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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Come on Knox, can’t blame the wind for that, I’m sorry.
  2. I’d hate that call if I’m a Pats fan. Run the ball if you’re running the ball, why go with the pitch in the wind?
  3. I remember that one now, but that was an onside attempt he took to the house. I do vaguely remember him fielding punts though. I don’t remember Hyde formally returning a kick with Buffalo, apart from being on the hands team, but my memory has been known to fail.
  4. I didn’t realize he returned kicks in GB. Is it safe to assume his “returns” with Buffalo came from onside attempts?
  5. So you’re telling me being a sports fan is like being in a marriage.
  6. Five years ago, I would have never dreamed I’d be watching Teddy Bridgewater as a starting NFL QB in 2021.
  7. Did they just say Arrowhead has, “held up well” ?
  8. I don’t think he’d be worth anything without Brady anyways. He’s just putting the effort in for his buddy. Brown would be a disaster elsewhere at this point in his career imo.
  9. I mostly agree, but we have three tough games remaining, and three “easy” games. The playoffs aren’t out of sight with a loss tomorrow, but I’m not sure even fans can consider us contenders if we don’t take care of business at home. That’s fair, and that’s probably what Harbaugh took into consideration. The Steelers had momentum, and he wanted to end the game. I just like the two pointer when you’re more of an underdog. I guess I didn’t believe Big Ben would lead another scoring drive. I fully understand what your saying though, good point.
  10. I think it’s fair, maybe he should include Allen in the mix, but beyond Mahomes and Allen, I don’t trust any AFC QB’s.
  11. Tomorrow’s game is huge. Win, lose, or draw, I don’t want to hear anyone trying to convince us it wasn’t huge after the fact. This team needs the win. It’s a season defining game, and this is the rare case it’s not hyperbole.
  12. That’s where I don’t always like analytics. The odds might be in your favor, but I think having a feel for the game is just as important. If I’m an underdog, and I’m lucky to be in the game, of course I take my chances with two yards. It’s easier to get two yards than stop the opponent, or drive the length of the field on offense. However, if you’re the better team, you’re reducing the game to one play that can be very random. The stats don’t measure how much a two point conversion is almost like a soccer penalty kick.
  13. Yeah, Big Ben threw for 188 against us. We certainly didn’t lose because of him. It was special teams blunders, and bad offense from us.
  14. Lamar’s ability as a passer seems to decline every week.
  15. Vikings loss means the Eagles have the last playoff spot if they started today. There’s a lot of football left to be played, but that’s why I couldn’t stand expanding the playoffs. We’re going to see a really bad NFC team this year, maybe two.
  16. That was a fun Saturday. I am a little curious about the Oklahoma State talk, and was wondering if anyone had insight. I’ve read several articles mentioning they just missed out on a CFP spot. If the other results remained the same, who would they jump in the rankings? I don’t see how OK State would have gotten in without a Bama, Michigan, or Cincy loss.
  17. I had to bump this after watching the championship game. I realize you follow college ball closely, but you weren’t kidding about the Iowa offense. I didn’t realize it was that bad, wow.
  18. I think every NFL team is “physical”. They’re all big guys with loads of talent. I think the use of the term comes down to results. A team is going to be considered “soft” if the QB is under constant pressure, they can’t run the ball, they don’t pressure the QB on defense, and can’t stop the run. That’s been the case with our losses, hence the label being applied. Winning football games erases all negative labels.
  19. Oklahoma State offense did look eerily similar to ours on a bad day. I couldn’t stop thinking about the similarities the entire time I watched.
  20. I get your point, but if recruiting at USC is so easy, what happened the last decade? I’ll never be convinced that job is what everyone thinks it is. I’ve probably mentioned that enough, and I do realize it’s just an opinion. The SEC is a tremendous challenge, but why assume a very successful coach is going to fail? There’s nothing in LSU or Kelly’s history that indicates he’ll fail. Fitting the culture seems to be a frequently mentioned concern. I think recruits want to win football games, and get the best chance of reaching the pros. It seems unreasonable to assume he’ll struggle recruiting because he isn’t from the Bayou. Saban isn’t a southern guy, and he’s the face of Alabama as a state. It’s all conjecture at this point, but I can’t cling to the common idea that Riley is a sure bet to outperform Kelly.
  21. Brian Kelly’s character might be questionable, but I think he’ll be successful at LSU. He’s done nothing but win at every stop. I’m not sure why so many are convinced he’ll fail. There’s no reason to doubt his ability to win. The media loves Riley to USC, but have questions about Kelly to LSU. LSU has been relevant very recently, while USC’s glory days seem to be in the past. I think there’s a lot more work to be done at USC. Riley has only succeeded in the Big 12 with a program that didn’t need to be rebuilt. Kelly has built programs, and now he gets to take over one that’s on very solid footing.
  22. I don’t care what players do if the play is over. I’m not a fan of showboating during the play, because it can directly impact the game. I can’t stand backflips, finger pointing, or dancing before reaching the end zone. Those antics can cost your team points, but post play celebrations don’t cause any harm, so I couldn’t care less.
  23. Sean Payton is supposed to be an offensive genius who coaches at the highest level of his profession. This is why I’m greatly confused about his love for Hill. It’s just plain bizarre. I’ve noticed the NFL is becoming more like the NBA where players selectively put in effort. I think with the game sealed Dallas defenders made the business decision that it’s not worth the effort.
  24. Hill needs to use his feet more like the previous play if he wants to win games. He’s not beating anyone with his arm.
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