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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Yes, as long as Gruden is in the league, there is a strong QB market 😂 On a serious note, I wouldn’t like the idea of letting Fromm go. I’m sure Beane isn’t thinking along the same lines, but we just used a fifth round pick for the guy. Rarely do I believe in assessing players based on draft position, but I think we need to give him a chance to develop. I’d rather flip him for a decent draft pick in the future, as opposed to just wasting that fifth round pick on him. I also must add that Trubisky will be gone next season. I’d rather develop one of our own for that role, rather than waste resources on finding a backup next season.
  2. Yeah, can someone please explain how the Superdome in New Orleans has a Super Bowl in 2025 ? I know they’ve made some updates, but shouldn’t that be considered far too out of date to host the big game ? Did they ever fix the situation that led to a power outage in that Ravens/49ers Super Bowl ? I’m not understanding how the NFL pushes this stuff, yet that dump hosts Super Bowls.
  3. Yeah, I don’t live in WNY, but I’m still in NY. There’s some mind blowing stuff going on in my area. Not to go off course, but I question how much longer I want to be in this state everyday. It’s a shame that NY’s filthy hands need to get anywhere near this stadium stuff.
  4. I’ve always kept an open mind regarding a new stadium, but I think that price tag is why I’m having trouble being enthusiastic. It just seems like a bad deal for all parties involved.
  5. I agree, downtown isn’t happening because of the cost. The only thing I feel slightly different about is “pushing out hardcore fans”. This another issue that I don’t think is remotely on the Pegula’s radar. The new stadium will be full on gameday, and revenue will be up. That’s all anyone is concerned about. I think some are in for a surprise with the new stadium regardless of location. Some people are still going to be priced out. People are going to be priced out whether it be in OP or downtown imo.
  6. You’re spot on with the culture of Buffalo stuff. I’d still push for a city stadium if I were leadership, but it really comes down to the cost Pegula is willing to cover. If a city stadium is too cost prohibitive, it’s not going to happen. The Pegula’s and the NFL couldn’t care less about how much Buffalonians love tailgating. Buffalo could never support costly PSL’s and extra expenses, but I believe there’s an untapped market that doesn’t attend games in OP. Those are the type of people who wouldn’t mind spending some time downtown prior to a game. Indoor stadiums along with all the costs of a new stadium can attract a different crowd. Buffalo traditions remain strong, but the area is changing, much as the rest of the world. It’s no longer exclusively hard drinking, blue collar guys. That legacy remains in the parking lots of OP every Sunday, and it’s great, but I think there’s a more diverse Bills fan base than we realize. I’ll actually be curious how many people get priced out of a new stadium in OP. I’m good with a new stadium in OP, and the continuation of Buffalo traditions will be great, but I can see why some people believe so strongly in a downtown stadium.
  7. I’ll admit to not being the most well versed on this, so I do appreciate any insight. I just don’t understand how bringing people into downtown bars and restaurants doesn’t have an economic greater than thousands of people drinking in parking lots. Thousands of people go to games in OP without spending a dime outside of the ticket cost. It’s not that I don’t believe economic experts, but often times studies prove whatever the person paying for it wants it to prove.
  8. Yeah, I don’t know why the county or state would be willing to contribute much of anything to an OP stadium. I’d draw a hard line in negotiations that I want a downtown stadium if I represented either side. I respect and understand the reasons people want an OP stadium. I also believe that WNY’s fear of people not accepting change is something that holds the area back.
  9. It will be interesting to see how this goes, because typically the NFLPA doesn’t have a ton of power. This issue is obviously very unique, but you know the owners want what’s best for the bottom line. I don’t want to dive any deeper into this, but whatever transpires will be interesting.
  10. He’s even more scarred if he watched Syracuse football.
  11. NFL play is always super rusty early in the season anyway. The amount of time NFL teams spend practicing is incredibly limited compared to other levels of football. The preseason does nothing to increase the quality of early season football. It’s always apparent that teams are trying to establish who they are the first few games. I don’t understand how people see the benefit of playing established starters.
