, on to the next example of why you, quote, " NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS": (b) A Fourth Amendment "seizure" occurs when a vehicle is stopped at a checkpoint. See Martinez-Fuerte, supra, at 556. Thus, the question here is whether such seizures are "reasonable." P. 450. (c) There is no dispute about the magnitude of, and the States' interest in eradicating, the drunken driving problem. The courts below accurately gauged the "objective" intrusion, measured by the seizure's duration and the investigation's intensity, as minimal. However, they [496 U.S. 444, 445] misread this Court's cases concerning the degree of "subjective intrusion" and the potential for generating fear and surprise. The "fear and surprise" to be considered are not the natural fear of one who has been drinking over the prospect of being stopped at a checkpoint but, rather, the fear and surprise engendered in law-abiding motorists by the nature of the particular stop, such as one made by a roving patrol operating on a seldom-traveled road. Here, checkpoints are selected pursuant to guidelines, and uniformed officers stop every vehicle. The resulting intrusion is constitutionally indistinguishable from the stops upheld in Martinez-Fuerte. Pp. 451-453. Now from your fearful perspective of losing a right, what could be worse than giving up your right to seizure? This was instituted over drunk driving, not a deadly disease that kills 80k in 2 months. You are truly as disingenuous or outright stupid as you can be Shall we move on to the Patriot Act or are we good. I think I covered a bunch of over reaches that far exceed anything that Covid is really doing
  19. The question is what were they driving until 1959, and why did we let them decide that it was a privilege for us to move about. The model T came out in like 1902, so that's a few years, and many states didn't allow the bs until close to then You still haven't told me which right Covid is going to be taking form you ya disingenuous bastard
  20. So driving wasn't a right in South Dakota from 1886-1959 until they decided it was a privilege? BUTTTTT COVIDDDDDD I should have known you clowns wouldn't even hold to your own ideals just to spite. Should have known WHEN DID THAT TRANSITION HAPPEN? DON'T BE A TARD. The whole point is WHEN did they take that right away
  21. That's not the police/government. I can shut a road down by running my flock of sheep across it too The only circle I'm going in is hoping you'll read the facts I'm giving you, and you won't
  22. In 1886, German inventor Karl Benz patented what is generally regarded as the first modern car In 1959, South Dakota became the final state to institute a driver’s exam requirement. I'm sorry show me where I'm not being truthful
  23. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/496/444.html Police v. Sitz Except I'm laying facts while assclowns lol
  24. The Supreme Courts rationale for roadblocks is that the threat to society from DWI is too great to sustain their right to have a reason to be stopped. Ya'll might want to look it up
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