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Typical TBD Guy

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Posts posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. What's so unreasonable about questioning Ron Paul's unparalleled popularity in the White Supremacist/Nationalist/Separatist community?


    And your boy, Obama, happens to be popular with many Black Panthers and Communists and Islamic Fundamentalists in this country. So can I make the same nonsensical inference about Obama that you're making about Ron Paul, even though Ron Paul has repeatedly gone on record in denouncing the bigots that have supported him?

  2. Where is all the money the fed is printing?


    Being printed as we type! How else can Obama and the Democrats in control of Congress pay off their massive socialism projects? They don't want to raise taxes because they "promised" the American voter that it won't be necessary, and reneging on this promise would cost them seats in the 2010 election. And they surely won't trim the federal budget. And tax revenue is shrinking in proportion to the economy. And China is very impatiently waiting for their money back.


    Who has it?


    Currently the Federal Reserve and soon all those to whom the federal government is indebted.


    Who's spending it?


    Initially the federal government, of course, but then eventually everyone as the money trickles down throughout the economy.


    How will it make prices of goods and services go up if no one's incomes are changing and more people are losing jobs?


    Well for one thing, just look at the overwhelming historical evidence where a hyperinflationary process was completely unsympathetic to how much money Average Joe Schmoe had. Did it care in 1920's Germany? Post-WW2 China? Pre-Pinochet Revolution Chile? Zimbabwe?


    But I also think you're forgetting the key point that some people ARE still improving in an economy undergoing inflation...namely, all those who are owed money from the government and being remunerated with unsound currency! Their increased activity in the pre-inflation market is, in fact, the very driving force for the resultant widespread rise in equilibrium prices that the rest of us schmucks must endure.

  3. The problem with your argument is that it goes beyond a sound-byte and guys like Gene and John Adams will never understand until they learn to study solid economic fundamentals.


    The projection is we need 4% real growth next year above inflation. If we don't enjoy the ride, and it won't last long. Although on the flip side it will make the next election cycle more interesting when we can forget the question of "how are you holding up?" or "How is your wife and family during all these travels" and it will finally go to "How will this country exist in it's current state in 10 years?"


    :ph34r: Which is, of course, highly doubtful.


    Obama's long-term projects (renewable energy, health care) aren't even expected to help for another 5-10 years. And his short-term projects (bailing out bad banks, bailing out auto companies, infrastructure building) won't be nearly enough to generate that 4% type of growth you stated, since most people are IN DEBT and will be using any extra money they have to PAY OFF DEBT instead of buying more sh-- and borrowing more money.

  4. Most people haven't gone through a deflationary period, aka the Great Depresson. A little inflation is better than deflation any day. Ask the Japanese.


    Countries spend their way out of recessions all the time, mainly through what's known as automatic stabilizers: taxes go down and spending goes up automatically in downturns causing deficits to widen. In severe recessions the govt will pursue expansionary fiscal policy, like Obama has done. In other cases they'll use the excuse of supply side economics to pursue expansionary fiscal policy, which causes deficits.


    A lot of posters keep saying there's going to be a great inflation. I'd wish someone would explain exactly how that will occur. Given what the Fed has done, how exactly will it create inflation? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


    [Fed printing fiat currency] + [economy contracting] = [inflation]


    Money follows the same law of supply and demand that all other goods and services do. There's no getting around it. You Keynesian lovers better pray that Obama's massive government works program jumpstarts the economy quickly and significantly. Because if it doesn't, we will all be revisiting the late 1970's all over again. And yes, inflation matters. It adversely affects everyone, especially the lower and middle classes.

  5. The Guilded Age was just a terrific time to be alive if you were a robber baron.


    If you were a child, sharecropper, wage earner, or were owned by the factory store you were probably thinking

    communism was worth a looksy.


    OK, but I hope you're not trying to blame capitalism for the fact that life sucked in the 1800's. All communism or socialism could have done to solve this problem was ensure that life be crappy for everyone instead of life being crappy for almost everyone. Capitalism (with the proper human rights laws, consumer protection laws, unfair business practice laws, and minimal corporate favoritism from government) is still far and away the best system known to man for improving the human standard of living.

  6. Reviewing the international current events from Memorial Day:


    1. North Korea performs a significant nuclear weapons test, with further tests of short-range missiles soon to come.


    2. Iran sends 6 warships into international waters.


    3. Venezuela and Bolivia are supplying uranium for Iran, according to Israel.


    And what do you know? Obama's been in office for less than 6 months. Joe Biden = Nostradamus?



    EDIT: This post was made tongue-in-cheek at Biden's expense. I should have used emoticons to make this more obvious.

