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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Absolutely, plus if they are looking to party they can find just as good partying in Buffalo as anywhere else. It’s not as if most pro athletes are looking for classy parties. I could make the argument they’ll have more fun in Buffalo, because more people around these parts are star struck by random football players than people in larger markets. The negative view of Buffalo among free agents really comes as a result of being viewed as a perennial loser, along with the idea that Buffalo has Siberian like weather (a common misperception among many people who were raised watching the Weather Channel). This city does get a ton of snow, but the average winter temps are no worse than Chicago, and much better than Minneapolis. Winning would solve all those problems. None of these guys know much about what each city has to offer. They only where it’s warm and where it’s cold, along with who wins.
  2. This ^ There is most certainly still a need for balance, but there is no denying the fact this league is quickly becoming based on offense. I’ve seen a lot of discussion regarding the Pats/Chiefs AFC championship game that seem to be missing one key point imo. The last team to have the ball was going to win that game. How confident are we that the Pats defense was going to prevent the Chiefs from scoring a TD had the Chiefs won the coin toss? I don’t think that game is a very good example regarding the importance of defense.
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