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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Yep, any given week is true. Super Bowl champs lose several games every season. I just mean that we’re getting to that time of year where contenders separate themselves from pretenders. We see a team like KC lose today, but it might be a one off, we’ll see the true extent of their issues in the next few weeks. Other teams we thought are contenders might fall off the map.
  2. I thought they could easily make the Super Bowl, but always had doubts about them winning it with Purdy. I figured they might survive the NFC, but would lose when faced with an elite QB in the big game. It’s starting to look like even a Super Bowl appearance isn’t going to be as likely as many thought.
  3. Quite honestly, I hate to be a downer, but I can’t find much humor in any of it. KC has two Super Bowl wins, and could very well get another this season. I’ll stick to picking on bad teams.
  4. I truly believe the clock might have struck midnight on the Purdy story. The 49ers are in trouble if that’s the case.
  5. Well, DeVito probably shouldn’t be an NFL QB. He was ok at Illinois, but hot garbage at Syracuse. Whatever happened to the punter being emergency QB? The punter or anyone on the roster could have done the same as DeVito. A strange waste of roster space for a guy they won’t let throw downfield.
  6. You all still think Daboll is genius for playing it conservative? Conservative doesn’t work in the NFL.
  7. The Giants played the Commanders and Jets the last two weeks, so it’s difficult for me to say they’ve become a great defense. I want to see them show up against divisional foes like Dallas and Philly before giving them too much credit.
  8. I guess, I’m just never confident in NFL defense. You’re always one PI away from a big play.
  9. Wilson stinks, but I think the overall talent on the Jets offense was very overrated going into the season.
  10. Why have a guy like DeVito on the roster if you can never throw with him in the game?
  11. We can talk about turf all we want, but people have somehow forgotten that QB’s in their mid 30’s are old by pro athlete standards.
  12. As someone who follows Syracuse football, I can’t believe I’m seeing Tommy DeVito in a real NFL game.
  13. The “improvement” from Zach Wilson the media is selling is hilarious. His stats are still atrocious, and the Jets only win because their D.
  14. Kincaid looks as advertised. This is exactly the type of player with great hands he was in college. I realize things don’t always work out in the pros, but this is why he needed a bigger role, and we’re fortunate it’s going to happen.
  15. Good point, typically it’s better opponents who made us pay the price for mismanagement in clutch situations. However, mismanagement of those situations is a coaching weakness that shouldn’t be impacted by strength of opponent. A coaching staff needs to learn how to manage clutch situations against all opposition. I think quality teams are more likely to make coaching blunders cost their opponents, but lesser opponents can luck their way to victory when the door is left open. It seems like the laws of averages have caught up to McD. What used to cost us against superior teams, now costs us against inferior opponents as well. I don’t think the actual problem has changed much.
  16. This might be true, but McD had trouble managing clutch situations long before taking on the D coordinator role.
  17. The game itself was much different, but last nights dud of a second half was reminiscent of the Packers prime time game last season. That’s my frustration, we’re starting to see the same mistakes made again and again.
  18. Way too sloppy when you’re trying to put the game away.
  19. Gabe playing like a number two does exactly what everyone thought, it makes this offense work.
  20. I wish Knox a speedy recovery, and don’t like see anyone injured, but his opportunities going to other players is a very good thing.
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