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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Yep, this team feels as phony as LA itself. They are the champs though, the big money guys did pull through.
  2. Well…. I can’t say I would have enjoyed that much.
  3. The crowd at a stadium on Sunday is different than the Super Bowl audience. Everyone watches the Super Bowl, getting a bunch dudes hyped at the stadium is different from targeting a wide audience. I think this is great music, I love those songs, and your enthusiasm for rock, but they aren’t dragging out an obese Axl Rose for a halftime show at this point.
  4. Fair enough, it wasn’t my thing, but it seems like most younger people enjoyed it from what I see on social media. That’s what the NFL wants with demographics. Prince was phenomenal, and I loved all the rock halftime shows. I’m not a rap fan, but those guys have a much wider appeal than Metallica for instance. Metallica’s entire appeal is to middle aged men. Absolutely, that’s the entire point. My wife hates rap, but knew most of those songs from early 2000’s pop radio. Many of our Facebook friends are talking about it also.
  5. Atrocious play calling by both teams tonight.
  6. Weird stuff considering they sold their future for the guy.
  7. I love rock music, it’s a huge part of my life, so I’m not putting it down. Here’s the issue, those rappers might be “old”, but social media is abuzz about their performance right now. That doesn’t happen with Metallica. Everyone 50 and under knew those songs, people of both genders, and fans of all music genres. That just isn’t the reality of Metallica. My point was that I’d love to see different genres, but not interested in cross genre collaborations. Seeing Britney Spears perform with Aerosmith for example, was not one of halftime’s finest moments.
  8. Love this idea, but let them perform independently. I don’t need the type of collaboration where country stars are rapping and vice versa.
  9. I hate country 😂 at least the new stuff, and that’s what we’d get at halftime.
  10. Yeah, I loved the Sopranos show, but it seemed like a weird connection for selling an electric pickup truck. It’s really about the star power, but funny to me regardless. I don’t expect the peak of electric truck sales to be in urban New Jersey, or the average buyer to be a Sopranos fan.
  11. Meh, he always seems angry. That’s part of why he’s so good. If throwing pretzels at opposing fans is classy, then yes she is 😂
  12. Expect Mrs.Stafford to go all Gisele and say Matt’s receivers failed him on social media.
  13. OBJ out with injury and Ramsey getting burned. Sounds about right.
  14. I worry the Rams have a huge experience advantage. They have the vet QB against a young cocky Bengals team.
  15. Mayfield stinks, bur OBJ is a front runner. He gave up on NY and Cleveland. He’s on a Super Bowl team his first year in LA. Hasn’t faced any tough times. The effort is there now, and he’s always had the talent. Just my opinion.
  16. Awesome to see Stafford throw a Super Bowl TD, equally as gross to see OBJ catch one.
  17. This might look like the last Rams Super Bowl. I’m not convinced the Bengals can do much on offense.
  18. Ironically the Bengals first series on defense showed exactly why we aren’t.
  19. No way, it’s easy to get that ripped at 50 😂.
  20. This Rock bit is lame. Super cheesy, wrestling stuff.
  21. To answer the OP, I don’t think this means Reich is on the hot seat. He will be on the hot seat if Wentz is his QB another season though.
  22. You make valid points. There’s no way to prove these games hurt player health. I can’t make an argument on that either way. I just believe that travel must have a huge impact on teams. You’re correct in saying that league scheduling has never been equal, but asking a select group of teams to travel overseas seems like a disadvantage. I’m viewing this from a personal prospective. Travel can be tough on the body, especially when it involves major time zone changes. I’d assume there’s some recovery time involved that could impact the next game. The NFL is unique in its short season, making rest, recovery, and staying on schedule more important. I wouldn’t make this argument for other major sports. Don’t be mistaken, I’m not even advocating for an end to these games, I’m just questioning where they’re going with this. The idea of an NFL team in Europe is a bit ambitious, if the league claims players matter. There are valid player related reasons not to put a team overseas.
  23. McVay will stick around. I understand wanting to spend time with family, but a lot of sacrifices are made when you get into coaching. I don’t think these guys are wired to give up coaching. They know what they’re getting into from the start. I’d say he’s either looking to escape a sinking ship or for a huge contract. This could true, the only reason I’m skeptical about the family thing is his timing. Super Bowl week is an interesting time to mention this. It made the headlines, which is perfect for contract negotiations.
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