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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. I like the high percentage throws early on. We have guys who can make things happen with the ball. Soften up the D before going for more.
  2. Wallace making a nice play. I like how we’re seeing different guys make plays on D.
  3. It’s mostly about results, but I’m sure coach Orgeron’s personality didn’t buy him much time. I don’t know the guy, but from my impression and reading about him, it seems he could be a bit unhinged. It’s tough to tell what he’s like behind the scenes. I’m sure he stepped on a lot of toes.
  4. Agree, they make mistakes and bad calls, but they never seem to take over the game in the way NFL officials frequently do.
  5. I never blame people for the actions of family members, but after the water incident in Baltimore, I question why he’s being given on field access. Let the dude grow up a little before giving him more opportunities to embarrass himself.
  6. Point well taken, divisional games are tough because familiarity can be a great equalizer. There are no guarantees during the season. It wasn’t you, but I’ve seen a lot of people talking up the Pats. They’re an average team imo. If we lose to them it’s because we played a poor game, not because they’re the better team this season.
  7. Agree, I just think people are getting carried away with the Pats talk around here. I have no problem talking about the Ravens, Chiefs, Browns, Chargers, or even the Titans. I’ll admit, the NFL is unpredictable. We’re a great team, but there’s no telling where this season will go. I just can’t be concerned about the 2-4 Pats. There’s too many great teams to sit here saying the Pats are something we need to worry about. We could lose a game to them, we could lose to anyone, but let’s not turn the Pats into contenders because we need to “stay humble”. I just don’t get it.
  8. I think we might see Jets Geno tonight.
  9. Absolutely, but I also think it’s fair to say the Pats aren’t a really good team. It’s not the same as being arrogant about our team to simply acknowledge the Pats are a below average team. We could lose to anyone on any given week, but the Pats are consistently losing games, and giving up 300 yards to Davis Mills. It’s ok to say that overall we’re better than a lot of teams.
  10. I probably wouldn’t mind that rule being changed if a guy taunts during the play. Keep it a dead ball penalty if it occurs after the whistle, or in the end zone.
  11. I agree, but I’m not even taking the Pats being part of it into account. “If you don’t like it stop it”, is a fair point, but taunting and celebrating before getting into the end zone is too much. The only thing that’ll come from that is potentially costing your own team points. Every generation is different, and you have to give players some freedom, but save it for the end zone.
  12. The NFL is wildly unpredictable. I think the Pats 2-4 record says it all. They’ve played good against decent competition, but ultimately they aren’t winning games. It’s safe to say they aren’t a great team. I discount the Bucs game, because Belichick has an insane amount of familiarity with Brady. There’s no way that didn’t play a role in the Pats slowing down the Bucs.
  13. Not a Pats fan for sure, but I can’t blame Mills there. The taunting is getting obnoxious to me as a fan. I’d probably feel even more strongly as a player. Lamb couldn’t just catch the ball and run into the end zone, he had to slow down just to taunt. These type of plays have cost points. I wish guys would just stop. Celebrate once you make it into the end zone.
  14. The Pats have a ton of talent on defense. Belichick as a defensive genius seems to be slipping away. I’ll give him credit for some of the greatest defensive game plans I’ve ever seen, but I’m starting to think he lost his touch.
  15. Missed face mask call, but bad throw by Jones not giving his guy a chance.
  16. Good point, in my market we got Panthers vs Vikings at 1. I have no idea why. It must be a Sam Darnold Jets fan thing, but then we don’t get the 4pm game that people would actually care about.
  17. The Cowboys bandwagon is probably loading back up this season. Pats fans are done, and on to baseball. They’ll never admit it, but they’re probably ditching large amounts of tickets.
  18. I’d love to see that game, but don’t have the NFL package at home. I don’t know why the NFL needs to force the Cowboys and Pats on people. Everyone says, “ratings”, sure those are big markets, but show it in those markets, and you’ll get the ratings there. The rest of the county wants the best game. People don’t care about the Pats and Cowboys to the extent of choosing it over the best game. I’m going Cards, I don’t trust Mayfield in big hype games.
  19. Good point, but I feel the same about the Dolphins and the Jets. They don’t even register enough on my radar for me to care. Nothing that franchise has done in years scares me as a Bills fan. The Fish haven’t been in our way since the 90’s. Until they prove otherwise, I see our biggest competition as being teams outside the AFC East.
  20. The attractions and atmosphere of the touristy portion of Nashville pretty much check off the boxes for every Bills Mafia stereotype in existence, so they love it. There’s also a ton of Buffalo transplants in the area as others mentioned.
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