  7. Driving is not a right, but rather a privilege. You're forced to wear your seatbelt on an airplane too, but nobody ever complains about that one. Frankly, if you're too dumb to understand the statistics behind seatbelts, cigarettes and being a fat and lazy P.O.S., maybe you DO need someone to hold your hand and wipe your arse for you.


    I'm more concerned about my rights that were compromised with the passing of the Patriot Act.


    Translation: I'm only concerned about the civil liberties that I perceive as directly affecting me; the rest of you can !@#$ off.


    Alternate Translation: I'm only concerned about the civil liberties Republicans take away; if the Democrats take any away, then I'm sure they must have had a good reason for doing so.

  8. So wait, only 'Bible Thumpers' have an agenda...science does not?

    Ah I get it now :unsure:


    Did I ever say such a thing? Of course science has an agenda (individual glory, research funding, lifetime job security, etc...), but it also has its own built-in system of "checks and balances" to make sure it's not making sh-- up as it goes along (confines of the scientific method, inductive proof, deductive logic, rigorous peer review, etc...). Comparing the two agendas is like comparing apples and oranges.

  9. I'd really be interested in any articles you can link that argue that I.D. isn't tied to creationism in some form. Everytime I've heard any advocate of I.D. discuss the subject it's always tied to an, well, INTELLIGENT DESIGNER, i.e. a creator.


    Secondly, there should be a ban against the teaching of I.D. because it is NOT science and won't be accepted as such until it meets all the criteria for testing scientific theory.


    Exactly. Intelligent Design should be taught in philosophy classes, not science classes.

  10. Shows how much you know. They have accredidation from the same folks and just got re-done this year that give accredidaton to :






    William and mary









    Yup such a bad school that they meet the same accredidation as those top tier school. Where did you graduate from and who gave you your accredidation?


    BTW, Liberty is a good name. because there student have the liberty to practice religious beliefs. They can discuss both repub and dem candidates. They can actually have and are encoureaged to have religious clubs. Something that public schools that are supposed to the rights and freedoms of all students don't allow in a lot of cases because they want to restrict the liberty of the students.


    Achieving accreditation means that the school meets a bare minimum educational standard, and nothing more. All the other schools you listed, especially places like Duke and UVA and UNC, far exceed the bare minimum standards.


    Liberty University is still a terrible school, fourth tier in the USNews regional masters rankings. You basically need to spell your name correctly on the SAT, profess your love for Jesus, and have a measurable pulse in order to be accepted.

  11. Were you talking about Invisible Sky Man and Alpha male priests, or was it Finknottle? Honest science does not prove god does not exist. You seem to have some real angst against organized religion. Leave me out of it.


    I will happily oblige, given your poor reading comprehension skills on top of your peculiar unwillingness to acknowledge the efficacy of the theory of evolution. I have agreed 100% with your claim that "honest science doesn't prove that God doesn't exist," but you're too thick-headed to realize that. And yes, I do have some genuine angst against organized religion and the scientifically illiterate, but only because this nonsensical horsesh!t has been seeping into our political system for too long.

  12. I certainly did get the idea that was your point, that God is just an "imaginary man in the sky." And dismissing any other point of view as to easy. What was your far reaching point?




    My point wasn't that God is just an "imaginary man in the sky." My point was that invoking the "God did it" explanation for any question about the universe around us is scientifically invalid and, quite frankly, intellectually lazy. In other words, the scientific method must necessarily ignore the role of God and his very existence for the specific purpose of better understanding the world around us. That is why I have referred to God as The Invisible Sky Man. The issue of a higher power's existence is a philosophical question, not a scientific one upon which I have actually taken any definitive position.


    The Biblical Creationist version of God, however, is another matter altogether. Science has conclusively proven that idea to be false. If you believe that the Earth is 5K years old, or that humans aren't evolving primates, or that God cares whether you masturbate in the shower or kiss another man, then yes you are most definitely irrational.


    I will ask you again: do you think the scientific theory of evolution is an accurate description of the biological world around us?

  13. I have never have understood the conflict between science and faith (notice I did not say religion) that so many, on both sides, have a problem with. You need to learn how to compartmentalize, seemingly conflicting ideas. Think what science has discovered in just the past hundred years, things that were once thought true, that are now thought not. Think how much will be learned in the next one hundred. But a theory about primitive alpha males using fear, religion, and angry mountain Gods, does not prove God or some ultimate power, does not exist. That too, would take a leap of faith.


    But was the alpha male hypothesis I described, like any scientific hypothesis derived from the theory of natural selection, even making such a far-reaching claim?


