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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. No wonder Beasley’s head was out of the game on Sunday. Didn’t know he and Darnold were so tight. Don’t want anyone to end up like the Shah.
  2. If the money is equal, players are going with the winning franchise. The preferred free agent location narrative is overplayed imo. Can anyone really answer what cities every free agent wants to play in ? I’d think Miami would be near the top of that list, but they are such a dysfunctional franchise no one wants to play for them. It really all comes down to money and/or winning. This franchise hasn’t struggled with signing free agents as much as the common narrative would lead one to believe.
  3. Also the same team with a 42 year old QB and a suspicious trainer hanging around.
  4. Yes because he pulled through when it counted most while Darnold failed to deliver big. Darnold is an average QB imo. Allen has a high ceiling (and basement), but has elite potential. I’m not convinced that Darnold can be much more than average.
  5. Darnold is not the reason they lost, but it must be tough for those fans to watch Allen look like a playmaker. Allen is out there making plays with his feet and showing off an elite arm. Darnold plays like a glorified Trent Edwards while Allen plays a bit like Favre.
  6. That’s what I thought from what I saw in Dallas. Now I’m beginning to wonder if I overrated him a bit, but there’s time for him to improve. Hopefully this is a case of needing to adjust to a new team.
  7. Used to attend a lot of SU football games back in the late 90’s, but I gave up on them long ago. They are much improved, but never really bought into the hype. Syracuse was once on the fringe of being in the elite of college football. There just aren’t enough elite recruits in the northeast to field that type of program these days. I prefer to watch UB play in the MAC where they can actually compete.
  8. Yeah, Nice half by UB, I’m impressed by Myers tonight. It’s also always nice to see Franklin get booed.
  9. Yeah, why do teams never punish guys who don’t want to play by simply keeping them on the roster? This happens quite frequently in today’s NFL, guys know they can get what they want by whining.
  10. Exactly, it was basically a temper tantrum to get what he wanted. What WR wouldn’t want to play on the Pats?
  11. The last paragraph explains him imo. This isn’t mental illness or any other junk people like making up, this is just ego.
  12. This also shows that Pittsburgh is a solid organization that was able to keep things under control a bit longer. This is all on AB, but the Gruden/Mayock Raiders are a mess.
  13. So everyone who makes poor decisions is mentally ill? Consider me confused how you can determine this about AB.
  14. How do you know that AB is exhibiting behavioral changes? Only those in the Steelers locker room know if this is something new for him. Sometimes things are hidden from the public. Remember when he filmed a video in the Steelers locker room? That isn’t much different than the twitter video from yesterday. I think this is just AB being AB.
  15. This ^ We live in a society that thinks too much. Elite football players are coddled and given special treatment from the time they are kids. Occasionally a guy like AB takes the narcissism that develops from that lifestyle too far. We live in a society that whenever someone makes poor choices we blame mental illness, addiction, etc. You don’t need any of those things to be self destructive. AB might have no problem other than an out of control ego.
  16. Hauschka might like him as a holder, but even that frightens me. Bojo just seems scatterbrained on the field imo.
  17. I’m a younger fan who is quite tolerant of a lot of poor behavior because the world is full of talented people with low character. Many of them are quite successful in various fields of life. I really don’t give a hoot about a football player having no character if they produce on the field. The issue with Brown is that he’s taken his act too far. His behavior will likely cost him the ability to be successful on the field. I’m just glad he didn’t come to Buffalo. I couldn’t have cared less about his alleged character issues, but now it’s clear it will interfere with his ability to play ball.
  18. The D is good, but they created many turnovers and big plays last season. They’ll still be very good, but turnovers and big plays on defense frequently dry up. If Trubisky takes a step back, and the defense doesn’t generate as many turnovers/points off turnovers, this team could be in trouble.
  19. Yeah, someone has to win the NFC North, but I don’t think either one of these teams are real contenders. I understand teams are rusty early in the season, but both teams have huge concerns imo.
  20. I’m not convinced that Green Bay is legit. I don’t have much faith in the LaFleur/Rodgers marriage working out well. I also wouldn’t be shocked if the Bears took a big step back this season.
  21. Not when you throw picks that allow your opponent to start in your end of the field. He also threw a pick six.
  22. First time I’ve literally laughed at a football game. Edit: other than the butt fumble.
  23. Love how Collinsworth praises Trubisky for that random blindly thrown pass down field to Gabriel.
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