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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Didn’t some people blame the sun when he dropped that pass against Carolina his rookie season?
  2. Yeah, I’ve found that to be the most discouraging development this preseason. Foster developed into a sure handed receiver with big play ability late last season. He looked like he could play on the outside as a real number two type receiver. Zay is nowhere close to a guy I want as my number two.
  3. Yeah, we’ve all seen that movie a few times before. Personally, I’ve seen enough from Zay. I really need to see something more the rest of the preseason. With that said, it’s highly likely this regime will part with Zay before his contract is up. He’s always felt like a liability on the field imo.
  4. Lots of good, and some not so great things we can take from that game. Allen continues to develop a better awareness with the mental aspect of the game. He has looked more in command each time he’s been on field since late last season. Zay is a guy I’m concerned about. It seems like popular opinion regarding Zay’s performance has swayed in his favor since his rookie year. He’s made great progress since that season, but I still don’t trust him. Zay has always been best suited for the slot position. Slot receivers need to be sure handed. Zay doesn’t possess big play ability to make up for errors such as the red zone drop where he heard footsteps in the secondary. Those are huge plays when the games get real.
  5. Yeah, that’s a big deal during the regular season. Zay has cost this team wins and points during his time here. Players all make mistakes, but Zay’s habit of making game altering mistakes needs to be corrected quickly.
  6. You have to wonder how much of a chance he’ll be given to struggle. Undrafted guys need to show something faster than others.
  7. Yeah, I just don’t get why some NFL players need to make that known on their jersey. I thought Roman numerals after names were reserved for legal documents.
  8. Glad someone noticed. I really don’t get the point of the 5.
  9. I hear you. Personally, I just find it gross that he gets to run around having fun after getting busted at a spa in Fla with no worries. If a star player committed the same act, they’d pay a steep price with both league discipline and public opinion. He’s worried about freeing Meek Mill, yet the players in his league receive treatment that hold them to different behavioral standards than ownership. I don’t really care about the spa garbage, I just think it accentuates some unfair standards that players are held to.
  10. Plus, high likelihood she’s not married to him if he isn’t an NFL coach.
  11. People have always had opinions on what others say and do. Gossip and chatter are as old as mankind. Attributing the fact that I find Kraft’s antics funny and disingenuous are not a “testament to a societal mess”. It’s simply some of our opinions. He can do whatever he wants, but pretending to be young and hip simply wouldn't be style. That’s probably why I find it off putting.
  12. You just summed up my feelings perfectly. Nothing wrong with having fun, but things like dancing with Cardi B and getting involved in the Meek Mill situation make Kraft look like an old man who’s trying to be hip and relevant. People of all ages are entitled to fun, but some of it seems slightly attention seeking. My thoughts are also clouded by the fact he owns the Pats.
  13. Nothing wrong with having fun at any age, but singing Livin on a Prayer with JBJ and a bunch of random B listers doesn’t make Kraft as cool as he thinks he is.
  14. His attitude is questionable, but he skills are not. Are pointing to his height as a reason to doubt him? I hope not, because he’s been an elite pro receiver for quite some time. His height is the least of any concerns at this point.
  15. All very true, but loving the money a career brings doesn't always correlate with performing poorly at that job.
  16. I know plenty of women who hang around creeps who don’t have money.
  17. Woods is the only player out of those guys I’d want on the current roster. Otherwise, I’d take what we have over any of those guys. Darby, Bradham, and Hogan are all meh, while Watkins injuries never allow him to live up to his potential. Being on a good team and being responsible for its success are not synonymous.
  18. I agree, and I hope he does well with this opportunity. However, the average felon most certainly is rarely offered a well paying professional career opportunity, regardless of qualifications.
  19. I see this narrative a lot, many who follow college ball knew EJ was a disappointment at FSU, so it was difficult to ever imagine him being a good pro QB under any coaching staff.
  20. Sadly, I don’t think wake up calls exist for some of these guys. You’d think the millions being deposited into their bank account would be enough to consider a wake up call everyday.
  21. I’m actually not convinced the snow didn’t help us that game. Had the weather been decent, Peterman probably throws 7 picks and we lose.
  22. Winter is rough, but I wish all these self proclaimed intellectuals in the media would get it right. Buffalo (parts of it) can be exceptionally SNOWY. If you make fun of Buffalo for being cold, then you need to include the entire Midwest.
  23. Absolutely, and what’s most concerning is that last season wasn’t the first where Rivers appeared to struggle with this issue.
  24. I just think that he needs more experience before he’ll be able to match up well against top notch coaches. Lynn doesn’t bring anything cutting edge to the table like many of the successful young coaches do. His job is all about getting the most from a super talented roster. I’m not sure that he’s ready to lead a champion in the short window he has before Rivers retires. With that said, I trust Rivers to show up in big games even less.
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