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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. I agree, I’m just responding to the idea that Watt might regret signing with the Cards. They gave him the best offer. I don’t know the guy, but when your bank account looks good, that might eliminate regret of not winning a title. I think every athlete wants to win, but money and marketing opportunities matter. I think Watt cares deeply about promoting himself, and Buffalo isn’t the place to do that, although I could be wrong.
  2. I could be wrong, but I think Watt enjoyed the publicity he received from joining the Cards. I wouldn’t be shocked if that was his priority. The Cards never should have been his number one option if he wanted a real title contender.
  3. I never worried about Europe embracing the NFL. I’m sure enough Europeans enjoy football to buy tickets for the occasional oversees game. I’m happy for them to see live NFL action. My concern is the money grab nature of it. It’s great for European fans, but completely ignores player safety, quality of play, and maintaining an equal playing field. Sending teams to Europe during the regular season while adding an extra week of play does nothing to increase quality of play. There will be a mass exodus of fans over the next several decades if they destroy the on field product with money grabs. Money is great, but the lust for more can also destroy a good thing.
  4. This debate happens on the board whenever one of these incidents occur. I just struggle with people being upset about a long sentence, without offering real alternatives. I’m in favor of rehabilitation and mental health, but how should that look? The best thing for society can be getting someone off the street, so others aren’t victimized. People love talking about compassion and mental illness, but I don’t hear solutions. I hear sorrow over his sentence, without anyone saying what should be done. Mandatory weekly visits to a therapists couch isn’t enough. I also remind people that mental illness doesn’t always equal violence, and not all violence is committed by the mentally ill.
  5. I think he’ll continue to improve if some slight adjustments are made to the offense. There’s talk about Knox being solely a big play guy, but some of that has to do with Daboll’s offense. We never utilized him in the way other tight ends are used these days.
  6. I’m sure NFL players care less about their coaches appearance than random guys on the internet. You’re correct with McVay and Shanahan. Nothing about their spiked hair or flat brim hat looks like classic manly leadership style to me. Players don’t care, Belichick has been dressing like a bum for years. His style would signal laziness and lack of attention to detail back in the day. Gone are the days of Bill Parcells clones.
  7. The NFL in Vegas is off to a great start in regards to player behavior.
  8. I say give the linemen a chance to play. Give them a few drives to play the skill positions in a 7 on 7 game. That would be fun to watch, and adds a unique touch the game desperately needs.
  9. Agree, I expect the Rams D line to dominate the game. There’s a good possibility that Stafford won’t need to do much to win. I’ve also doubted Stafford for a long time. I’m beginning to trust him more with McVay and that roster. He’s done everything that’s been asked of him this season. I’m no longer able to deliver the “Stafford is going to mess it up” hot take.
  10. Agree, I Iike Burger King, but it’s not reasonable compared to McDonald’s. If I don’t want to sit, I can do take out to get a decent entree from a local restaurant for the cost of BK. When I can get an entire pasta dish, our legitimate cheeseburger for the same price, why am I going with fast food?
  11. Yeah, I’m fine if Buffalo pizza isn’t someone’s thing, but I wish people would tell where they're finding better pizza. I’m just curious. I’m not the guy who thinks, “‘nothing beats Buffalo”, but if you’re not giving a preference, maybe pizza just isn’t your thing.
  12. Pizza’s gone downhill everywhere. Once upon a time anywhere with an Italian American population had good pizza. I remember the phenomenal mom and pop shops back in the day, and this was just one small town. Most of them are long gone. The big corporate model has taken over pizza, and quality has suffered. Most successful small pizza shops expanded to become regional chains covering entire metro areas. Pizza that was once hand tossed often becomes frozen dough made for mass production. That being said, some cities have better pizza others. WNY ranks on the higher end of the scale imo.
  13. Rodgers isn’t going to the Titans. He’s probably just working on a post football country music career. This guy loves the spotlight, and Nashville is a good place to find it when Cali gets too pricey.
  14. I expect the tanking stuff to proven “false” regardless of the truth. The league and owners will never let that out. It’ll be handled in house.
  15. Dropping a pass in the Super Bowl, or the time Gisele called out his receivers.
  16. It doesn’t seem like anyone has a huge home field advantage these days. Would I rather we had home field? Yes, I’d love the number one seed next year, but home field isn’t the unstoppable force it once was.
  17. I hope both Rams fans have a great time celebrating this victory.
  18. There hasn’t been a non Bills QB I’ve less enjoyed watching than Jimmy G.
  19. Especially with the Niners offense on the other side.
  20. Sounds like the kind of guy I wouldn’t be talking to, unless he’s cool in non football conversations.
  21. I’m convinced McVay is a very good coach, Shanahan’s almost as overrated as his old man.
  22. McVay apparently thought he had Jared Goff when he made that call.
  23. Seems like delay of game hasn’t been a thing in the playoffs. Interesting
  24. Bosa probably needs to make a play if the Niners want a chance at holding them to a field goal.
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