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Irish Dave

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Everything posted by Irish Dave

  1. Yea, weather issues at Highmark suck. Let's be honest. The new stadium will be exactly the same problems.
  2. I have never seen the Bilsl have this many injuries in the first 5 games. Fan since early 1970s
  3. Can't BELIEVE we didn't scrore on the fumble recovery and now letting them drive like this.
  4. If we lose this game it will be because of that ***** series after the punt fumble.
  5. That was a chance to kill their spirit. Now you gave them life
  6. OCD Dorsey overthinking things. That series was JV
  7. Dude! Yes, Gaelic Football! (Known as the GAA). My 14 year old Son plays, has played since he was 4; LOVES it. I love it too - actually coached for a while. Its every bit as popular in Ireland as the NFL is in the States. And the interesting thing is it's amateur. Nobody get paid. And you have to be from the county you play for. There are local teams, and County teams, if you're good enough. There's actually one team - Mayo - who has been to the final several times, sometimes two years in a row and they NEVER have won the Big one. Not since the 1940s. I try to describe being a Bills fan as similar to being a Mayo Fan. Then they get it! Rules: Basically it's soccer, but you can pick the ball up. The goal post is an "H". If you kick or punch it over the top and through the uprights it's 1 point. But there's also a goalie who guards the bottom part of the "H". If you get it past the the goalie it's 3 points. To move the ball you can take 4 steps before you have to either A-bounce/dribble (but can't do two in a row), or B-"Solo", which is dropping the ball onto your foot and kicking it back up to yourself - While Running Full stride (it's hard!). You can't throw the ball to your team mate, you either kick it to him, or punch it to him - like the underhanded Volleyball serve. We live in County Donegal and they won the whole thing in 2012 - I was at the game -80,000 fans - every bit as rabid as Bills fans I gotta say. And it was the FIRST TIME I ever felt proud of "My Team" winning a championship of any kind....(But it wa actually MAYO that Donegal Beat!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtqexj6u954 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtqexj6u954
  8. I grew up in Amherst, life long Bills fan. But now I live in Europe. (Ireland). I gotta tell you guys, "American Football" as it's known here is seen as a silly little sport. They make fun of the padding (compared to Rugby which has no padding). Also people here see it as having WAY too many commercials. It's actually ridicouls the amount of commercials there are, when you compare it with a Premiere League Soccer match - and soccer is by far the biggest sport in Europe. Games have NO commercials, except at halftime. Imagine that. The clock runs continuously. So - as much as we love it, grew up with it and love the Bills, for people here it's nothing more than a passing fancing; a silly game, with silly helmets. Despite my trying to convince them otherwise!
  9. Van Miller had such a great high pitch "Raspy" voice. Nothing against John Murphy, but I never warmed to his deep voice (he was better as Van's booth analyst
  10. And Singletary, Moss, Cook are all the same size!!!! Need a Jerome Bettis type. Give it to a BIG guy
  11. I'm sorry, I've been Bills Fan for 45 years and with the exception of the Greatest Comeback vs Oilers we ALWAYS choke and lose close games in the final seconds. Always. The Hail Murray and :13 seconds were basically the same thing. We seemingly win the game with a great last minute TD drive with almost no time remaining - and our Defense chokes and we lose. Our Defense always seems to have teams on the ropes; 3rd and 22 today - and somehow teams ALWYAS get a first down. On offense Allen falls apart when you rattle him. Today is a perfrect example. I'm tired of everyone thinking he's so clutch; sometimes he is - but just as often he's not. I hope he proves me wrong....
  12. Early!? Man, I'm in Ireland - it's 2am for me!
  13. NFL Gamepass
  14. Oh man, this is funny - I totally didn't mean to name the thread after myself! It's the first time I ever started a thread. Woops. Anyway, hopefully we'll get some actualy opinions on the Fitz-Keenum Conundrum....
  15. Does Keenum mean No Fitz?
  16. What a fake, full of *****, self obsessed #######
  17. Exactly. Red zone has been key. We had a chance to win in the last minute down near the goal line at least 3 times (Titans, NE, Tampa) and couldn't score TDs. That was the difference.
  18. Don't forget about the TV Signal suddenly Flashing all Blue and going in and out and wonky RIGHT while they started showing the replay of the Levi Wallace Pass Interference call in OT. They didn't want anybody to be able to watch it again. I thought it was just my TV. Nope. Hmmmm.
  19. Totally deserved to lose this. Defense sucked. Offense couldn't score TDs
  20. We havent had any time for long pass plays to develop
  21. Dude, I moved to Ireland several years ago, these night games don't START for me until 1:20am. Didn't get to sleep last week until almost 6am. But if this is the price to pay then I'm in!
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