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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. I tend to think there’s more than just the game plan at play here, but I don’t know any more than the next guy. We’ll probably never know the true reason regardless of what they tell us, because McD keeps things in house.
  2. Doesn’t everyone say the traffic flows wonderfully in OP ? I couldn’t resist, but as long as players are at the stadium for game time that’s all we care about.
  3. Could just be part of the game plan, but I also see McD as someone who isn’t afraid to do this type of thing to a second year player who doesn’t meet expectations. What expectations might have been unmet ? I don’t know, but McD sending a player a message wouldn’t shock me.
  4. I want to see what Breida can do with us, so I’m good with Moss being out.
  5. Right, Josh is already at the stage of his career where he’ll run when he needs to, but it’s no longer a vital necessary element of his game. He isn’t Cam Newton in his prime.
  6. All this Bucs receiver talk, and I think I’d take ours over theirs, but I’d definitely trade Knox for Gronk.
  7. This Tampa offense looks a lot like last season. An average offense that does enough to win with a really good D. They got hot in the playoffs, and had a good year, but not great. Somehow the experts talk about this 2021 Tampa offense like it’s an unstoppable juggernaut because all of the big names.
  8. Dallas is a joke. McCarthy is trash, and Prescott is like a high quality Trent Edwards.
  9. That Tampa D is so good. Those guys really make Arians and Brady look brilliant.
  10. I really can’t stand seeing Brady win, but a Dallas win would also make me sick. We’ll get to hear how the Boys are back, and have become the biggest contender. The Dallas offense does look creative this evening. Much better than Arians run run pass offense that somehow worked last year.
  11. Exactly, that’s basically my point. Tyrod went from being an Alex Smith type game manager to Trent Edwards by his final season. I acknowledge the fact that we had the worst receivers in the game, but that’s who Tyrod is now. His recent stops in Cleveland and LA have proven that. I’ll always have a soft spot for Tyrod, and he did some good things for us, but he never continued to progress as a QB. Defenses figured him out, and he retreated into his shell of just being the guy who doesn’t make mistakes.
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