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Everything posted by daz28

  1. None of his injuries were ones that have much concern of coming back into play. Limit the snaps, and should be fine.
  2. It was likely going to be a 1-year deal anywhere, so it came down to situation more than numbers.
  3. That's a virtual china shop.
  4. I think the point is being made that he's not washed. All you pointed out was his obv injury history.
  5. We're certainly over right now by a lot.
  6. What's not to like about a prove it deal for a 29 year old?
  7. I just think we're just in a unique situation, because of Josh Allen. Houston went in with great depth, but fell apart even with that crazy good depth, because of injuries. The league is changing to more balls thrown at or near the LOS though, so it's a tough call. For that reason, I'd agree that overspending on a #1 WR might be a bad decision, esp in our particular case.
  8. I think a good way to determine bang for the buck might be to see what happens to the team when the #1 WR's aren't there. Josh and the Bills are quite the exception when it comes to "spreading the ball around". It would be disastrous for most teams.
  9. It's a clip from Newsmax, who was covering it. I'm sure it's easy to find.
  10. I'm not advocating for DEI. I'm just saying what he said was undoubtedly not based on anything factual regarding information. If you want to call it spit-balling, then it was a lousy time for that. People/families wanted/needed answers.
  11. Not really an issue I care that much about. If it were my decision, I'd say leave it up to the teams. It's just damn games, which people take wayyy too seriously(and yeah yeah I know all about scholarships). It really doesn't bother me either way, though. I think it might be bedtime for ya. I'm pretty sure I know I was alive through the entire 70's.
  12. Yeah, because that was before they were brave enough to want to be equal. Before they became visible, and people wanted them back in the closet. The "dude imagine ...." is definitely from the 70's, probably sooner. Don't bother going on about how it isn't about them being seen...........................................blah blah...........................
  13. Right now there's very little reason for me to trust much trump is doing, and lots of reasons for that.
  14. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying DEI doesn't make sense either. Ultimately, it's happening on his watch, and it was lame of him to shift the blame to DEI with not a shred of evidence, or even an opportunity to view any evidence. Pretty despicable.
  15. No I'm saying it's possible. I told you my 3 main concerns. How could Elon Musk not know about a government order for $400M worth of armored electric vehicles? C'mon man!!!
  16. So that's the big explanation we've been waiting for of why the war wouldn't have happened under him? Because he would have been too busy kissing Russia's ass, instead of discussing with other countries who might be able to Join Nato? Tell me this Mr. stable genius, what country got invaded when we actually ALLOWED a ton of other countries to join, including Sweden. Who's in NATO and who is our allies is US business, and Putin can go screw himself.
  17. Themselves. Found it: Europe fears Trump-Putin ‘dirty deal’ as Ukraine scrambles for a seat at the table Story by Analysis by Clare Sebastian and Tim Lister
  18. No, I'm saying that this guy knew he was staying.
  19. I said this a while back. We've known since I was a kid, that the military was paying stupid ridiculous prices on simple things. This has been theft the whole time.
  20. This is great, but seems extremely difficult for many reasons. I'd really like something done with NK and Iran. Seems like the thing we keep putting off until something bad finally happens, and that's not the kind of bad that can be allowed to happen.
  21. I'm saying I want details. First, wth were they for. Second, who approved it, and how in the FFFF did Elon Musk not know about it. Third, who deleted Tesla from the document. Of course they're now saying it won't be honored, but we'll never know if it was because Don's "not an EV guy", especially if we get no details. Won't be expecting the press to be able to find out either. He hates them and leakers.
  22. Googled it. Not a single thing came up. This could be from a video game.
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