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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. I like seeing all 22 men with that angle, but when the ball is thrown down field it gets nauseating to watch imo.
  2. Most NFL teams attempt a field goal in that range. It kind of speaks to the possibility their kicking game is still a disaster.
  3. Nope, but in their defense they haven’t had a real QB in decades, they apparently can’t/won’t attempt 50+ yard fields, two delay of game penalties on one possession, and they look generally disorganized on offense. Can’t say I don’t understand the frustration.
  4. Yeah, our D wasn’t bad last season, but the Bears D was elite and made big plays. He benefited greatly from that as well.
  5. No, but I see nothing in Trubisky that indicates the potential to become an elite starting QB. Allen is only entering his second season while Trubisky is entering his their season. The third season is a time to prove it for a young QB’s, and I could easily Trubisky regressing this year.
  6. This Bears team isn’t going anywhere with this offense. The defense is elite, but elite defense doesn’t win titles anymore imo. They’ll be moving on from Trubisky relatively soon.
  7. Exactly, getting drunk before going on tv and drinking way more than you can handle seems more logical than showing up the flu.
  8. So, if he was really dehydrated from the flu, why was he doing a meaningless television interview ?
  9. Backs don’t get much these days, but something still could have been had some point. I find it hard to believe they haven’t been down on Shady for a while. I really doubt that parting with Shady isn’t something that hasn’t thought of before. This sort of cut doesn’t just happen out of nowhere. I don’t understand why they didn’t trade him last off-season prior to the rebuilding year. Keeping a high priced vet through a year they knew would be a struggle only to cut him the next season is confusing to me.
  10. Yeah, but how many TE’s dated the owner’s daughter back in the 80’s and 90’s?
  11. No worries, no musical talent necessary to be a star in modern Nashville.
  12. Right, and the talking heads/some players seem to act like it’s a pressing world issue. Getting booed as a millionaire is not one of the more cruel things that happen on this earth. Yet the pundits are using this is an example for the decline of western civilization.
  13. Exactly, I don’t think either Luck or the fans are bad guys in this situation. Everyone wants to take a side. Fans reacted how you’d expect, and Luck did what’s best for him.
  14. I love how paying fans are treated as if they no right to boo. Fans can boo whoever they want within reason. Do a bunch of drunk middle aged men really hurt players feelings that bad? If I’m Luck I have 21 million reasons not to care who’s booing me.
  15. Yeah, that’s the one part of the booing that players and sports media don’t understand. The Colts just went from playoff contender to a bottom feeder. I wouldn’t be happy if I spent money on season tickets. The dude just says see ya, halfway through preseason. Luck is set for life, and should be able to make whatever choice is best for him, but I do somewhat understand the frustration.
  16. Who’s to blame for Peterman looking like the worst QB of all time in every other regular season game he played? It’s one thing to play at a below average level, but it’s another to be a complete disaster. Hypothetically, if an O-line decides not to block at all it’s up to the QB to throw the ball away or take sacks. Once you throw more than a couple picks, you’re making poor choices with the ball regardless.
  17. I hear ya, just not sold on Rudolph. The Steelers have been one of the league’s most consistently successful franchises. Historically they’ve had continued success while transitioning from one era to the next. I’m not convinced that will continue once Big Ben retires. Roethlisberger has carried that team on his back the past few seasons. The legendary Pittsburgh D has always been there throughout the years, but hasn’t been strong in recent memory. Tomlin has had the luxury of coaching an elite QB his entire career. There have been plenty of Tomlin doubters, and he’d no longer be with the team if they didn’t value strong continuity. Rudolph wouldn’t be stepping into that great of a situation imo.
  18. Mason Rudolph becoming the best QB drafted in 2018 seems like a huge stretch for anyone who isn’t an OK State fan.
  19. Probably not by much if you don’t drink it out of the urine soaked bathroom sinks.
  20. So using this analogy, are the Pats the psycho boyfriend?
  21. This has happened to whoever the QB is with every Jones drop his entire career.
  22. Awkward is the best word to describe Zay on the field. Nothing about his athletic motion is fluid or smooth. Whether running his routes, or attempting to catch the football, I haven’t seen someone who positions their body in such awkward ways so frequently on the football field.
  23. Yep, that’s why when you’re in traffic you might as well catch the ball. No use for alligator arms when you’re going to get hit anyway. Easy for me to say, but as a pro that’s what you need to do.
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