  12. You’re correct, I was just looking at from more of a literal prospective commenting on an increase of rules and regulations, as opposed to a scientific outlook. I think many of us had a dream the 2021 could take place with fewer precautions, testing, and the like post vaccine. I understand why, and it is what it is, you just hope your team isn’t impacted greatly. The NFL did a great last season, we’ll see what happens this year.
  13. I don’t want to say too much, but let’s just put it this way. This season could become very complicated, especially if testing vaxxed players takes place. Last season was nothing short of a miracle, which could happen again, but I just hope for the best.
  14. I’ll always remember people posting concerns about Watkins foot. Almost everyone told them they were foolish, because it was just a minor procedure, and he’d be good to go with no lasting concerns. I’m not saying McKenzie’s injury is a major concern. You just never know how injuries affect a player before you see them back on the field. I’m not fear mongering, rather making the point I agree with you.
  15. Many of those “old time” announcers were part of my first memories of watching football. There was just something classy and dignified about their humble approach that didn’t involve trying to be bigger than the game, faked excitement, and lame jokes. This is true, some do, but many of them are also lip syncing their songs by the time they’re 50 because they destroyed their voice. Sports announcers don’t have that luxury.
  16. That’s fair, but that’s the issue with these guys. A big part of Saban and Meyer’s college success is being able to out recruit everyone. The NFL doesn’t work that way. Successful coaches obviously need a QB and a good roster, but I think the best coaches can have limited success with average rosters. McDermott in his rookie year with us is a great example. Saban wasn’t going to win in Miami with that roster, but according to reports he wore out his welcome in many ways, much as Marrone did in Buffalo. I don’t think most of these colleges coaches “get it”. They are essentially dictators in college, and often times the highest paid state employee. NFL coaching can be a much more humbling experience.
  17. I’m not sure why there seems to be this general assumption that Meyer knows what he’s doing as an NFL coach. I’m not going to completely doubt the guy, but it’s possible he’s a terrible NFL coach. Nick Saban wasn’t very impressive in the NFL either.
  18. Bruce was out of this world. I never fully appreciated him at the time. That being said, I think today’s team would easily beat the 90’s team. Talent, training, and coaching is just so much better these days. Our 90’s defense seemed good, but they got annihilated in four Super Bowls. I think Josh Allen has his way with them if Mark Rypien could.
  19. I’m not calling Lawrence a bust by any stretch, but I think the NFL is going to be a bigger adjustment than most assumed as well, especially playing on the Jags. Football was just too easy for Lawrence on that stacked Clemson team. I’m interested in seeing how he responds to struggles.
  20. True statement, but Beane would have to get them very drunk first.
  21. That was the most brutal fight I’ve seen involving someone dressed like every mom at a suburban soccer game on a sunny afternoon.
  22. I’ve always had an issue with the stand by your man in a fight stuff. If your boyfriend/husband starts stuff he can’t deal with, you don’t need to be there to bail him out. I feel the same when roles are reversed. Don’t scream, point fingers, and call names just because you know the unwritten rule that you can’t get hit. Walk away, let your man deal with it, and find a guy who doesn’t get into fights at football games.
  23. Kumerow looks like a red zone guy who can use his size in crowded areas to make plays. I don’t see him consistently making many plays in the open field. Agree. I’ve maintained that McKenzie is a really good gadget player who has an important role on this team. He’s slowly changing my opinion of just being a gadget player. I saw someone who can be a well rounded slot receiver if we need to call on him.
  24. Did Fields secretly play well against third stringers, or did I miss something ? Fields didn’t save anyone yesterday imo. Great article on Trubisky embarrassing the Bears though. I greatly enjoyed watching that, after being the guy who said preseason story lines don’t do much for me. I’m glad I was wrong.
  25. I’d say yes, and he’s definitely a guy I’d trust to play decent football. Trubisky isn’t going to lift up a team on his own, but he’s good enough to lead a talented roster to wins. 2011 Fitzpatrick was brilliant for the first half of the season, but everyone forgets his second half was abysmal. I think Trubisky brings consistency to the table, albeit not brilliance. Consistency would be the best we’ve had at the QB position in years apart from Allen.
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