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Everything posted by buffalojedwardo

  1. I hope we wear those turkey day uniform...clean as hell and served us well in Texas!! Let’s go get this dub boys!!
  2. That would be my mom she just discovered some sort of app on her phone. I honestly didn’t notice until my brother pointed it out.
  3. You must be a lot of fun at parties! It’s a family pic I wouldn’t be flipping off anyone.
  4. it started They started ***** talking when I celebrated the Hyde pick early...ended up being a flag but they said "sit the f*ck down." Game on...back and forth ensued. My mom was convinced they were MS-13 lol
  5. Mom surprised me with this. After the game photographers come take your picture and hope for you to purchase after, Kind of like Disney. Anyway check the Cowboys fans in the back lol. Such a fun game!!!
  6. I for one am ecstatic to have Josh. Id rather him grow from these ups and downs than be thrusted into stardom and not be able to handle the lows.
  7. Stfu let time take its course we’ve made it this long why ditch on the one guy who’s actually got us this far.
  8. Cannot even fathom why McDermott didn’t challenge that even to slow the game down
  9. my biggest question as well...not like it hasn't been working
  10. looks like a faster Stevie Johnson which im thrilled with. Also love that kid from CO as well.
  11. I wasn't too worried until I logged on here and everyone was saying collarbone
  12. Everybody shut up it happens!! How many times has motor fumbled? Lot of game left.
  13. When are we starting to drink boys I’m getting antsy edit: just read multiple other posts about this lol
  14. as much as I agree kicking them out of the playoffs it would cost the league millions of dollars and they wouldn't do it.
  15. Man so sorry to hear...may the Bills bring you some joy on Sunday!
  16. Didn't even show bills highlights
  17. Cuz we feel the downslide
  18. I got flicked off once, told to “sit the fu*k down” and called a f*ggot lololol granted we we were pretty obnoxious I felt like we were treated up to par. I kept saying “no chance” and “not today bubba not today” probably 50 times throughout the game.
  19. What hotel do teams usually stay at when playing the cowboys? We’re at the Omni and on the lookout for bills players.
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