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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. All those first down runs I got impatient with did a great job setting up that Davis TD.
  2. Cook is going to be huge to keep the Miami offense off the field. I just hope we don’t run predictably every first down.
  3. I don’t love the Prime experience either, but was impressed that his team kept fighting. Shadeur Sanders also seems like the real deal, and I wasn’t convinced before seeing how he responded to adversity yesterday.
  4. Yeah, Detroit fans getting a home playoff game would be really cool for them. I’m also happy for Goff. He might not be elite, but he’s better than he gets credit for. Goff was part of McVay’s early success with the Rams. He was treated as being completely disposable, but the Lions look in better shape than the Rams.
  5. Good point, there are definitely better ways to invest that money. Imagine being a Jets fan trying to flip seasons after the Rodgers injury. Football tickets in particular are always one injury away from being worthless.
  6. You’re correct, the NCAA is definitely to blame, and the myth has been dead for years. I just think Deion was the first to take full advantage. I don’t have an issue with Deion himself, it’s more the way he’s being discussed. He’s a very polarizing coach, and it seems perspectives on Prime are both on the more extreme ends. I struggle with the media narrative that Deion is somehow morally superior to other NCAA coaches. That’s what I’m seeing play out in the media, but that’s just my opinion. There seems to be a message that Deion is some saint like figure here to save college athletes. In reality, he’s just as ruthless as any other college coach. Let’s just give him credit for his accomplishments as they come. I actually enjoy watching that Colorado team, and can’t wait to see what Prime achieves.
  7. Prime has obviously been very good for college football’s bottom line. I’ve watched Colorado games, enough said. My concern is that this feel good story isn’t all what it seems. College football has always been somewhat shady with coaches who have their own interests, far apart the student/athlete interests. However, I think Prime has taken it to the next level, and I’m not sure I like that direction. He essentially fired last years roster, using the transfer portal to build his team. He didn’t break the rules, but it shatters any myth that remains about the educational side of sports. The release of pro athletes doesn’t bother me as much, but there should be many reasons one chooses a college. It’s sad to think Prime could have fired some guy who always dreamed of attending Colorado, or maybe a player who valued their education. I just don’t like the message it sends.
  8. It wasn’t long ago I bought $10 upper deck tickets for December games in Buffalo.
  9. It’s not just teams that travel well. It’s also the fact that tons of people from the rust belt and northeast live down south and out west. Take Philly at Tampa for example, you could easily fill that stadium with people from the Philly area who live in Tampa. Not many people in cities like Vegas or Tampa are actually from those places, and even fewer people whose parents/grandparents are.
  10. Jimmy leads Davante into a big hit the second week in a row.
  11. At this point in history these halftime shows aren’t real musical performances anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter who dances around to music on tape.
  12. Adams also needs to speak with Jimmy G. That’s an ill advised pass at that point in the game. He really threw Adams into a bad spot.
  13. I think what you’re saying sums up Buffalo’s economic decline in a historical context, but doesn’t necessarily speak to the future. I’m not convinced that geography holds the same importance in todays electronically connected world. Some of the most thriving American cities are situated in areas that would have been geographically terrible in previous eras.
  14. Genuine is the best word, I’ve always appreciated how real the people of Buffalo are. Too many urban/suburban areas of this country give the feeling of everyone being in a giant competition for status.
  15. Not a very creative two point attempt crafted by Payton there.
  16. Is Sean Payton still a genius? Or does Drew Brees suddenly look more incredible?
  17. Let’s get Josh out of this with no picks.
  18. I’m still in awe. Easily the greatest interception by an Italian of an Italian QB in the history of the NFL.
  19. And we have Knox and Kincaid, you’d think we should dominate that area with passing.
  20. We are looking good, but I hate the first and second down runs consecutively.
  21. Didn’t like that call. Too obvious run formation.
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