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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Did Fields secretly play well against third stringers, or did I miss something ? Fields didn’t save anyone yesterday imo. Great article on Trubisky embarrassing the Bears though. I greatly enjoyed watching that, after being the guy who said preseason story lines don’t do much for me. I’m glad I was wrong.
  2. I’d say yes, and he’s definitely a guy I’d trust to play decent football. Trubisky isn’t going to lift up a team on his own, but he’s good enough to lead a talented roster to wins. 2011 Fitzpatrick was brilliant for the first half of the season, but everyone forgets his second half was abysmal. I think Trubisky brings consistency to the table, albeit not brilliance. Consistency would be the best we’ve had at the QB position in years apart from Allen.
  3. I’m about to share what I expect to be an immensely unpopular on a fan forum. Bills football holds a special place in my heart, but I really don’t get overly passionate about these things. I’ll follow the team as long as they are in Buffalo. I’m not about to become irrational over how much them leaving would impact my life. I realize the team leaving is unlikely, but I wouldn’t lose sleep either way. I’ll enjoy the ride as it happens. If the government/taxpayers decide it’s too much, I’d understand as the responsible thing to do. If the Pegula’s get welfare, I’ll be happy the teams stays, and perfectly content with the drumbeat of rich guy welfare marching on. It’s just what it is, and I don’t even listen to the noise. I think the Bills will be in Buffalo, and I don’t want them to leave. I just don’t become too emotional either way. Feel free to call me a bad fan. 😆
  4. I think a lot of it has to do with Bills football being such a huge part of WNY culture. I’ve noticed most other NFL games seem more like a guys day out. I know it’s changing as the league has tons of female fans, but it’s still difficult not to notice the ratio of dudes at most stadiums. Bills fans seem more apt to take the entire family, groups of friends, wives, and girlfriends to games. Many of whom might be more causal fans.
  5. The bit also had better comedic effect with Luck because he looked a Civil War era dude.
  6. All players deal with injuries. Often times they are something to be concerned about, but Diggs doesn’t have a history of missing games with injury. His availability has been exceptional throughout his career. A guy like Sammy on the preseason injury report would be cause for concern.
  7. It seems like reactions are divided between the Pats being the greatest team in NFL history, or the Eagles as the worst. I really don’t read that much into preseason outcomes. The Eagles are projected to be bad, and the Pats are probably a decent team. I don’t think the Pats are title contenders, but they should win enough games to contend for the playoffs imo. Bills fans are weird about admitting the Pats could be decent. The Pats can still be a good team without being better than us this season.
  8. I think people sometimes judge Warner against the numbers of today’s QB’s. It’s easy to forget that Warner was the best QB in the league for several years. His Rams team ran an offense that was similar to much of today’s NFL. Warner was in many ways a trailblazer who led an offense that was ahead of its time.
  9. That’s fair, I’ll always maintain that Meyer is just a hack though. Tebow might be a great locker room influence, but what lasting influence does a preseason cut have ? Meyer is a fool if he genuinely believed Tebow had a chance to successfully convert to TE at age 34. It shows more of a college football mentality and arrogance from Meyer.
  10. Fair enough, I really didn’t pay enough attention to know the Tebow jersey sales bit. I can understand from an ownership prospective, but it seems like it was an Urban Meyer decision with approval from ownership. I still don’t understand from Meyer’s prospective. He didn’t personally reap any of the financial benefits. Meyer did nothing but bring a circus to town with Tebow. Nothing about that is beneficial to a rookie head coach attempting to gain the respect of his team. Meyer’s failed NFL coaching career will be a separate topic one day.
  11. I agree, but what are they supposed to do ?
  12. I actually have nothing against Tim Tebow the person. However, this was never going to be a success, which is why I didn’t understand the purpose, and I’m good with this Tebow as an NFL player experiment being over. I wanted Tebow to succeed as a QB the first time around, but this TE experiment was never logical.
  13. This may be the only 100% factually accurate post on this topic apart from the OP. Too many assumptions and random health expertise. Let’s just hope he’s in game shape soon, that’s what matters from a football prospective, and for the man himself.
  14. Wilson looks decent, but he looks so much like Maziel that I won’t believe in his success until I see it.
  15. You’re stomping on sacred high motor ground with this post.
  16. This is probably just Campbell thinking he’s sending a message to the team. I almost feel bad for Detroit fans they got stuck with this Neanderthal.
  17. Campbell getting fired within a year is what I learned most from this game.
  18. Good point, I think what’s Tasker was attempting to say.
  19. Fromm floating a pick is my biggest concern at this point.
  20. Stevenson looking good, this place would be talking about it for a month if he were named Kumerow or Williams.
  21. He doesn’t look great, but at least he shows some speed. I don’t see how we can’t keep him on the roster for speed. It’s become painful watching Singletary and Moss run imo.
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