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Everything posted by Delete_Delete_Delete

  1. Kinda crazy how that’s “just how it shook out” all season long, unless somebody beat them decisively, like Buffalo in week 11… otherwise, one score games, these calls absolutely sway the outcome. This is not exclusive to the Bills. This is anybody vs KC…. Almost all of their games have been one score differentials and the disparity in flags against opposing teams has been egregious all season, it’s been a common talking point throughout the season, low and behold same thing happens in the Conference Championship. I honestly don’t care if the Bills ever win one at this point because the legitimacy of the league is in serious question. Why do they refuse modern advances like chipping the ball for spots, that can take the influence of the refs OUT of the game? There is no legitimate reason to leave so much up to human error at this point, technology has been available going on decades now to avoid bs like this, but they allow it. For what other reason than to sway the outcome of close games?
  2. This is a load of bull####. McDermott’s defenses ALWAYS get shredded in the post season. The regular season numbers look good bc he stat pads essentially against the mediocre and young QBs the league is filled with, but any time his defense faces a legitimate QB it almost always crumbles.
  3. Did we give them Andy Reid too, because THAT is the difference not Mahoverated Point being you put Patrat on the Bills, and Josh on the Chiefs, I guarantee the results are the same.
  4. If only there was a defensive guru out there who’d won a record setting number of Super Bowls and could be bought out of his UNC contract…
  5. Just hire Belichick. He loves a Josh, he has two buyout options. Enough of this MIDermott bull####.
  6. Yeah, the irony is clearly not lost on the football gods who clearly hate the Buffalo Bills… I just can’t get over the throw Josh made… idk how he got the ball there, but Superman put on his cape, unfortunately the Justice League was nowhere to be found.
  7. We should trade McDermott to New Orleans…
  8. Dejean, Ladd, Worthy, take your pick… any of them would’ve been better than Beane’s.
  9. So? ***** him, he should retire. Step up or step out. Tired of this coddling culture. I thought McDermott was supposed to change the culture but he seems far too content with constantly coming up short when it matters most. Kincaid will be the Norwood of this team, except Norwood’s kick was harder to make than this catch. Seriously, just get this loser off my team.
  10. At this point I wish Andrews would’ve just caught the ball if this was going to be the end result. Atleast that might spurred some real change had the Ravens won.
  11. He can buyout of his contract for $10 million before June 1st. $1 million after.
  12. Did anybody give Kincaid the Heimlich yet? Good, don’t… anybody not named Josh Allen shrivels up like George Costanza whenever it’s time to step up in the biggest moments. But knowing this fanbase Bills Mafia probably already donating to his favorite charity… They should just be sending him tracheotomy kits.
  13. Defense wins championships and the Bills is non-existent when it matters most. “But they held them to a fg on the last drive” some will say, they also allowed KC to score more points than they have all season… It’s cool that they had a chance to win the game, but when you have a defensive minded head coach and your defense is a liability every, single, post season, it’s time to call a spade a spade. What exactly is McDermott bringing to the table if the defense isn’t ever elite? Josh is elite, and if your pouring all of your resources into the other side of the ball the way Beane has, they need to carry their weight and rise to his level, otherwise what are we doing here?
  14. He has a very affordable buyout he kept in for a reason…
  15. Time to bring in the Hoodie to get to the top of the mountain…
  16. Yes, hire Bill Belichick. He’s the closest thing to football Phil Jackson…
  17. At this point, just get me Bill Belichick. Let’s not overthink this. Keep Brady, let him run the offense, make him the highest paid OC and coach in waiting. I’m sure Bill will have no problems with his run heavy approach. Belichick and Brady has a nice ring to it for whatever reason…
  18. If I’m Josh I’m forcing my way off this team. Beane has poured endless resources into the defense and to what end? The Bills will NEVER win a Super Bowl with Sean MIDermott. So? that’s not a very high bar to clear. Goal is a championship not to simply be competitive and win more than you lose, not when you have a QB like Josh Allen.
  19. They just need to send the house at Mahomes all second half, there is no other option at this point. It’s either bleed a slow death as is, or go for broke and hope to force him into mistakes.
  20. Why is everybody acting like the defense is just now a problem? Nobody watched Detroit or LA? And now you just took the best player in the secondary off the field? Superman’s about to put his cape on, but idk if it’s going to be enough.
  21. This game doesn’t have the right feel to it, ugh… 3 and out followed by letting Mahomes get into a rhythm is just a recipe for disaster.
  22. 25 years? Modern engineering must be abysmal, meanwhile the Coliseum is still standing. Ruins technically sure, but it must be safe enough that they still give tours. My point being it would be cool to see these stadiums built to last the test of time, as something impressive for our descendants to muse on about what it must’ve been like to sit there “in these very seats” and watch Josh Allen barrel and hurdle over defenders in the days when football was still legal. We need to stop being a society that just consumes and wastes, built that which endures.
  23. Does Pro Wrestling count? I used to be a huge wrestling nerd, traveled all over to go to some great shows, spent lots of money on lots of tickets, and now, I couldn’t even name 80% of the roster. I’ll still watch some big shows here and there, and Triple H seems to have WWE in a pretty good state at the moment, it’s just not the same though. Watching so many of your childhood heroes either die or fall apart well before their time just takes its toll. I’m glad to see WWE doing right by the legends who did make it to the later stages of the game however, and the wrestlers of this current generation are at least much more protected than those in eras past.
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