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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. I think you’re right, it’s more of a status thing than an actual statement on a city having nothing to do. These guys want the LA or Miami scene for status. Little do they know that most of the grown up world is discovering life can be awesome outside of LA, NY, and Miami, and are actually leaving those areas in droves. The coastal cities aren’t as hip as they once were, but maybe they still are in the jock world, idk. Agree, everyone always brings up NY, LA, and Miami, but there’s 27 other NFL cities. Not everyone can be on one of five teams.
  2. The irony of it is the fact that guys like Burrow grew up in Ohio, go to college in Baton Rogue, and then say their NFL city has nothing to do. I don’t get the mentality. Cincinnati certainly isn’t NY, but that’s much different than “nothing to do”. Comparing mega cities to smaller cities are apples to oranges comparisons, but it’s not the same as nothing to do.
  3. As someone who grow up in a small town, I’ll never the crowd who says a city has nothing to do. I think you need to look at yourself that point.
  4. I was making the point that you can call smoking dumb, but there’s a lot of people causing themselves harm. It might just be in different ways than previous eras, so smokers aren’t the only ones making bad decisions. Trying to defend you bro, I’ll let you fight your own battles.
  5. Additionally only 14% of Americans smoke compared to years past, and although I’m not encouraging it, how many drug addicts do we have that didn’t exist in previous eras?
  6. Wishing Feliciano a speedy recovery. I am a little curious about his Twitter covid timeline, and was just wondering if someone more in the know could help me understand. I’m confused how he’s in the hospital Sunday, then apparently sent home/hotel, then gets monoclonal antibodies on Tuesday. If the hospital deemed him healthy enough to release, is the monoclonal antibody treatment just a personal request these guys have access to? I’d think if it was deemed medically necessary it’d be done while admitted to the hospital. I’m not looking for any controversy or debate, just curious if anyone could enlighten me.
  7. I thought Bease was irreplaceable last season, but the production hasn’t been there this year. When he has produced, he hasn’t looked like anything special. Plug McKenzie into the role, and see what he can do.
  8. I hope Cole gets well soon if he has symptoms, but honestly he hasn’t been a huge factor this season. It’s a loss, but Bease being out shouldn’t be the reason we lose. We’ve gone much of the season without Bease production. Now I’ll let everyone get back to heated off topic debates.
  9. The stadium in OP is a little over an hour drive from the Rochester area. Regardless of how many ticket holders are from Rochester, that’s not a significant distance. There’s plenty of NFL markets where it takes an hour to drive from suburbs to the stadium. Syracuse is extremely inconsequential, I’m willing to guess the percentage of season ticket holders from that area is relatively small. The Syracuse folks who do make the drive clearly aren’t worried about it. These are the Buffalo Bills, fans in other areas of NY should never factor into the decision making for building a stadium.
  10. Agree, we joke about this stuff, but Allen is the one guy you don’t want out for the final three games. I like Trubisky as our backup, but I’ve also seen enough Bears games to know Trubisky is fully capable of losing to the Falcons and Jets. The final two games should be a cake walk, but anyone who thinks it’d be the same without the starting QB is fooling themselves.
  11. We’re the better team, if guys actually show up to play and our coaches don’t hold them back, we win. If we lose again, we deserve the mockery, that’s the fun of sports.
  12. We all understand Chicago is a big market, but the NFL needs less prime time Bears.
  13. That’s true, but the Browns have three difficult games left, and we still control our own destiny. If we need the Raiders to win this game to sneak into the playoffs, we don’t deserve to be there imo.
  14. GM’s need to get smarter to avoid that situation. It should be clear that Carr isn’t winning a Super Bowl. These guys over complicate things with the fear of becoming a bottom feeder franchise. If you’re consistently missing the playoffs, that should be enough to move on.
  15. Browns have a really tough schedule ahead.
  16. I do love the enthusiasm of Browns fans. Tired of these lame crowds drawn by the southern and west coast teams.
  17. Agree, I get the Newton comparisons, but even in Newton’s prime, he was never the passer Allen is now. I actually see a lot of Favre in Allen as a passer. He’s going to make incredible throws, but you’ll always have to live with occasional madness as well. One of the few guys who’s good enough to consistently overcome taking risks throwing the ball into tight windows.
  18. Hill is a garbage QB and Colinsworth is praising him for taking on defenders.
  19. I already knew Hill can’t throw, but I’m starting to think he isn’t a very good runner either. He’s just a bad all around QB, and really can’t produce when he isn’t used as a gadget player.
  20. That’s what you need to do with Hill. The Saints need to stop this pocket passer offense and realize Hill needs a style that caters to what he does.
  21. Thanks, I was thinking maybe it was a time zone thing from the screenshot that was posted, but apparently it was just inaccurate all together. I’m not sure why the Rams game isn’t a 10pm eastern time slot. It’d seem more convenient for LA fans at 7pm on a weeknight.
  22. I think that’s an error. One is 4pm eastern time zone, while the Rams game is 4pm in pacific time. They’ll be 4pm and 7pm on the east coast.
  23. Agree, he speaks in a slow soft tone that sounds like a west coast eastern philosophy hippie guru when trying to sound profound. His content is alright, but he could put me to sleep sounding like he’s leading a meditation group.
  24. Capra does mean GOAT, so we should be good.
  25. It sounds good, but I doubt it. Luck always seemed wired differently than the average jock. I don’t know if his life is driven by that sort of thing. I’m not saying Luck didn’t take football very seriously, but I can picture him being content.
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