So funny I'm in the same boat.I remember her from lurking back then.I had a screen name I twice I couldn't remember and just recently started a new one but I totally remember NJ Sue so she must have left a legacy.R.I.P
Unpopular opinion but I dont think Gase is that bad and hes right about not wanting to pay a running back that much money.The Jets were basically building the team like the Bills had been during the drought.To be successful you need to get out of cap jail and spend money on positions that are coveted in said scheme.GM and coach need to be on the same page.We(Bills) are finally building the team the right way but people thought Mcbean went nuts trading Watkins and Darby remember.Those moves where chess moves not checkers moves. I love to jump on the bandwagon and laugh at the tire fire that is the Jets but...ah never mind Gase is ghost face yacked and their doomed lol
Sorry I'm calling you out I'm a Chris Simms fan and he liked Oliver a lot he said he was a top ten pick.As a matter of fact he said he would be right at about ten.He was dead on.
He was not miss used in Houston he was injured and raw.I watch the Texans my friend is a fan.He is soooo much better now than he was he is a force to be recond with and would instantly make this Deffence #1
Fair enough ,that being said if you disagree with a pick without watching so much as one full game of said players tape your welcome to your opinion it's just a dumb ass opinion.
Sooo many draft christmases have come yielding me Go bots instead of Transformers.Dear Buffalo Santa I want an Oliver,Hockenson,or Quinen Williams please you know we need some Williamses....prrrreeeaase.
Hell to the naw and im in south Florida.Funny story thought,I once sat across for a Jets fan at a local sports bar while watching a Bills vs Jets game.The first quarter he was barking at me from across the bar with his Jets jersey and hat on.He couldn't talk enough crap about the Bills being down 10 points and how we suck.Well the football gods shone upon our Bills that Sunday and we came back to win.After the game I immediately looked across the bar to find my friend who was nowhere to be see.I found him ducking behind the crowd with a different shirt and no hat on.I walked up to him as he tried to sneak away and dont you know he went to the bathroom and stuck his hat and Jersey in his back waistband.He tried to sneek out without me noticing....I called him out in front of the whole place.Twas a great day to be a proud Bills fan...true story.
Trading Zay or Foster and Lawson for Clowney
I have a feeling they are trading a wide reciever and I think it might be Foster,I dont want them to trade him but I think they might.