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Old Coot

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Everything posted by Old Coot

  1. I think that this is a good policy. I question, however, whether many prosecutors would go forward with the case if the complaining witness refuses to cooperate.
  2. Hoof, I (& likely the forum) would be interested in your take on the miscommunication between Josh & Gabe. Who is at fault (if anyone)? Thanks.
  3. How many three-footed receivers are there in the NFL? Seriously, I watched the play a ton of times and it's difficult to tell whether it's a fumble or an incomplete pass. Rules say if there is doubt call it incomplete. Why do we have the two feet down plus a football move? Is the two feet down rule for sideline catches? If so, I'd have a special rule for those catches and a simple rule that if it's a catch then it's a fumble without the two feet plaus a football move complication.
  4. The D did put Philly in a spot where it needed a 60 yard field goal in the rain to send the game into OT
  5. The quote says the horse collar rule does not apply to a QB in the pocket. So it's legal to horse collar the QB?
  6. Shawn Hochuli's explanation of why the horse collar wasn't called: Note: I'm only a messenger. I don't endorse the view expressed. "We felt that the force from the front of the collar and what pulled him down was not from the back," referee Shawn Hochuli told a pool reporter after the game. "So, that’s pretty much it. We felt he was pulled down from the front of the jersey and collar."
  7. This is a perfect analogy. I'll never be able to read that particular cartoon again without thinking of the Bills.
  8. I don't necessarily disagree. That said, however, please explain how Gabe was to run his route inside when the DB has inside leverage. What gabe did was to run away from the DB he had beaten deep. If he runs inside he's moving in the general direction of the DB who then might have a play on the ball.
  9. I agree. The DB has inside leverage and gabe has some but not much separation. If gabe runs inside he's running toward the DB even tho behind him.
  10. Yeah; yeah. nexy you'll probably say that it was a horse collar tackle. Who are you going to believe -- your eyes or the officials?
  11. This reference is entirely too literate for this forum. Takeyour well-reasoned literate posts elsewhere.
  12. Thanks for pointing us to Joe Thomas' analysis. I would have thought that the DL getting lower than the OL would stop the OL's push and create a pile but then you must deal with Hurts being pushed to "body surf" on top of the pile. So you need to stop the body surfing. Having your LBs jump over the pile to get to Hurts doesn't work because they are in the air while the pushers are grounded. Thomas' idea of knocking the pushers off Hurts is intriguing.
  13. Excellent analysis. Over the past several games the RB consistently gets to the 2d level before being hit. This suggests that the OL is opening holes for the RB, something that the OL hasn't been able to do consistently in the past. Do you have any insight as to why the OL is able to open holes? Is it scheme? OL jelling? Something else?
  14. The resurgence of the Bills' running attack has been an unexpected delight over the past few games. The backs seem to be making it past the DL before they are hit. This seems to indicate that our OL is actually opening holes for the backs. Is this correct? If so, why the inprovement in our OL? Scheme? OL jelling?
  15. That would be the whole 9 yards
  16. Art irritates life.
  17. Xi Jinping is a dictator
  18. Good idea. What could possibly go wrong?
  19. The Final Countdown: Desolation Row: The Carnival id Over: Nowhere Man: Dust in the Wind: (I can't get no) satisfaction: Baby Blue: To end on a hopeful note: takin' Care of Business:
  20. Interesting firing given last night's O performance. The O's play was more lack of execution rather than poor playcalling. maybe what got Dorsey fired was the fact that he didn't go with the run game until the last drive; that and the cumulative poor performances of the O in previous games. Brady will run the same system -- you can't change systems mid-season. Hopefully he will learn from what happened to Dorsey and call better plays. It will be interesting to see if we continue to go shotgun under Brady. Shotgun helps Josh make quicker reads. We'll see if they stay with it or go under center on passing plays. Our running game was surprisingly very effective last night. I don't know how proficient the Broncos are against teh run. I do know that our O line is not good enough to run consistently against the better DL teams.
  21. This was another frustrating loss and I get that people want to fire McD because of that. What is needed here is a clear-eyed analysis of the team's on field failures and maybe that leads to McD being fired.
  22. Maybe so but no coach can micromanage the D when the bullets are flying. The O screwed the pooch tonight. Is that on McD because he's the HC?
  23. The fault is Taron Johnson. It's man coverage with no help over the top because of the max blitz.You simply cannot get beaten long in that situation yet Jeudy did precisely that.
  24. I get this reasoning. The HC is responsible for everything but as such the HC must delegate duties to the asst coaches. The reasonong that screwups are on the HC makes McD responsible for the 4 turnovers (team not physically and mentally prepared) but that's absurd. BTW I realize that you aren't making this argument but it is the logical conclusion that the HC is responsible for everything.
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