    You need to seriously think about who is the one here having trouble learning how to "compartmentalize seemingly conflicting ideas."

  14. Right, the old natural selection and evolution cause everything including mythology in our heads theory. I must admit, it sure does explain God away very neatly.


    It's not about trying to explain God away. It's about carefully and rigorously applying the scientific method to try and answer science's difficult questions instead of just taking the easy way out and saying God did it.


    The scientific method has been somewhat useful in the past in helping to explain things and solve civilization's problems, no? So why not continue with it a little further?

  15. I would say that the science is being misrepresented. The evidence is that humanity is genetically predisposed towards the "higher power" explanation, not that humanity is simply predisposed to try to explain phenomena away. The simplest explanation of the science appeared in Newsweek in 2007 (roughly spring, if I'm remembering correctly).


    Well for one thing, I wouldn’t trust whatever a popular science article from Newsweek states over whatever the original source – a refereed science journal – states.


    In whatever research we are all referring to, the statement, “humans are predisposed toward believing in a higher power,” was most likely the corollary from a more canonical evolutionary assertion. Humans are most definitely thought to be “predisposed to try and explain phenomena away,” although maybe I would rephrase that as, “humans are predisposed to contemplating, examining, and understanding their environment at a level unseen in any other living species.”


    I thought finknottle’s explanation for religion was sound, but maybe somewhat incomplete? He refers strictly to the action-inaction behavioral advantages in believing in a higher power, but I might have also elaborated on the social bonding and psychological coping advantages as well.


    Furthermore, I would have also mentioned the usefulness that playing “The Great Omnipotent Invisible Man In The Sky” card was to alpha males. Superior physical strength and mental acuity are helpful in winning leadership positions and controlling the human behavior of the masses, but even more so are the dual uses of fear and of mystical rewards. As for what happened to all those non-believers and skeptics in very early man? Well maybe the alpha males had them all conveniently killed off? It’s a hypothesis that would match what scientists see in alpha-beta male relationships throughout many other species in the animal kingdom.

  16. Science is going to be hard pressed to complete the evolutionary lineage between neanderthal man and modern humans, and that's because there isn't one.


    The article has nothing to do with Neanderthals. It was about finding the link between Homo erectus and modern humans. And what makes you certain there is no link? Are you a credible anthropologist or just another Bible thumper?

  17. None of this rambling proves anything, even if, it backs up your angst against organized religion. When atheism becomes its own religion, that's hilarious.


    Your problem with atheism aside, to call finknottle's post "rambling" makes you come across as a total dumbass. He was using evolutionary biology to address a specific question you posed earlier: why is a belief in God so pervasive throughout humanity if one were to assume God does not exist?


    You do believe in evolutionary biology, don't you?

  18. 5) The Republican Party is the de facto Libertarian Party. He may say but that doesn't mean that people think this is so. Republicans may THINK their libertarians but libertarians don't necessarily think their Republicans.


    I'm a card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party, and while I can't officially speak for anyone else but myself, I believe that Republicans and Libertarians are so far apart in ideas that we don't even speak the same language. I feel that the 4 biggest issues for the Libertarian party are (not listed in order of importance):


    1. Reduction of military-industrial complex

    2. End to Drug War

    3. No more corporate bailouts

    4. Return to a sound monetary policy.


    The Republican Party has maintained the polar opposite opinion on the first two issues for as long as the LP has been around. Republicans talk in agreement about the third issue, but their actions speak louder than words. And of course the Republicans don't even mention the fourth issue, with the notable lone exception of Ron Paul...who was promptly laughed out of the primaries.


    Conversely, the Democrats agree on the first and second issues in talk but not in action, and are blatantly against the LP on the third and fourth issues.


    So...you could make the case that Libertarians have as much in common with Democrats as they do with Republicans, yet somehow we're a de facto subset of the Republicans? :doh: Wishful thinking on the part of the Republicans, who are desperate to stake claims on any votes that can help them avoid permanent minority party status on the national level.

  19. Can anyone give any examples where large government programs have been eliminated for failure or obsolesence, or where workforces were rooted out for incompetance?


    What is the correcting mechanism? Or is the answer that governments are immune to the problems of poor employees or poorly thought-out programs?


    Only the educated voter :wallbash: . Governments are not-for-profit organizations with no incentive to deliver quality, efficient service because they have a virtually endless supply of "willing" outside funding sources (the taxpayers). Unless the ExiledInIllinois/blzrul/conner/molson!@#$face/GeneFreckle/BishopGivesHead idiots wake up, government will only further entwine itself with red tape.

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