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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. I always knew Brady would be that guy who needs a buddy to hold him upright after drinking.
  2. Great post. Whether or not people refer to adult children as “ the kid” depends a lot on circumstances and context. The manner in which someone speaks also plays a big role. Growing up in small town America, it wasn’t uncommon to hear 40 and 50 year old guys referred to as “Mr. Smith’s boy”. It’s a point of reference when being used in a specific context. This story involves Andy Reid’s KC Chiefs, so that context applies imo, regardless of how fair it may be. Haven’t we all heard 90 year old parents refer to their 70 year children as “the kids” as well ? Regarding your latter points. I’m on board with everyone who says we shouldn’t judge a parent based on the actions of a child. I’d never want to be judged based on the actions of my parents or family. With that said, I wouldn’t hitch the wagon of my reputation to hiring certain members of my family either. That’s not a judgement of Andy Reid, I’m simply making the point that although I hope not to be judged by the actions of my family, some of them wouldn’t be the first people I’d hire if I were starting a business. Those people mean the world to me, but I wouldn’t have the confidence to attach myself to them in my professional life.
  3. That’s a fair point. I agree with the judgement portion, I disagree with referring to him as Andy Reid’s child, that’s what he is.
  4. Fair enough, I don’t want to get into judging Reid’s parenting, but I was probably looking at it from the perspective of the guy’s father being his boss. Obviously Britt is a grown a man, but as Andy Reid’s child I’d fully understand why my parent fired me after breaching trust that was given when he hired me. It seems the scenario would be a little different than employment that didn’t involve family. If I were Andy and Britt I’d want to free myself of this ugly situation by mutual parting ways from that position ASAP. This is also not a judgement, but just a statement of how’d I’d probably have a different style.
  5. I don’t know how the business works, but you’d think Reid could just dismiss his son from that position, or get him to resign. Feel free to comment if someone knows a reason Reid can’t just be fired. At the very least I’d hope he was encouraged to resign. Administrative leave always has such a gentle ring to it. Almost like Andy might buy the guy freedom, and once most forget he could be on the sideline again.
  6. I’m somewhat surprised by the results of this poll. Mongo is a fan favorite, but it seems like most people value him appropriately.
  7. Yes, the Bucs won with defense, Brady, and a great supporting cast of receivers this year. They didn’t have a good running game this season. They were in an excellent rushing team in the Super Bowl, but one game isn’t always indicative of a team. Everything went right in the Super Bowl for the Bucs, because everything fell in place perfectly.
  8. The Bucs ran the ball well last night, but they also had the 28th ranked rushing attack this season. I’m not convinced that Fournette and Jones are that much better than our guys. I’ve been critical of our o line, but it might just be a matter of Tampa sticking with the run that allowed it to be effective.
  9. No, and I’m almost happy we didn’t have to witness it. Getting beating by Brady and the refs would have been a brutal way to lose our fifth Super Bowl. KC didn’t play well, but there was a lot to overcome with the way that game was officiated.
  10. I said I’d never root for Brady, and mocked all those who said they would because KC beat us. Once the game started after this past week of events, I couldn’t root for KC.
  11. I don’t mean it was an issue, I’m just saying if I’m Brady, I’d consider retirement. I just see this turning out real ugly his final season, and I’m ready to see it.
  12. Good for him. I think he has some years left in him, but I’d find it tempting to go out on top.
  13. The subtle part came in when he said it’s nice to see a team run the ball. He never said the Bills need to run more, he just said he liked seeing the run. Could be perceived as a subtle shot at his team. You’re really overthinking my use of the term subtle. No need for in depth scientific analysis 😂
  14. You could be correct, I’m not an expert by any means. Why can the evening news slander people before they are guilty then ? I don’t think that’s the case, the NFL wanted no mention of it. Someone who didn’t know could have assumed he crashed his car injuring his own kids or something from the way it was phrased.
  15. Yeah, maybe a classier shoutout/prayer for the kids health with truth about what happened would have been more appropriate in the pregame show. I doubt it would have been mentioned if KC was about to take the Lombardi.
  16. Now they mention Reid’s son with no mention of his drunkenness ? Seems like they should have skipped it altogether at this point.
  17. I just think Mongo’s subtle shade is funny, because he’s a very average o linemen who’s overrated by fans. I didn’t see much run game with or without Mongo this year. He got crushed in the KC game. Just my 2 cents.
  18. Brady has been blessed with a great defense. That throw to Godwin was terrible.
  19. People are really underestimating the Reid drama. I was a harsh critic of McD against KC, but they don’t look the same. These teams are families. This is all a bit distracting to say the least. The Bills weren’t up against a team in turmoil.
  20. I’m calling it. Fewer penalties on KC this half. They want a close game where they can build the Mahomes comeback king narrative.
  21. I don’t disagree with that point, I’d prefer they both lose. I just hate to see the refs decide a Super Bowl. They’ve been the story so far. If the Bucs actually earn it I’m fine. It looks Andy’s son is probably costing the team anyway. They seem distracted, and not on their game. The coach sets the tone. I doubt Andy is really in the game with everything that’s going on.
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