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Buffalo Junction

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Everything posted by Buffalo Junction

  1. I’m just not sure that he will just take any HC job offered. He may fall into the camp that thinks it’s better to be more selective. Particularly since he’s apparently already had a conversation (not interview) with the Seahawks about their OC opening. He may very well opt to take a step back, work with a legit top QB, and then take a better HC opportunity in the future. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theeagleswire.usatoday.com/2021/01/16/seahawks-interest-doug-pederson-offensive-coordinator-russell-wilson-input/amp/
  2. Just gonna link to the SI article since I didn’t see it linked in this thread and folks are referencing it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.si.com/.amp/nfl/2021/01/16/texans-chaos-deshaun-watson-unhappy-how-jack-easterby-kept-his-job
  3. See. I just keep forgetting that I already drank a beer. My lagging memory hasn’t been kind to my waistline.
  4. Colinsworth and Michaels have gotten substantially worse. If I had to guess at why, I’d posit that Michaels is slowing down with age and not retaining information as well as he used. The result is CC failing at holding up the broadcast like Michaels used to. The leading questions and commentary that kept CC on point and interesting is mostly gone now.
  5. National media has certainly disregarded how this was a top 5 defense going into the season and how injuries were largely responsible for many of the early issues. Probably won’t hear much about not being able to stop the run this week. Props to OP..... NAILED IT.
  6. Löwensenf Extra. 😉 By moving goalposts you mean choke-slammed through a flaming table by Bruce after an AFCCG win, right?
  7. Better to run floods or rubs and try to create intermediate openings
  8. They should at least run Diggs full speed across the formation for the fake so the possibility of a WR sweep is there on the fake.
  9. King is underrated as well. His number look poor, but it’s because of injuries.
  10. “Going rouge”. Is he hanging with pink and Aguilera?
  11. Jenkins might be an all pro in the next few years. That kid is ridiculously talented.
  12. Welp, Montez Sweat just made a bunch of money.
  13. Last time they played Diggs stole his lunch money then took Peter’s mom out with it. 11 receptions for 120 yards. To be fair though, it was Vikings vs Rams. Very different situations now. Still, I like Diggs chances 1:1 with Peters.... especially if it’s cover 0.
  14. Yeah. They should have moved on to hard drugs somewhere around mid-October.
  15. It’s almost be tempting to bring him in for some type of big nickel hybrid where Sherman specializes in covering TEs. His lost speed wouldn’t matter as much in a role like that. Just a thought. 🤷‍♂️
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