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Everything posted by dje85

  1. 1. No 2. Not allowed on the sidelines allowed to be at the stadium 3. Yes 4. No
  2. Only 20ish more to go..
  3. Hopefully Keenum goes to the bench so we can score some points now.
  4. Sweeney got manhandled. Terrible blocking attempt.
  5. he refs have been giving us ***** spots all game. Re-donk-ulous.
  6. Pretty sure it's any discipline at all including suspension, discipline or even cutting (though I'm sure it'd have to be proven he was cut specifically due to the action and it was not performance related).
  7. NFLPA rules dictate the Bills can't suspend him for something he did while not under contract of the Buffalo Bills. It'd be like your boss suspending you for no pay while in college before you got your job.
  8. She claimed they had sex outside of the house before she was later brought into and raped inside. He didn't have to be part of the inside house incident to have given her an std.
  9. Araiza is a professional sports player who was just signed to a pro sports contract. That means he can pay. The other two are no names who likely will no longer be playing college sports regardless as one was a redshirt and the other already wasn't returning prior to this civil suit. The lawyer doesn't care about the non famous guys who can't pay up in a civil suit. Why would he? Civil suits won't lead to prosecution. The suit is just about getting paid. The others will likely get a lot more attention come the prosecution if it ever occurs.
  10. No, I am correct as I went on a California law website and pulled the specific law subset that pertains. But agree to disagree if you want who am I to judge you?
  11. Because he is a bad punter? Guy was 22nd or worse in every statistic in every category in the NFL last year. We can get a guy as good or better off the street after cuts.
  12. This is incorrect. Earlier in the post I debunked this. There is a law where if the individual did so unknowingly it is on the accuser/ law enforcement/ accusers legal team to prove beyond a doubt the individual knew the accuser was under age.
  13. They also said Ford was one of their best olinemen this year and we all know that isn't true or we wouldn't of traded him. We have this thing about keeping our best talent. Everything Beane and McDermott say about a player is 100% the truth take it to the bank. But this is besides the point. I said he stunk and needed to be replaced as he was easily replaceable by someone as talented or better. So I'm happy he is gone regardless of the Araiza issue now. And you said he was a good team mate? Who cares? That is not a good reason to keep him.
  14. When drunk logic gets thrown out the window. Not many go get stupid drunk and plan on getting behind a wheel until they are drunk either. But it happens, and happens a lot.
  15. That is all conjecture. How do you how good of a team mate he was? Were you on the team? If he was good a his job and not the 22nd or worse at his position last year in all punter categories he wouldn;t of been replaceable / replaced. Which he absolutely is.
  16. No he isn't or the cops wouldn't of asked her to ask him again. Per the LA Times article - Later in the conversation, she asked him, “And did we have actual sex?” Araiza allegedly changed his tone and replied, “This is Matt Araiza. I don’t remember anything that happened that night.”
  17. This could be why the Bills aren't just canning him like many want them to as well. If he isn;t subject tot he leagues personal policy conduct and then was cut just because of this the Bills and NFL could have a major lawsuit on their hands in regards from Araiza imo.
  18. "According to the lawsuit, the teen told Araiza she was a high school student and, even though he could see she was highly intoxicated, he told her to perform oral sex, then had sex with her. Then Araiza took her to a bedroom where Leonard, Ewaliko and at least one other man were, the complaint alleged, and threw her down on the bed face first. The lawsuit said she was raped for an hour and a half until the party was shut down." - From LA Times Article In that journal she says she doesn;t remember what happened after flirting. She doesn;t know how many guys were in there or who. She says she was thrown face down on the bed essentially claiming she couldn;t id anyone. I'm not saying she is lying or otherwise but any competent defense lawyer could use this and create a million ways to use this as defense for Araiza in regards to the civil lawsuit.
  19. A lot of the claims from her lawyer are contradicted in that journal. That was stupid of that lawyer. If anything this may hurt their case in regards to Araiza.
  20. Yes, that is the completely same scenario.. (sarcasm) If we cut him we are essentially saying we feel he is guilty. You think the NFL would let anyone touch him with a forty foot pole at that point? Even if he is found innocent.. I am not saying he is or isn't. I'm just saying we cut him now we likely do ruin his life.
  21. I would argue being released from the football team would ruin his life. He would be losing a million dollar contract. If you were employed and lost a million dollar salary job your life would be ruined don't you think? I know mine would be..
  22. Just looked this up since I am seeing a lot of misinformation.. What is the law in California? In California, the age of consent is 18 years old.18 Unlike most other states, California does not have a close-in-age exception or Romeo and Juliet Law for its statutory rape laws. However, California allows defendants facing sex crimes involving a minor to raise a mistake of fact defense. They can present evidence that they had a reasonable and actual belief that the minor was 18 or older.19 If there is sufficient evidence to prove this reasonable and actual belief, the burden shifts to law enforcement to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it did not exist at the time of the offense.20 Essentially, they don't have the Romeo and Juliet law in California but they do have this " I didn't know they were underage law. " If you can reasonably argue you didn't know the person was under age (which he was drunk and obviously didn't card her and there are claims she told people she was 18.) it is on her / law enforcement / her legal team for burden of proof in regards to this.
  23. We are talking about practice / training camp. Everyone and their mother were calling for his head all last year because he was bad. An okay training camp doesn't change the fact he ranked 22nd or worse in all punting statistics last year and helped cause us one or more lost games last year. PUNTS 22nd PUNT GROSS AVG. 31st LONG 22nd PINNED INSIDE THE 20 24th
  24. Did he though? Haack isn't that good of a punter anyways. I feel we could get a better punter than Haack after cuts or at least similarly talented. As far as I am concerned it shows how much trust they had in Haack as the starter that they willingly decided to roll the dice on this than cut the potential media storm issue before it happened.
  25. No thanks, you guys hate Edmunds you'd hate Roquan even more lol Over rated player. Wants more than his worth. Even his own team currently playing this knows this. Hence this public statement.
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