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Old Coot

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Everything posted by Old Coot

  1. At one time Frank Reich held the records for the greatest comebacks in both NCAA football and the NFL.
  2. I'll bet the Germans even have a word for this: Backpfeifengesicht
  3. They'll do an MRI to assess the problem. If its significant and requires surgery he's out for the year and maybe permanently. Hopefully it's not.
  4. Jack Kemp Buffalo's QB through most of the 60s broke his hand and had the doc set it in the passing position.
  5. This. Say what you will about Edmunds, he had the ability to clog up the middle on pass plays. Whoever plays MLB this year won't have that ability so the entire defense will need to adjust -- maybe with the nickle DB filling the hole on occasion & maybe one of the safeties rotating down to fill but that leaves a single high safety, which is dangerous to play in this league. Likely our D won't be as good as last year so the O will need to pick up the slack.
  6. Here's hoping Kim gets off IR and returns to the active roster soon.
  7. Have you considered having the old film converted to video? That old film stock doesn't last and when its gone, it's gone. Also you could post the videos to Youtube for all to see. I attended school with Lou Tomasetti's daughter back in the day.
  8. Professional football was not the major sport it is today in 1949. Baseball was. In fact college football was much bigger than professional -- that's why professional football is played on Sunday -- it couldn't compete with Saturday college ball.
  9. The last of the two-way (60 minute) men was I think Chuck Bednarik who played center & linebacker for the Eagles in the late 50s and early 60s. He was known as "Concrete Charlie" not for his stamina but for his hard hitting. As one player put it getting hit by Bednarik was like getting hit with a sack of concrete. The two way player was why the offensive tackle is called a "tackle". He doesn't tackle anyone (legally, that is). The defensice tackle was also the offensive tackle. Why was the defensive tackle called a "tackle"? Because defenses would clog up the middle so that off-tackle plays were quite common and the man playing the DT position made most of the tackles.
  10. Apparently, he was also one of their linebackers... In those days the players played both offense and defense.
  11. Buffalo's "other" championship game: https://goldenrankings.com/AAFCchampionshipGame1948.htm
  12. I agree with you. The Patriot Way included focussed attention to detail as well as fundamentals, more so than other teams. It wasn't all Brady. I remember the Patriots' D making open field tackles when our guys would wiff on similar tackles and there D players always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. It was the Patriots, I think, who first practiced tackling and punching the ball out.
  13. The white helmet recalls the Browns' Glory Years, The sported an all-white helmet when they dominated the old All-America Football League and then the NFL in the early 1950s.
  14. Image of the 1960-61 Bills helmet: Bills' colors were silver & blue and were based on ralph Wilson's favorite NFL tean, the Detroit Lions who won the 1957 NFL championship beating the Browns 59-14.
  15. Elbert Dubenion's nickname was "Golden Wheels"
  16. Landry was fired because the new owner (Jerry Jones) took over and wanted Jimmie Johnson to be his coach. Yes, it can.
  17. Luck belongs in the Hall -- the Hall of Pretty Good but not Great Hall of Fame.
  18. There's a name I haven't heard in many a year -- Tarzan Torczon!
  19. While we're complaining about the high cost of print media, Old Coot remembers when he could get a McDonalds Burger, fries and a shake and get change back from a dollar. In 1960 season's tickets for the best seats in the house for Bills' seven home games cost $35. A ticket to the first Superbowl in 1967 (it was officially called the NFL-AFL World Championship) average cost $12 and they had to give away thousands of unsold tickets so the stands wouldn't look so empty.
  20. Won't somebody think of the children. How will all those papier mache craft projects get done? With digital news? I don't think so.
  21. Print media is dying. I pay over &80 per month for my local paper. Is it worth it? No but old habits die hard. Sounds like the Buff News is in a death spiral. I remember when Buffalo had two newspapers: Courier Express in the morning and Buffalo Evening News. Some day you'll be telling your grandkids that you remember when news was made from trees and hand delivered to your door. They won't believe you!
  22. Good point. I read that Josh said the injury affected his ability to throw short passes but not his ability to throw deep.
  23. The decline in Mahomes' TD pass yardage probably means that other teams adjusted to the Chiefs' deep passing game to take it away. That became easier in 2022 since Tyreek was not there. If you play a 2 high safety shell with a light box (as the Bills have done for the past several seasons) to take away the deep ball, the Chiefs have adjusted. Their running game was better in 2022 especially against a light box and they likely threw more short to medium passes. As others have said, teams adjusted to Josh by taking away the deep ball. At the beginning of last year Josh was taking the short to medium throws. At some point he started playing hero ball and taking deep shots. Any thoughts on why he changed? In any event, I hope and expect that Josh will learn patience and stick with it. If we can improve our running game that will help open things up for run-pass options and play action passes.
  24. Wait for the drop!
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