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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. True, but I’m willing to bet there won’t be many season tickets available for a grand anymore. You’re correct, it’s another 1K, but who knows what the actual ticket will cost.
  2. Absolutely, but it’s amazing how many businesses destroy their long term prospects for short term greed and instant profit. Once the greed ball starts rolling, most corporations give in to human nature of trying to take more, until people have enough, and they don’t come back. It won’t happen anytime soon, but I truly believe the NFL could derail their own gravy train one day. I suppose we’ll find out.
  3. Their comment about the coldest 40 degrees ever is sadly quite true. I remember leaving home in the Rochester area that morning, and the same temperature felt significantly colder at OP. I’ve sat at many frigid Bills games, only to drive home an hour and a half down the road to experience the same temp being far more tolerable without the lake wind.
  4. I don’t care about any of them. They aren’t relevant as they were in the 90’s, and then the Pats dynasty starting in the 00’s. The AFC East would be quite boring if I weren’t a Bills fan. Bring on the Chiefs. If I had to choose, I casted my ballot for the Pats. I don’t care that Brady is gone, BB’s miserable guy act is annoying, and Kraft is a clown.
  5. People take everything they hear at face value, that’s where the Chicago hate comes from. There’s also some truth to much of it, but it’s not the only city with problems. Much like other places, your experience is going to depend on the company you keep, and where you visit. I’m just old enough to remember when NYC was vilified, before people starting seeing it as some kind of utopia.
  6. Thankfully because I think Darnold has/had more potential than Wilson, Tua, and Mac Jones.
  7. I’ve never been too annoyed by Jets fans being abrasive loud mouths. I think I’ve always cut them some slack because I see it as just an east coast personality thing, as much as being a Jets fan thing.
  8. Agree, I hated teams like the Cowboys when they were winning, but the Jets have never been relevant enough for me to have those feelings. I’m assuming the people who hate the Jets most are probably Jets fans themselves.
  9. Perfect comparison. I’m not very stressed about any of the AFC East QB’s. Wilson is just the sober version of Manziel.
  10. I see that some people are resistant to the idea that Allen has played subpar the first two games. I’m not sure why it’s such a bad thing to admit. I actually hope our failures have more to do with us than the opponent. It’s fair to point out the quality of opposing defenses, but if multiple teams present a “matchup” problem for your elite QB, you’re going to struggle reaching the ultimate goal. Allen should have the ability fix flaws in his game, fixing matchup problems is far more complicated. I find it more positive to admit Allen’s struggles, than to blame outside sources. If a team like the Steelers is as great as TBD claims, how do you overcome them in the playoffs ? I’d like to think Allen has the ability to drop 300 yards on anyone, as elite QB’s do. It’s possible he’s just struggled and will get it together. I like that thought better than good defenses dominating him.
  11. Yeah, they weren’t stopping KC anyway, even with no timeouts. This is where so many coaches have no sixth sense, or feel for the game.
  12. Lamar gets away with a lot of potential unsportsmanlike conduct calls.
  13. Good thing the Ravens have the Army offense mastered so they can hide Lamar.
  14. Why in the world did Russell Wilson drift so far back into his end zone in that situation ?
  15. The Chiefs are never afraid to do this with Hill and Kelce. Daboll seems to get kind of stuck on maintaining very specific roles for each player. I wonder how much that hurts us when we’re up against quality defenses.
  16. College football really is the greatest hurdle in every potential NFL market. I don’t think many of us Bills fans fully realize the reach of college football, especially those of us who still live up north. Attending a college game is a more enjoyable experience for the average American. Buffalo has one of the few college like atmospheres on game day in the NFL, but other NFL experiences are vastly different. People in a place like Oklahoma City are going to enjoy attending a Sooners game more than an NFL game. Throw tradition in the mix, and the NFL franchise becomes an afterthought. Americans are attached to their favorite college teams in much the same way as WNYer’s are attached to the Billls. It’s passed down from generation to generation, and no fancy NFL stadium is taking that away.
  17. Oh yeah, Hard Knocks is definitely popular, but I don’t see how following a team during the season is positive from a competitive prospective. As long as Brady and Mahomes are throwing for 400 yards a game, the NFL doesn’t care about true quality. The average fan is investing more money in the game than ever before, but those fans don’t necessarily understand the intricacies of the game. Any decline in the on field isn’t going to be noticed by the average fan. Stunts like Hard Knocks in season, international games, and expanding the season, doesn’t seem like the best way to get the most out of players, but maybe my take is just a bit old school.
  18. In season reality shows just prove how little the NFL cares about the actual product.
  19. Nothing beats football, but it also doesn’t get much worse than an NFL game with two subpar QB’s. This game really needed Fitz to add any intrigue.
  20. What is Daniel Jones good at ? I see zero quality QB traits.
  21. Week 1-Seahawks Week 2-Packers over Lions
  22. Titans are frauds, I’ve been saying that for a while. I just don’t believe in the resurgence of Tannehill leading them to a title. It’s been all about defense and Henry. The Titans always reminded me of the AFC playoff run the Jags had with Marrone.
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