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Buffalo Junction

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Posts posted by Buffalo Junction

  1. 1 hour ago, SCBills said:

    A top defense and a top 10 offense in yardage all while a young team with a lot of new pieces is coming together looks good to me. 


    We also add Singletary, Kroft, Foster and Duke into the fold now.


    I am concerned with 3rd quarters, the lack of scoring given our offensive outputs and turnovers but those are, at least, correctable

    My hope is that the coaching staff identified the adjustment issues and this improves from here on out. It’s one thing if BB can adjust better.... whole different story when Gase does it too. 


    Getting Singletary back is going to be big. Having a safety valve for Allen that can turn a 2 yard pass into a 20 yard play is needed. If we’re really lucky Allen has a post injury time off performance jump like last season. 

    55 minutes ago, TigerJ said:

    Cleveland has the talent to do some damage if they can get out of their own way.

    Same with Denver. New coaching staffs on both teams. It could click for either of those teams at some point this season. Hard to predict when those games are a month away. 

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  2. 11 hours ago, The Dean said:


    Many stay too long. Others start to over-rely on a catchphrase that gained them some popularity---especially if they can sponsor said catchphrase. 


    As to passion...I bring enough passion to the game. Passion tends to lead to perceived bias (which is fine for home team announcers). Give me cold, efficient competence any day of the week. Mostly give me the info and stay the hell out of the way of my enjoyment. I really don't need you telling stories during the play. And they are looking to see if he bobbled the ball, not if his feet were in bounds, you bozos. Pay the Fuc# attention instead of babbling you fuc#tards!  Harrumph! 


    Woah! Did I just go off there?

    You may have gone off. ?. I like the middle ground between Buck and Murph. Granted, I grew up with Al Michaels being the guy, and tend to gravitate towards that. It’s really voice inflection. However, I do think Buck might be a lot better if partnered with someone (anyone?) other than Aikman. That and Buck is a bit more lively when announcing MLB games. JMO?‍♂️


    My biggest gripe though is the failure of broadcasts to replay what announcers are talking about now. Years ago they did a much better job of that... perhaps the broadcast teams are waiting on referees to replay??? IDK. Just seems like outside of Sunday and Monday night that part of the broadcast is lacking. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, The Dean said:



    I like Joe, but Jack Buck was one of my favorites for years. But as he started to get older, he really started to slip. It happens to the best of them, if they stick around a bit too long.


    He was calling Monday Night Football with Hank Stram as his analyst. I love me some Hank, but even he was getting a bit long in the tooth. Still had a lot more on the ball than Buck by that time. Here is my (only very slightly exaggerated) recreation of a typical play-call exchange between the two:


    Buck: The quarterback drops back and, and it's caught by the.....receiver guy...for a big gain. Hank?


    Stram: A nice 3-yard completion for (x QB) to (X WR).

    Many of them stay on a little too long. It tends to happen in professions when people love what they do, especially when their identity is tied to it. 


    As for Joe... He’s knowledgeable and never screws up. He’s just better suited to baseball, golf, etc. He just doesn’t bring any passion and personality to the more exciting sports which IMO is a necessity for football, basketball, boxing... Being paired with Troy doesn’t help either. 

  4. 4 hours ago, eball said:


    Allen has about one play per game (or three vs. the Pats***) where he gets "lost in the moment" and tries to run around and play hero ball.  It's the primary reason why several of these wins have been closer than they should have been.  I think he needs to take that number down to one play out of every four games.

    Favre had 2-3 of those a game. Difference is that Favre managed to make 4 out of 5 positive plays. Then there were all the throws that would’ve been picks with a weaker arm. Like Favre the hero ball will never go away with Allen. We’re probably going to experience 2-3 years of WTF mixed with “how’d he do that” before Allen wins more often than not on those. IMO, that’s what’s going to define his ceiling. We’ve also been spoiled by Mahomes. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, Mango said:



    What Stank said. 


    Power rankings are standings (quantitative) +context (qualitative). I may disagree with some, but it is what it is. I mean based on the same logic, you could say that Buffalo should not be ranked higher than 9th because they are not winning their division

    To be fair this team could possibly finish 13-3 and not win the division. 

    36 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    Eagles ahead of Bills... heh heh.

    That’ll take care of itself in two weeks

  6. 1 minute ago, Boatdrinks said:

    It’s obvious to me, and should be to anyone paying attention. The league caved in due to backlash and embarrassment , but honestly reviewing / overturning non calls is terrible for the game. It’s like that stupid blue line challenge thing in hockey disallowing goals that happen a half minute later. Any NFL fan knows that lots of ( technically) PI things go uncalled, and most would prefer to “ let them play” except for egregious infractions. The league has essentially sent the message to not wast your time or your timeout unless it’s a huge missed call and probably only in the playoffs or playoff berth deciding situation. 

    Yup. Basically, it exists for situations like the Saints game or the Fail Mary. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, ddaryl said:

    This team wants the players it picked up to be given a shot 1st. This is why Duke has been brought up and Zay traded. We are not giving up 1st rd picks for any player that comes available. We also will be better able to determine where we need our improvements next year by letting the talent we do have get an opportunity to prove itself.

    I know many have a lack of faith in unkown players but I have faith in Beane and McDermott to find those players who exceed expectation. But you have ot give them a shot to prove their owrth before you start brining in bodies at the trade deadline, which costs precious assets.


    This love affair with AJ Green and Diggs to me is nothing more than brutally impatient Bills fans that always think the grass is greener. I for one am enjoying the Beane McDermott approach, and my confidence is high in the duo.

    IDK. I’m certainly not for Green: old, often injured, and going into FA. Diggs though is 26 and signed through 2023.... Fits a long term plan as well as improving this season. When you consider that this team will likely draft in the 20’s trading a 1st for Diggs wouldn’t be contrary to Beane’s team building approach. 


    That said, I seriously doubt Diggs gets traded, especially during the season. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, blacklabel said:

    I'm not sure why, but it still kinda baffles me that some people expect these rookies to come out of the gate as if they're All-Pro already. 


    The college game isn't doing much to prepare OL for the pros right now. Guys barely line up with their hand in the dirt and there isn't a whole lot of scheming. Takes time to get used to the speed of the NFL game and it takes time to develop skills these guys didn't really work on in college. I think Ford will be alright. At worst he's a capable RT, at best he could be a Pro Bowl guard. He's five games into his NFL career, let's pump the brakes a little bit before we go calling him a bust or saying he was drafted too high.

    Exactly. There are only a handful of power 5 programs running a prostyle offense teaching technique that translates to the NFL. 

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Dr.Sack said:

    It’s scary to think what our D might do to Fitz. I know Fitz gets it out fast, but Phillips is a beast & Oliver is thirsty for his first sack. My expectations are they play Fitz knowing Rosen will get beat badly against our D. I expect a the game is close and we blow it open in the 3rd.

    In that circumstance it’s entirely dependent upon which Fitz shows up; Fitzmagic or Fitztragic. 

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