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Typical TBD Guy

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Posts posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. This is pretty much Bush's answer:


    Extend diplomatic relations until Iran, based on international intelligence, reaches a point where they are pretty close to having nukes. Then, at that point, regardless of what the UN says, you launch missiles from afar and destroy all nuclear facilities located from our satellite GPA systems. No new US or other international troops will have to be committed.


    There are currently 8 countries in the nuclear family as far as I can recall: US, England, France, Israel, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan. North Korea, along with Iran, is on the verge of joining this family. It should be the goal of the UN and especially the US to keep no new members from joining - at all costs, war or no war, troops or no troops, draft or no draft.


    This is pretty much Kerry's answer:


    Go along with the UN no matter what. If Iran does develop nuclear weapons, so be it. Let's just all hold hands and pray nothing bad comes of it.

  2. Stopping the Bills running game will be a good test for the Pats.  I'm not 100% sure the Colts/Patriots game was an indicator of how good the Pats' run D might be - with the Colts, the Patriots always, always look to take away the pass.  You have to pick one thing to stop with an offense that good, and knowing that Manning probably will make a killer mistake eventually because of his inability/unwillingness to have a run-first mentality against good defenses.


    The Pats will see if Drew can beat them.



    Exactly. I expect Belicheck to be very predictable on defense for a change - lots of blitzing and run-stuffing with 8-9 men up on the line, essentially daring Bledsoe to make a play.


    I don't think he will, and the tired defense will fade away in the second half. 33-6 Pats.

  3. So basically what you're saying is that every time he only has 2 seconds to throw he's going to take a sack instead of reacting to the pressure by dumping it off, sliding in the pocket, or throwing the ball away?


    I've seen TONS of QBs have guys come unblocked at them and many times they still make positive plays.  That rarely happens with Drew.


    Jimmy Johnson had an accurate statement at the half of the Indy/GB game today when he said, "defenses should defense good QBs and Blitz bad ones."  Tell me, what do defenses do against Drew?  And I don't even want to hear the oline argument, if the D sends more players than the O have blockers someone is going to come free, its up to the QB to make a play.



    Good post and right on the money. Whenever I watch Drew in the pocket and some Bill lineman or back blows his blocking assignment, I immediately think "SACK." And yet watching some of the other QB's in today's games, I see that this doesn't have to be the case. Peyton Manning, for instance, is just as immobile as Drew and yet still does an excellent job of sidestepping or throwing the ball away when his blocking up front begins to disintegrate.


    Drew doesn't alleviate the mistakes of his teammates; he magnifies them.

  4. why the frick cant our  receivers get open? I understand there are some cases in which they dont have enough time to get open, but when drew does have time no one is open. I'm starting to think eric moulds isnt worth all the money he is making. Moss, owens, harrison seem to get open on a routine basis.


    dont mind me I'm just venting. :lol:



    For the money Moulds makes, yes, he should be getting open more often. However, in his defense he's being double covered a lot.


    More blame should be directed to Josh Reed, who after 34 games isn't even looking like a legitimate #3 NFL WR, let alone a #2.


    And of course a big part of the problem is also Bledsoe with his RJ-like decisiveness, but that's a dead horse beaten...

  5. No actually it was that year off in 2003!!  Or was it the whopping 23 starts and 29 games played........IN HIS ENTIRE FREAKIN' 12 year CAREER!!  Or perhaps it was those reps he got against 2s and 3s in a quarter of a preseason game running a highly limited piece of the offense!


    Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket!  Just make a change.  Don't think about the efficacy of it.  Just do it for change's sake.  Run up the white flag.  Let the team know you've given up the season after 2 games that could have easily been wins.


    GREAT IDEA! :lol:



    29 games in 12 years? :D:D:D


    Even though I believe Drew is the individual most responsible for our offensive woes in the past 16 games, no way is Matthews the guy we're looking for to jumpstart this offense. Man even Jeff George as backup would give me more confidence... :w00t:

  6. yea, i know...nothing against her. She's hot otherwise. It's just the crazy world of aesthetic preferences. i don't like her mouth shape. it's too...Grouper. Monkfish maybe.



    :devil:;):lol: Grouper! I love it!


    Totally agree with you nodnarb, though I'd still stick my bait in that mouth and I bet you would too...

  7. I don't like the prospect of Wire going against Wallace.


    Also, what is the way to play the Pats defensively? Stop the run obviously, which I think we have the ability do. They should forget trying to sack Brady. However they have to use enough blitzing to at least apply QB pressure.



    Last I heard, he won't be ready until the Jets game.

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