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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. There’s definitely some grey area, because living up to expectations is subjective. I’m just saying that most draft picks can’t be considered busts. No one expects the seventh round pick to be a starter, while people expect top ten picks to change the franchise. This puts more expectations on the first rounder, making him more likely to be considered a bust. I think of our QB situation over the years. I’d easily consider Losman and Manuel as busts, while Trent Edwards wasn’t a bust by my standards. Third round QB’s aren’t expected to be franchise guys. Lastly, would I consider Evans or Fina a bust? No, we got seven good seasons out of Lee Evans, and Fina was average, but as a guy taken lower in the first round, he contributed to this team for a decent amount of time.
  2. This is where I view it differently. I’d say that not living up to one’s draft selection is the exact definition of bust.
  3. I couldn’t agree more. Ohio State always has great skill position talent. I think this allows QB’s to get tons of open receivers. OSU just over matches everyone in the Big Ten. They’re the only modern team in a conference that’s stuck in a Stone Age style of play.
  4. I can already envision Vegas as a team with very few fans, but that stadium will fill up with fans of other teams.
  5. I don’t even want to comment much on this topic, but I had similar thoughts to you. Regardless of what’s true, there’s some major melodrama being posted here. A couple in their twenties breaking up isn’t remotely catastrophic.
  6. That’s true, but I completely understand the Packers stance. Rodgers won’t play another down for the Packers. He isn’t part of their future under any circumstance. Why not try to get everything you want from the Jets? The Jets and Rodgers have told the entire planet that Aaron Rodgers will be a Jet long before a deal was done. Those are the two parties who look foolish if nothing happens. The Packers should hold out as long as possible.
  7. I agree, but I think he’s saying that recruiting students to costly private schools might be increasingly difficult with free SUNY tuition is awaiting. I understand the point to an extent, especially when the private school isn’t in the elite category. Cazenovia was probably a great school, and I feel bad for everyone involved, but let’s be realistic. It’s in the middle of nowhere, and isn’t well known. It wasn’t attracting the elite crowd, or the party crowd. Dwindling enrollment plays a part, but the private schools that succeed are ones who can attract big money, and there’s plenty of them left, even with declining enrollment. You’re absolutely correct about schools with small endowments, but an over saturated market is also finally catching up to them. Enrollment is declining across the board, but I’m not convinced the need was ever there for the large number of schools that exist.
  8. Students from households with less than 125K annual income qualify for free SUNY school tuition. I’m sure that’s what he’s referring to. However, I don’t see schools closing in mass numbers. Cazanovia had nothing for an endowment, a peak enrollment of 1,000, and lacked legacy students who attend based on family history. They just didn’t have the donors to keep them afloat. Smaller colleges who lack funds have closed throughout the years, and I think Caz’s days were limited, regardless of current trends.
  9. Stroud, another Ohio State QB. I’d like him to break the trend, but I don’t see it. Strangely, much of this board seems to love OSU QB’s.
  10. That’s actually really cool, thanks for sharing. Just one thing, no receivers named Zay please.
  11. I agree, but honestly we don’t look like a offense that knows how to use anyone apart from Allen and Diggs. That needs to change in a big way this season.
  12. Love the classic Les Paul and Strat sounds, but have Ibanez electric, and Taylor acoustic. Les Paul and Stratocasters models are great guitars if you order high end custom built guitars, but I’ve been very disappointed in the quality of the classic brands for quite some time. I actually have a Gibson purchased about a decade ago that lasted for a year before some major issues with the fret board.
  13. That’s fair, but I wasn’t necessarily thinking of guys who were big time signings, I was just thinking of veteran players signed by Beane. Guys like Anquan Boldin and Vontae Davis. I understand they weren’t expected to be superstars, but they were supposed to be a veteran presence, instead they were epic busts. I know those guys didn’t cost much, but it’s a road I’d prefer not to travel going forward. I’ll take the Sherfield signing everyday over a mediocre veteran with name recognition. Campbell is obviously a step above many of the rest, but the price would have to be a bargain for me to have any interest.
  14. I thought Von was phenomenal, and had the potential to transform this team much like Diggs. However, the story of Von in Buffalo has yet to be written. That acquisition didn’t achieve what Beane hoped. Miller was brought in to win a title, and he wasn’t even on the field in the playoffs. Now we have a 34 year old coming off an ACL injury. It’s yet to be seen if he’s the same player. I didn’t mind adding Miller, but it’s worth pointing out the terrible luck Beane has with signing veteran players. We need to draft better. Allen should be surrounded with teammates who can be around for a future title run, personally I’d be done with thirty something former superstars. I think comparing Bruce Smith and Reggie White type players with Calais Campbell is a bit of a reach though. I’ve seen Campbell compared to several Hall of Fame guys here. They were players with a much different style. Campbell isn’t going to transform this defense imo.
  15. Beane needs to lose the obsession with old guys. It hasn’t worked out for us once.
  16. Von Miller’s best years are behind him, and staying healthy will be an issue. I wouldn’t mind seeing a Hopkins trade, but I have the same concerns with him. Another unpopular opinion, we draft terribly. I’d rather be capable of drafting guys who can actually help over signing thirty somethings.
  17. I’ve always thought baseball stats tell more about a player than football stats. I wouldn’t lump them together. I think most great baseball players have the stats to back it, while football players can be much better than stats indicate. Football is much more dependent on teammates.
  18. Ohtani should be on every sports fan list of elite athletes. The fact he isn’t speaks to the decline of baseball, or the inability of MLB to market their stars. I’m not sure which is the answer.
  19. I’m fine with admitting to being a fan of their old stuff. I also get its not everyone’s taste. I will say, you don’t need to be a fan to admit that Iris was a huge hit though. Everyone knows the song, and that’s a huge accomplishment. I think it will have staying power. I don’t think anyone here is a Village People fan, but we’d still admit they have some tunes with staying power.
  20. I agree with the Mount Rushmore point, but I think people forget the power of one song to maintain a legacy. The legacy of 90’s bands hasn’t been fully written. A song like Iris has the potential to be a sensation for years to come. Look at a tune like Don’t Stop Believin’. I see Iris as having similar potential. The music business is in rough shape, many top 100 songs on streaming services were released over twenty years ago. That’s what keeps songs like Iris in the spotlight. It’s also a tune that appeals to a broad demographic. Soundgarden might have sold a ton of records, but they appealed to a narrow demographic who bought up those albums. I wouldn’t be shocked if Iris makes GGD more universally known than bands like Soundgarden in the future.
  21. Nirvana is the only band who truly separates themselves from the pack in the 90’s. There’s 90’s bands I like, but none are next level like bands of the 60’s-80’s. The biggest 90’s bands had short commercial peaks compared to top artists of previous generations.
  22. I agree, and I’m fine with it. I just hope McD gets over his rookie phobia to actually let these backs play more their rookie season.
  23. I’m not disappointed as you are, but I find it slightly confusing. They obviously liked him better than Cook and Hines based on carries, but you let him walk for peanuts.
  24. I love the Harty and Sherfield signings. Those guys might not be thought of as anything special now, but QB’s like Allen can turn speed guys into top notch receivers. My concern is our coaching staffs ability to utilize them.
  25. Absolutely, and I’m not going to make an argument that Mahomes isn’t the best. He might go down as the greatest of all time. The guy has an amazing skill set, but becoming the best and/or greatest obviously requires the help of others. I’m not going to make the Allen is better argument, but something tells me if we had Mahomes, the end result would have been the same playoff exit.
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