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Typical TBD Guy

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Posts posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. Clearly these blown calls hurt, and this is not what anyone wanted to read on a Thursday afternoon...


    However, let's face it: the Bills last Sunday had numerous opportunities to win that game, despite the refs, and the fact remains that they didn't play well enough to take advantage of these opportunities.

  2. So in the Spiked Lemonades vs the Bledsoe Apologists you're a Bledsoe apologist right? 


    It's gonna suck for guys like you if we win a couple of games.



    How do you figure that? Because I don't think we can win with Bledsoe you assume I'd rather have the Bills lose than be proven wrong on a stupid message board? I'm a Bills fan first, a fan of individual players last.


    FYI, I still support Drew because as bad as he is, Matthews would probably be even less effective.

  3. I voted for Bledsoe, but in retrospect my vote should have gone to Donahoe. Drew is what he is. His career stats and career game film show the obvious downward spiral. But Donahoe is the idiot who wouldn't admit his mistake with Drew. Extending Bledsoe's contract through 2005 kills us over the next 2 years - he's now virtually uncuttable.

  4. Is that the best you can do? I mean I understand supporting Bledsoe, but when you see how similar the numbers are, isn't a comparison fair?


    Like I said before, I can't do too much research here at work, so if you disagree with me, that is fine. But please try and back up your discontent with my post with some numbers, and not some stupid quip about bandwidth. Like, for example, what was RJ's win-loss record as a starter? After all that's what matters most right?



    The Bledsoe Apologists have become more vituperative than usual, to the point now that they're combating researched facts with semi-witty one-liners.

  5. Marilyn vos Savant has the highest ever recorded IQ.  When you start off with one bad fact, even if everything else is right, which it isn't, then you lose.



    Actually there's some 12 yr old Japanese-American kid, currently enrolled at the University of Chicago Med School, who has the highest measured IQ in the world at 228.

  6. 39363[/snapback]


    I believe MW has been credited with giving up 2 sacks so far this season. He has also allowed numerous other hurries.


    Lawrence Smith, based on what I personally saw in the Jax and Oak games, was a major liability in both run blocking and pass protection. The Raider game plan was obviously one of penetrating the middle with extra LB's, as you mentioned (the Jax D gameplan was fairly similar). However, there is a certain level of protection required from an NFL interior line, regardless of how good the opposing DT's are or how much extra blocking help is supposed to come from the HB and/or FB on blitzes. In my opinion, Smith - as well as Teague and sometimes Villarial - did not give our offense this bare minimum protection. I believe we could do better than Lawrence Smith. Next year this better player should come in free agency or even the draft; this year I think MW could be that better player since he's already playing his way out of a job at RT and since he has the natural skills to be a dominating guard.


    By the way, just because we're not Jim McNally himself doesn't mean we can't voice our opinions of what is right and wrong with the line. This is a Buffalo Bills football MESSAGE BOARD. This is what people here do.


    If you have a problem with the incredible ignorance of this board on all matters dealing with the offensive line, then by all means please enlighten us. You seem to believe we are so off on our claims that you simply had to put us in our place. So then, please tell us what the fundamental problems are with our OL - if any - and how you think we should fix them?

  7. AND he's opened up some of the better holes in rushing situations.  AND your number one draft pick left tackle, no wait, right tackle, no wait, left guard now? --  has been a main offender in some of these sacks.  AND, most of all, WHO THE HELL plays right tackle if you move him?


    What a flawed post.  Jesus.



    Not as flawed as yours.


    Anyone supporting Lawrence Smith's play was clearly not watching the first 2 games closely. Smith is not a legitimate NFL starter; he's a preseason stud and nothing more.


    MW has been a main sack offender because he's playing out in space where NFL-caliber DE speed is too much for him. As a guard, his limited mobility as a tackle instantly becomes above-average in pass protection, to go along with his already solid run-blocking abilities. I know he'll be horribly overpaid as a guard for the remainder of his contract (through 2005), so renegotiate with him or outright cut him. I don't care which way, I just no longer want MW playing tackle.


    I already suggested Marcus Price as our starting RT. He's been pretty consistent for his entire career when given the opportunity to start, both with us and when he was with the Saints.


    Nice try, Mr. Fingers. Now try again.

  8. Price can handle RT for the rest of the season, and Lawrence "Journeyman" Smith can ride the bench until early January when he gets cut.


    Heading into the bye week, MW gets 2 whole weeks to learn a new position (which is pretty much the same length of time he spent with the Bills all offseason). His future as a tackle is over. He cannot handle the DE's of the NFL like he could in college. He does, however, have the talent potential to be a perennial Pro Bowl guard.


    To the naysayers that will defend the need for "line chemistry" and "line continuity," my answer is that there IS no chemistry and continuity to screw with; Price won't do any worse than MW, and nobody at left guard could do worse than Lawrence "I Am a No-Talent Assclown" Smith.

  9. Oh, gee, who to root for?   :doh:


    Many of you on this board know that I refer to the Browns as "my formerly beloved Browns".  That is because I grew up in Cleveland a diehard Browns fan and I still follow the team somewhat.


    However, when Art Modell moved the Browns, that soured me on professional football.  But then I found the Packers and then, the Bills.


    I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Buffalo Bills.  The fans, the tailgating, cold weather, a modern stadium (compared with that old dump I used to go to), winning teams in the 90's...I developed a love for the team, despite the fact that I haven't even been to Buffalo in well over a decade, and only twice in my entire life.


    This will be the first time the Browns have played the Bills since their return, and their first trip to Orchard Park since 1986, a 21-17 victory for Cleveland.  I was a senior in high school then and deep in my affection for the Browns, which carried me all the way through college (where there were seemingly millions of Bengal fans...I remember 1988 real well) and beyond, until 1995.


    Whether or not these teams have good or bad records come 12/12/2004, this will be a very special day for me.  One I have waited for a long, long time.





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