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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. That’s fair, Tyrod lost me when I saw him play in person for the first time in 2017. He was spending way too much time scrambling behind the line missing tons of easy reads. That said, I’ll always think that he changed a little bit, and was coached by McD’s regime to be more cautious because they didn’t trust him, and wanted to win with defense. It was understandable given the fact that the offense had very little talent, and the defense performed very well. I’m not claiming that Tyrod was ever an elite passing QB, but for whatever reason I have a different perception of the Rex Ryan coached Tyrod.
  2. That’s definitely correct. I will always remember Tyrod as a game manager who did well enough to break the playoff drought. He was also the best QB we’d had at that point for some time. That being said, the recency bias extends to his time with the Browns and Chargers. Tyrod now looks more like 2017 Tyrod than the 2015 Tyrod. It seems like something happened mentally to Tyrod from 2017 on. He’s a different player who’s completely timid and unwilling to push the ball downfield.
  3. I was harsh on his recklessness after the Houston playoff loss. I wasn’t convinced he’d ever be able to overcome the destructive plays. I thought I saw a different player last season. He made mistakes, but no more than any other elite QB. Allen threw ten picks last season, while the Super Bowl champ Brady threw twelve. There’s always the possibility that his gambler mentality will get him in trouble, but the numbers aren’t indicative of a QB who makes excess mistakes. I really don’t expect a turnover extravaganza opening day.
  4. I agree, I definitely didn’t say it’s impossible to see a stat decline. I guess I’m more surprised that people think he’ll carry less of the load. We have an elite QB, elite QB’s are asked to carry the team in the modern NFL. He might regress statistically, but I think he’ll get every opportunity to sling the ball around again this season.
  5. Recruiting at a Big 10 level would be difficult for UB imo. NYS doesn’t have enough high level talent. You’re instantly at a disadvantage because you have little in state talent to choose from, which forces the school to compete out of state. The Midwest Big 10 schools have decent in state talent, and enough of a reputation to compete elsewhere. UB would be stuck as a Rutgers type football school.
  6. Well, in all honestly passing for 58 more yards might have won that game 😆
  7. I’m actually surprised by the number of people who think Allen will regress statistically. He put up huge numbers last year, so it’s very possible he might “regress”, but not a given. Josh was asked carry to the team, but that’s going to be his role. I don’t understand the idea that he won’t need to carry the team as much.
  8. I think a lot has changed with the economy nation wide since many left Buffalo in the 70’s and 80’s. There really isn’t a workforce promised land these days. You need the proper education or trade skills to find employment anywhere, and Buffalo is no different. This isn’t 1975 where a steel worker with a high school diploma loses his job, and finds good paying employment out west or down south. You need a certain skill set to be well employed anywhere. Finding employment isn’t impossible if you have that. Are there better paying jobs (also higher cost of living in many areas), and more options elsewhere ? Absolutely, but Buffalo isn’t this land without jobs that some would lead you to believe. There are many advantages to living elsewhere, so I’m not being a cheerleader for the city or showing a lack understanding for the myriad of reasons to relocate. I simply don’t think it’s totally accurate to act like the area has zero jobs.
  9. Georgia gonna find a way to lose, this school seems to have that mastered on big stages.
  10. The media needs to stop wanting the U to be relevant. There’s only one good team in the ACC.
  11. Yep, he’s friends with the Pegula’s, and Texas is probably the number one candidate for an expansion team. Jerry isn’t suddenly in love with Buffalo, he just knows what’s best for him. The Dallas fanbase isn’t as strong as back in the day when the bandwagon was loaded.
  12. Yeah, I have no problem that Knox hasn’t turned into Kelce yet, but the lack of progress concerns me. He has every chance to show that he’s progressed this season, but I’m done having any faith in him if I don’t see it early in the season. He looked like the same player in year two, as he was his rookie year. I understand his potential, but not seeing any progress has been concerning.
  13. This has been my issue with reading through this topic. I take life on a case by case basis, rather than following a series of rigid beliefs. There’s no reason for me not to believe this, and Biscuit did that to himself. The dude is a registered offender with a history. That criminal history follows a guy his entire life. So regardless of how we feel about the victim motives or legitimacy, I don’t find it an outrage that he has to deal with this years later. Most of this board wouldn’t hire him, rent him an apartment, or want him in their neighborhood if they didn’t know him as Bill. I won’t challenge anyone on their legal system beliefs regarding the validity of time limitations. I fully understand the problem with retroactive lawsuits. I’m someone who thinks much of the MeToo stuff got out of control, and not everything should be taken at face value, that’s a dangerous precedent. It’s just that I see a difference between first time harassment offenders and violent offenders with a history. Her motives might not be the best, I will acknowledge that, but I don’t see Bennett as a potential victim the way I might see others who are accused.
  14. Yes, and I don’t know the guilt or innocence of either one of those guys, but are they more likely to walk free than a random working class guy ? Absolutely, more is coming out these days, but more often than not the athlete still doesn’t pay the price, so coming forward continues to be quite intimidating imo.
  15. Thank god we finally have a good team if that’s the case.
  16. The fact that other schools didn’t ask any questions blows my mind just as much as Bishop Sycamore themselves. It says a lot about high level high school football in this country, and its level of shadiness. IMG played them once last year, prior to this ESPN disaster. It was also a blowout last season against a team that had guys playing both sides of the ball, and dudes with the same number. IMG didn’t think or care something was off ? Then they claim to be a private charter school that uses a Catholic school name with no affiliation, and make up a ridiculous name for a Bishop. Remarkable how no one asked questions.
  17. Yeah, I like that they were able to keep Fromm. I’m not putting too much hope in a fifth round QB, but they need to continue attempting to develop him. You don’t need a spectacular backup QB, but finding a reliable guy who understands the offense isn’t easy. I wasn’t convinced they were going to bring him back on the PS, but I think it was the right move.
  18. I didn’t, I avoided Bills forums like the plague during the drought years. People are angry enough when we’re winners.
  19. How is retiring quitting on the team. Was there something to his story that I missed ?
  20. Agree, that’s why I don’t get these “cold blooded Belichick” takes. BB has shown no heart in the past, but cutting Cam is a little different. I think the bridge is burned when you demote Cam to backup. It seems like the right decision for the team. This isn’t Belichick trying to send a message.
  21. That’s true, I’d actually be curious how many fifth round picks statistically make the roster in their second season. This team is going places, so the release of Fromm isn’t a big deal, it just makes me question the plan for backup next season. They’re going to spend more resources on bringing in a backup next season, when Fromm was already on the roster. I’m not sure if this means he didn’t develop as well as they hoped ? I just find it to be one of the more interesting cuts. He was placed in a bubble last season, never getting the chance to have a real rookie season. I’d rather have taken a shot on a corner or offensive linemen in that case. It’s only a fifth round pick, that’s true, but Fromm definitely followed a different path that made it feel like he never had much of a chance.
  22. Yeah. I actually don’t like it if they can’t sneak him onto the PS. Trubisky is gone next season, and Fromm now feels like a wasted draft choice.
  23. He did a nice job. I was never a Rodak fan, but I think Marcel Louis-Jacques got a much better deal during his time here. It’s more enjoyable to cover a relevant franchise. Any reporter during the drought years was going to incur the wrath of fans, anytime they wrote the truth. There were a lot of Bills fans who didn’t want to hear the truth during those dark years. Give that job to a Pats fan, and you’ve got a recipe for failure. I will say that Louis-Jacques was far more engaged and a more detailed writer than Rodak. He was a huge step up, but I think we’re likely to appreciate our reporters if we keep winning regardless.
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