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Old Coot

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Everything posted by Old Coot

  1. That high crown is why the Bills switched from white to red helmets; that and the fact that Joe Ferguson was color-blind. Because of the crown Joe often could see only the helmet of the player.
  2. My gut doesn't know what to think. One the one hand the Chiefs' O hasn't been clicking. On the other hand, our injuries on D. Kelsey hasn't been great since he started dating TS. My guess is that he's being drained of his precious bodily fluids.
  3. Another possibility is that Josh starts to initiate a slide but then changes his mind and continues forward
  4. I think the refs rules it was an electric slide so no foul.
  5. WE are running out of guys to man up
  6. The team is cooking on all cylinders but injuries are a concern: Martin's hammy and injuries to the back end of the D.
  7. Hoping for the best; preoared to expect the worst.
  8. This is why we can't have nice things; like a Superbowl trophy
  9. It's the silent "h" at the end of Pittsburgh.
  10. Possibly the greatest coach in NFL history. I know, I know. As a Bills' Homer I'm supposed to hate him but the guy was something special. He's got 8 Superbowl rings and he did it in the time of free agency, no less, when dynasties just don't last. He designed the Giants' D that held the K-Gun to 19 points in the Bills' first Superbowl loss. No doubt that Brady helped his coaching and helped alot but Belichick saw something in Brady and drafted him and got him in the 6th round no less. Hopefully his next coaching job is not in the EC.
  11. Thanks for this walk down memory lane. One quibble: The city of Buffalo's name apparently doesn't derive from "le beau fleuve." Years ago I read a speech given to the Buffalo Historical Society in the 1880s or '90s by Grover Cleveland. In preparation for the speech he talked to people who had known some of Buffalo's earliest settlers. They said that the name came from an old Indian who lived near the river. The hair on his head reminded some of Buffalo hair so he was called "Buffalo man." Eventually the area around his home came to be referred to as "Buffalo." That's Grover's story and he's sticking to it. Go Bills!
  12. You may be onto something here. Has Diggs had COVID or another lung injury that's affecting his stamina? But remember: Nobody knows anything.
  13. In 1960 Ralph Wilson was awarded the Miami franchise in the AFL. So why are the Bills not the Miami team? Wilson had no stadium. The Orange Bowl was not available. The All-American Football League had a Miami Seahawks tram but they left town on 1946 without paying their Orange Bowl rent. As a result the Orange Bowl later refused to rent to the AFL. Wilson was then offered a choice of three cities: Louisville, Atlanta, and Buffalo. After looking at the attendance figures for the defunct AAFL Buffalo franchise, Wilson chose Buffalo and the rest is history. Except for the fact that Buffalo's colors for the first two years were blue and gray, the colors of Wilson's favorite NFL team the Detroit Lions. So in some alternate history dimension, Buffalo's fans are rooting for the Dolphins and Miami's fans are rooting for the Bills.
  14. CBS Sports reported that it's not a severe high ankle sprain
  15. When he returned to his house while the firefighters were putting out the fire Tyreek was in a walking boot. Waddle has a high ankle sprain and those take time to heal.
  16. Reading an article on the house fire and it says Tyreek showed up while the fire was being subdued and he was wearing a walking boot. So his sore ankle is likely still bothering him.
  17. So you rubbed some dirt on it and got back in the scrimmage?
  18. We......are.......not........an.........AI........bot.
  19. I remember watching the Browns before Buffalo had an AFL team. Ernie Davis was drafted by both the Bills and the Browns and chose the Browns. Tragically he did not play s down in the NFL he died of Lukemia within a year or two of being drafted. I led a deprived childhood. We only had a black and white tv and could only afford two channels (ABC had not yet been formed).
  20. Re the Blitz against Englend: The Brits were running out of planes. If Goering had continued attacking Brit airfields for one more week the RAF would have collapsed; instead Goering switched to bombing cities. Re the Russian campaign, the Russkies D made a crucial stop at Stalingrad. Once the Russkies had the ball in 1943 they continued to run the ball up the gut because the Germans couldn't stop it. Bottom line: the Germans lost WW2 because they couldn't win on the road. Re the Blitz against Englend: The Brits were running out of planes. If Goering had continued attacking Brit airfields for one more week the RAF would have collapsed; instead Goering switched to bombing cities. Re the Russian campaign, the Russkies D made a crucial stop at Stalingrad. Once the Russkies had the ball in 1943 they continued to run the ball up the gut because the Germans couldn't stop it. Bottom line: the Germans lost WW2 because they couldn't win on the road.
  21. Frank Ryan who QB'd the Cleveland Browns to their last NFLtitle in 1964 had a PhD in mathmetics from Rice University. He schocked the Johnny Unitas-led Baltimore Colts 27-0. Dr Ryan had a productive career after his playing days ended. Obit is here: https://insider.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39229703/ex-qb-frank-ryan-led-browns-last-title-dies-87
  22. Bradley Chubb may have suffered a torn ACL in the Dolphins' loss to the Ravens
  23. I don't necessarily disagree with you. That said, how do you get the team to play competently. These guys are professionals and make big money. It's their jobs to go out and win big over a weak opponent. Do you send them to bed without dinner? Parcells and Belichick were masters of getting teams ready to play. This week and last week against the Chargers they played down to the competition.
  24. Could be because he doesn't watch enough film. A year or so ago he said he doesn't watch much film because when you see on Sunday is not what you see on film. That's a big red flag. I hope Josh doesn't have a Kyler Murray problem.
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